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Sup all new guy with theory on carb loading


New member
Apr 26, 2003
Hey just wanted to say whats up. Getting ready for contest this july and have been around for awhile, mainly over at bolex and gearfreakz. Just wanted to run something by some people here and see what you all thought. And here is a pic as well, I am 15 weeks out at the time, wt is 240, height is 5'7' age 22. Just wanted to run a different carb loading technique by you all that I am playing around with and talking to others about. As you know the normal way most carb up is the standard deplete for 3 days then start loading with low glycemic carbs and working their way up to higher glycemic carbs on the day before. I have worked this through in my mind and to me that way doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The reason being is that if you have filled up by the third day and are using higher glycemic carbs then you have a much higher chance of overflow. So I am wondernig what would happen if the opposite was done. I have played around with the idea a bit and here is a rough idea of a different way to carb load. Such as starting off the first day of loading at about 6 am with drinking about 4 oz of grape juice every 30 minutes through half the day which would roughly equale about 250-300g of carbs then did another 250-300 with fibrous fruits the rest of the day. The next day using mainly white potatoes and rice equalling 400-500 g of carbs , and finally on the last day using sweet potatoes oatmeal equalling 300-400 g of carbs. It would also consist of almost no fat the first two days and then the third day doing some higher fats as I do believe in fat loading to some degree as well as eating the some shit the day of contest. Slin would be used as well on all 3 days as well as contest day. For me it would consist of 10-20iu of humilin N first thing in the morning and 4 iu of hum R every 1.5 hrs. Anyway as I said this is basically a rough draft but I wanted to know what some of you thought . And of course the amount of carbs would be different to a persons bodywt. Oh and here the pic.


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i will not get into this on the board as it will give away a whole lot of my ace-in-the-hole tricks but if you e-mail me i will explain to you the difference and why we start with low-glycemics and work our way back to high glycemics(i think you'll answer your own question if you really think about it for a minute or two) insulin spikes cause what? what are you trying to pull from you body the last week? therefore why use low-glycemic complex carbs(i.e. DRY CARBS HINT HINT) thats all I'll give ya openly but because i know we'll meet in a few weeks and your buddies with Ry I'll fill ya in. best wishes wyldeone.
No its cool, I already know what your getting at and when I first heard about this method I used what your probably gonna say as the same arguements, well at least I think. I just had a guy who had tried to convince me of this about a year ago and I just kind of blew it off until one day I came across what he had written down and started to just play with it a bit. Any contest I have done I have kept with the normal loading techniques, but after reading what this guy had said i was just curious if anyone had actually tried anything like it. PEACE
I have worked this through in my mind and to me that way doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The reason being is that if you have filled up by the third day and are using higher glycemic carbs then you have a much higher chance of overflow.

Hey Prosome, welcomd to the board.

I am curious why you think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do it that way?
Well I guess its not that it didint' make a whole lot of sense but. I just always wondered about doing higher glycemic carbs after one has already filled up in the sense that could it now allow for more of a chance of overflow. I will be using insulin to carb up this year and in that case i can see how it would not be as big of a deal, I guess I am just wondering about guys who don't. I do agree with wyldone about the water issue and that is what I argued to the guy who had proposed this to me and of course he came back with saying thats where your diuretics come in. I guess in all honesty I just want to see some views on carb loading with slin, types of carbs, fats. ect...... and coming across what this guy had to say got me thinking again.

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