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T3 Cytomel


New member
May 20, 2010
Been taking 75mg T3 daily for about 8 weeks, with clen the last 3 weeks.

Question(s): Is it definitely necessary to taper down the T3? If so, what would the dose be just before you come completely off, and for how long should one stay at that dose?

I've read so much conflicting information, I was hoping a few of the more experienced guys could chime in on this.

Thanks in advance.
I dont taper it down I just finished it off, I also take 75mg a day. I am staying on T3 for 10 weeks. How's it coming for you? Fat melting off? How much cardio are you doing per day?
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You should taper off just so you don't get tired. It won't affect your thyroid function either way. The hardest part about using T3 is that it makes most people hungry. Then they eat and negate the calorie burn by eating more.
You should taper off just so you don't get tired. It won't affect your thyroid function either way. The hardest part about using T3 is that it makes most people hungry. Then they eat and negate the calorie burn by eating more.

Ana, I stack mine with ECA but never felt hungry. With T3 I feel alot more energetic but dont get tired but that is just my experience.
Do you guys take your full dose in the AM on an empty stomach or do you space it out thru the whole day?
You should taper off just so you don't get tired. It won't affect your thyroid function either way. The hardest part about using T3 is that it makes most people hungry. Then they eat and negate the calorie burn by eating more.

Exactly. T3 is absolutely useless for me because if it makes me hungry just once at a time where I would otherwise not be hungry, it's pointless. I'll never use T3 or clen again. They don't help. I get way better results on my own. I got fatter on T3/clen.

E/C is the only fat burner I use. Yellow Haze. Unlike T3 and clen, it blunts hunger instead of stimulating it.
Do you guys take your full dose in the AM on an empty stomach or do you space it out thru the whole day?

I take 50mg in the morning on empty stomach and 25mg 5-6 hours later.
I dont taper it down I just finished it off, I also take 75mg a day. I am staying on T3 for 10 weeks. How's it coming for you? Fat melting off? How much cardio are you doing per day?

Thanks for the fast replies, guys.

Yeah Chef, the fat is coming off pretty well mate. I'm not finding the clen/T3 combo as powerful as I thought it would be though.

I'm getting in an hour of cardio 6 days a week, plus lifting 3 days.

I find the T3 really easy on the system, doesn't make me hungry at all really (but neither does EQ any more). I always have sweat beads on my forehead though, and my temp sits at around 37.1c.

Clen is another story. It can give me terrible anxiety some days, nasty substance, but I'll endure it. If it weren't for the benadryl, I don't even think I could fall asleep :star-:ars
There have been many people who have never tapered up/down and have had normal thyroid function after stopping. It should not be necessary. I would tapper up though if you're a first time user just to feel how you react one day at a time. So 25, 50, 75 100 should be fine.
ya that whole tapering shit to prevent thyroid shut down is a joke, dont know who came up with that, its like test youcan ram 1g at once and stop called turkey, its still gona shit ya down the same for a little while
I've never seen someone get really good results off T3/Clen. And it's supposed to be like, the magic fat burning combo from hell.

I saw ONE log where the guy lost a shitload of fat, but he was on like 1,000 cals for a long ass time. So he would have gotten the results anyways.

T3/Clen is way, way overrated IMO. And I CERTAINLY got a "rebound" effect after I stopped taking them.
I ve only one experience using t3. last cycle i used 50-60mcg/d, didnt taper dose. I took it for around 4 months with 500-600mg test, with 2 months of 600mg mast, then 2 months of 75mg/d tab of winni. I work a very physcal job/long hours, so no time for cardio,BUT i watch what i ate(80% clean) didnt weight food, the t3 made me tired i felt but i also seemed to NOT have an appitite??!! I wouldnt freak out if i had a bag of butter popcorn once a blue moon, i must of lost 20+lbs of fat, and hardened the fuk up in the process. Im including t3 in my next cycle now too. Just MY experience.:)
The thing you dont want to do is not stop your cardio and radically change your diet once you stop the T3...

You hear stories about people gaining 25lbs the first week after their show.. I often wonder what they did... But not really I already know... They stopped doing cardio or radically reduced it.. they are eating a lot more calories and stopped all stimulants and T3... thats a recipe to gain weight quick...
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I've always tapered up and down, Just a habit from what I've been tought... I honestly don't think its required... I take mine simular to BC... I'll take 25 in the morning and 50 eight hours later. T3 is great for fatloss esp when ran with GH.

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