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Strength injectables


New member
Dec 26, 2023
Hi, not a lot of experience with gear. Just a general question. What are the best (once per week) injectables for strength. Tren is the obvious one, but have heard a lot of negatives because of its side effects. Is there a close second or third? I prefer longer acting gear with esters. Once per week pinning. Just started pinning Test cypionate 400 and Masteron 300 mg on Combo.

Tried a blend product (once) with Test enth 300, tren enth 250 and Mast enth 300, but the PIP was a m'fer, started 2nd day and lasted all week. It was crippling, couldn't work-out all week. One pin is all it took to shelve it!

I'm not a fan of hard orals since I want to avoid the liver side effects. Ran Dbol 25 mg for 4 weeks and felt wonderful, lol... I've heard superdrol is the oral tren equivalent, maybe even better, but I've also heard that it's harsh on CV health & the liver and read a few posts where folks claimed it made them feel like sh*t. Anyway, I prefer a long acting ester once per week other than tren (or deca - d**k). Please advise, cheers!

My goal is increased strength and a hard, striated look (diet is on point, could be even better, my body fat is abt 12%). 5'8 195 lbs
Create the anabolic environment, then fuel the environment with tons of nutrients rich food.
Hi, not a lot of experience with gear. Just a general question. What are the best (once per week) injectables for strength. Tren is the obvious one, but have heard a lot of negatives because of its side effects. Is there a close second or third? I prefer longer acting gear with esters. Once per week pinning. Just started pinning Test cypionate 400 and Masteron 300 mg on Combo.

Tried a blend product (once) with Test enth 300, tren enth 250 and Mast enth 300, but the PIP was a m'fer, started 2nd day and lasted all week. It was crippling, couldn't work-out all week. One pin is all it took to shelve it!

I'm not a fan of hard orals since I want to avoid the liver side effects. Ran Dbol 25 mg for 4 weeks and felt wonderful, lol... I've heard superdrol is the oral tren equivalent, maybe even better, but I've also heard that it's harsh on CV health & the liver and read a few posts where folks claimed it made them feel like sh*t. Anyway, I prefer a long acting ester once per week other than tren (or deca - d**k). Please advise, cheers!

My goal is increased strength and a hard, striated look (diet is on point, could be even better, my body fat is abt 12%). 5'8 195 lbs
lets see the physique
lets see the physique
Why? Just tell him the secret sauce we're keeping from him. The very special drug that will instantly turn him form the slob he is to having a god tier physique.

Diet, consistency, and the same drugs posted all over this forum at nauseam are just what we perpetuate to keep him and those like him beneath us.

If you can't get below 12% at a 195 whooping lbs (which I doubt is accurate) with just test and mast alongside a sound workout + nutrition plan... well maybe go check out the beginner forum.
Why? Just tell him the secret sauce we're keeping from him. The very special drug that will instantly turn him form the slob he is to having a god tier physique.

Diet, consistency, and the same drugs posted all over this forum at nauseam are just what we perpetuate to keep him and those like him beneath us.

If you can't get below 12% at a 195 whooping lbs (which I doubt is accurate) with just test and mast alongside a sound workout + nutrition plan... well maybe go check out the beginner forum.
Why are you worried about strength? Are you a strength athlete? Powerlifter or strongman?

Chasing androgenic strength is a good way to snap city.

There is a time and place for acute androgen strength, but if your asking the question, your not there yet lol.

And at @SouthernMuscle, @Hyperemia is just skipping to the end of the thread for us where we find out the training and diet are absolute fuckery lol
I firmly believe that anyone can reach their fullest strength potential using just Testosterone.
Everything else is extra. Although that extra can sometimes get you there a lot faster

Strength isn’t like physique potential. Way more genetic IMO
Hi, not a lot of experience with gear. Just a general question. What are the best (once per week) injectables for strength. Tren is the obvious one, but have heard a lot of negatives because of its side effects. Is there a close second or third? I prefer longer acting gear with esters. Once per week pinning. Just started pinning Test cypionate 400 and Masteron 300 mg on Combo.

Tried a blend product (once) with Test enth 300, tren enth 250 and Mast enth 300, but the PIP was a m'fer, started 2nd day and lasted all week. It was crippling, couldn't work-out all week. One pin is all it took to shelve it!

I'm not a fan of hard orals since I want to avoid the liver side effects. Ran Dbol 25 mg for 4 weeks and felt wonderful, lol... I've heard superdrol is the oral tren equivalent, maybe even better, but I've also heard that it's harsh on CV health & the liver and read a few posts where folks claimed it made them feel like sh*t. Anyway, I prefer a long acting ester once per week other than tren (or deca - d**k). Please advise, cheers!

My goal is increased strength and a hard, striated look (diet is on point, could be even better, my body fat is abt 12%). 5'8 195 lbs

Most will give you added strength, some more than others. I'm more interested in your training and the strength gains you're after. I feel like you must be fairly new to all of this, given your lack of knowledge. This post borders on a rule break of asking for a cycle, which is not allowed. This board has been around for 21 years and there's a huge body of knowledge here. Take some time to search and read.
This got me thinking. You know i get a good strength increase in the dhts. Test, deca and a 100mg of winstrol a day holy shit i can hurt myself.
@Daddy_longlegs, do some serious reading here in the newbie/beginner sections. I’d refrain from doing anything until you educate yourself more.

The strongest guys in the world got strong from their training...not from their drugs.
PL and strongman is even MORE this way than BBing. Gear is literally just the icing on the cake.
Find a strength program and follow that for a bit with basic test...youll get strong.

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