I have been taking 500mg of test e for the past 4 weeks and have enough to keep going another 3.my buddy has supertest 450.would it be ok to switch esters for the last 4 weeks when i run out of test e?
Absolutely. You will not notice any appreciable difference. You may want to read up or search on "half life" of esters. By several weeks in your test level is so high that the change in esters will not even be noticeable in my opinion.
Absolutely. You will not notice any appreciable difference. You may want to read up or search on "half life" of esters. By several weeks in your test level is so high that the change in esters will not even be noticeable in my opinion.
i know test e and testc (main ester in supertest) are bot long acting. I have been taking the test e every six days instead of seven to keep optimal plasma levels and will probably spread the dose of the supertest three times a week to benefit most from the short acting esters as well. I just had to ask because i dont see many folks do that except with test prop to kickstart a cycle.