can you take the b-12 for a maintnence phase? like how much would you take a week and what are some of the other benefits of takin the product. I have alot left over.
Synthelamin is great for maintanance as it will keep your RBS high so you will get more nutrients to the muscles.
Use 1ml ED for the first week and then 1ml E3rdD.
can you take the b-12 for a maintnence phase? like how much would you take a week and what are some of the other benefits of takin the product. I have alot left over.
That's an excelent product. It will increase your red blood count and as a result your appetite, energy level and well being will be increased. The good thing with this injectible is that it contains a pre stack of timed release b-12 which will require a once or twice/w administration.