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Trestolone and Injectables Toxicity

I have not seen at over 50yrs, now or previously, any hepatotoxiticy in liver panels (quarterly) no matter how much test I used IM. Oral compounds, yes, I have seen it, and it certainly has wrecked my lipids and BP. But other than orals, nothing primarily toxic to organs. Liver values might increase on par with a hefty workout but only temporarily.

And the androgenic:anabolic assays (Hershberger Assay) are unreliable at best and outright false at worst.

But even with that said, nobody should be ingesting this trash.
It’s good to see that someone else knows sore muscles cause liver enzymes to go up! It’s definitely not just your liver that can have an affect on those numbers! One time my doctor had my blood work done and I had just had a three hour long basketball session two days before. I was sore from head to toe because I hadn’t played in years. My numbers came back through the roof and she swore up and down I was taking something besides my Rx test! I had her retest me a week later and it came back perfect. She said, “well you must’ve stopped taking it!” Oh man! That made me pretty upset, because I knew I hadn’t been. I found several legit studies, highlighted some key points and mailed that shit to her!!! She did apologize and said she had no idea that sore muscles could cause that! Anyway, that’s how I learned 😂
It’s good to see that someone else knows sore muscles cause liver enzymes to go up! It’s definitely not just your liver that can have an affect on those numbers! One time my doctor had my blood work done and I had just had a three hour long basketball session two days before. I was sore from head to toe because I hadn’t played in years. My numbers came back through the roof and she swore up and down I was taking something besides my Rx test! I had her retest me a week later and it came back perfect. She said, “well you must’ve stopped taking it!” Oh man! That made me pretty upset, because I knew I hadn’t been. I found several legit studies, highlighted some key points and mailed that shit to her!!! She did apologize and said she had no idea that sore muscles could cause that! Anyway, that’s how I learned 😂
I can't stand these idiot doctors who don't understand that working out falsely elevates liver enzymes. They have no business giving medical advice despite being doctors.
I can't stand these idiot doctors who don't understand that working out falsely elevates liver enzymes. They have no business giving medical advice despite being doctors.
The same douchebags who try to scare you to death and won't even check Gamma-GT and other much more revealing markers.
The same douchebags who try to scare you to death and won't even check Gamma-GT and other much more revealing markers.
Exactly. GGT is the ultimate liver blood test and you have to pretty much beg a doctor to test it. Same applies for Cystatin C for kidney function and ApoB for heart health
Exactly. GGT is the ultimate liver blood test and you have to pretty much beg a doctor to test it. Same applies for Cystatin C for kidney function and ApoB for heart health
Doctors make me nervous because so often they dont seem to have a clue. There are some really good onea out there for sure, you just never know which youre going to get.
Exactly. GGT is the ultimate liver blood test and you have to pretty much beg a doctor to test it. Same applies for Cystatin C for kidney function and ApoB for heart health
Cystatin C, don't even get me started...many laboratories aren't even equipped to test it, hospital only!
@Type-IIx wrote this, not myself.

Methyltren (R1881; metribolone) is ~25X as toxic as Test per mg (such that 20 mg daily of methyltrienolone is ~as toxic as 3.5 g weekly testosterone).
These figures certainly hold some merit but I'm definitely not sure that 20 mg daily of methyltrienolone is ~as toxic as 3.5 g weekly testosterone in real life.
^^^ahhhh ..?? ..who the hell is using 20mg of METHYL-TREN??

Oh! Hey, just seeing this. I never seem to actually receive notifications of being tagged, so whenever I do happen upon an '@' mention, I'm surprised.

I should qualify the statement about testosterone's hepatotoxicity because estrogens are protective.

Using a testosterone-equivalency is what's done in practice; but misses the fact that since T aromatizes to E2, the E2 is protective of liver.

If you could completely blockade aromatase, or if we used any other nonaromatizable AAS as the standard for equivalence, then I believe the model would hold up to scrutiny.

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