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Interested in this product, want to bring up my tri's. But have a few questions. Read all the posts and did some searching. Was curious if I could get away with a ml in each head mixed with a 1/2 cc of fina everyother day. Or should I do the ed injections. Before considering using the Syntherol I was thinking about fina and suspension in my tri's eod. What do you guys think would be best for this?
Armageddon said:
Interested in this product, want to bring up my tri's. But have a few questions. Read all the posts and did some searching. Was curious if I could get away with a ml in each head mixed with a 1/2 cc of fina everyother day. Or should I do the ed injections. Before considering using the Syntherol I was thinking about fina and suspension in my tri's eod. What do you guys think would be best for this?
My research and "experience" is to go with separate injections. The SEO delays absorption of gear and that's what I believe I experienced when mixing with Prop & EQ.

Armageddon said:
thanks, what about the ed or eod injections. Best for ed.
Well, my experience is probably not "typical." When I get serious, I use 3ml ED in each biceps head. My biceps muscles must be "tight"/stubborn. I even add Nolotil to get the muscle fascia to stretch. Then pump them babies full of SEO at a rate of 6ml per head ED for a week!!

I have

I have never tried Site Injection Oils, but Im very interested in Bringing up my bicep peak. Could One Bottle of syntherol give me an inch or so on each bi? I read the faq by Big A any other tips??
NY Muscle said:
How long have you guys been using Syntherol? Any noticeable results? Any long term users who have kept the size? And how many cc’s per injection? If one was only looking to add size to the biceps, what is the usual routine?

When doing the proper monthly regime (as in the sticky at the top of the board) results happen as folows (it's all individual): the least I have heard of anyone to get size wise was 1/2" (xcelbeyond). On the other side of the coin there was a guy that 4" in one month. Most people fall in between. Those two were the extremes.

If after the first month, you do a maintanace regime of 3ml per head once a week for 3 months, the size will become permanent.

Italmuscle's arm, posted in the other thread looks like that still 9 months after stopping Syntherol. But you have to do it right if you want proper, permanent results.
Armageddon said:
thanks, what about the ed or eod injections. Best for ed.

Yes, best ED until you reach the size that you want. Then weekly shots for a few months until the size becomes permanent.
Re: I have

vitor said:
I have never tried Site Injection Oils, but Im very interested in Bringing up my bicep peak. Could One Bottle of syntherol give me an inch or so on each bi? I read the faq by Big A any other tips??

It could. But I don't think one bottle is enough to make it permanent. What I suggest is that if you are worried about how well it works, get one bottle and try it out. See how you react to it. Then decide how many more bottles you want to get depending on how far you want to take it.

Not trying to be a dick, but are you for real. There is a sticky at the top of the board.
Sorry I am new

Hey no ill will man BUT I read the whole page questions and answers and becuz I dont understand acronym's people post please dont get mad I am NEW to this sight and lingo I know what synthrol is and I know what fina is WHAT I dont know is SEO,EOD or EO maybe I am slow but help a brotha out I am trying to learn a few things in spot injection. I just did my bi"s and thought I did something wrong becuz one is red under the skin and also feels like their is oil their!? while the other one is fine:confused: so please cut me some slack. thanks again K:)
Seo = site enhancement oils

EOD = every other day

ED = every day
thanks W8

Hey w8 thanks alot I appreciate that! any Idea where to go for more pics on site injection besides the pins4U site?? do you know what nolotil is?
Last edited:
Re: thanks W8

kylrae said:
Hey w8 thanks alot I appreciate that! any Idea where to go for more pics on site injection besides the pins4U site?? do you know what nolotil is?
Some info here: http://www.howtodoinjections.com

just strated doing my triceps other day, my woman got sussed now. Actually think will go have shot right now :) Have finished 1 bottle of syntherol and am very happy with results my arms back up 23 so am very pleased !! the thing I do really like is it still keeps the vascular hard look i had always found site shots gear bloated the area .

here is how I cycled mine from 1ml every second day up to max 1.5ml every second day over three weeks. The main reason for the low dosages was to keep my arms and calves in proportion rest me and also first time have tried syntherol so didn't know what to expect. VERY HAPPY though


have good weekend , nice warm over here so in very good mood

here is how I cycled mine from 1ml every second day up to max 1.5ml every second day over three weeks. The main reason for the low dosages was to keep my arms and calves in proportion rest me and also first time have tried syntherol so didn't know what to expect. VERY HAPPY though


have good weekend , nice warm over here so in very good mood


That seems like a conservative dosing regimen...how much size did you add on your bi's and over how long a time?
put inch on biceps went from 22 to 23 but I have only just started triceps shots couple days ago . Think of it like this if I don't want any muscles bi's tri's etc to look to much outta proportion since I only just started tricep shots expect my arms to go to 24 " don't ant to get them any bigger than that at this stage. If I had gained to much in my biceps my arms would be getting to big for my calves which are only 22 "


Hey anyone, any side affects on sythrol beside bigarm growth? how hard do you have to work to make the space fill in once you have created it. I only want SOLID 20"ers with good shape. So that from the sounds of it isnt to hard to acheive?? am I allowed to ask questions on other subjects on this post or should I go to a diffrent area?? cuz I had a question on growth I gotten and a product someone is trying to get me to try called heatmiser?? any replys?? thanks K
Syntherol is made out of fatty acids. There are no long term side effects. The only problems you might encounter are the same as when you inject ANYTHING anywhere - you inject in a vein by mistake or you hit a nerve by mistake.

Well, once the fascia is stretched, it's much 'easier' for the muscle to grow, but you still have to do things right - be in a proper anabolic environment (gear), eat right and train hard.

If you have questions regarding anything, first use the 'Search' button at the top of the board. Then if you can't find what you are looking for, make a new thread regarding what you want to ask. Don't ask about different things in ther same thread as people are only reading that thread because of the subject matter.

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