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Tapering at end


New member
Jul 4, 2010
I have been reading that tapering off the Test/at week 12 thru 16 or so is a good idea. Only i read that i should watch clomid DVD at same time as tapering... Say week finish all other stack dvds and just watch test dvd week 13 thru 16 to 18 . And start Clomid dvd at wk:14 to 15 while still tapering off the Test DVD. IS this a good idea? And what watching a Primo DVD between cyc. to keep gains and strength. ??? What up with this? any truth to these matters?
I like to taper at the end, but I would wait to use the Clomid until 2 weeks after your last test shot, just as you usually would. And as far as the Primo "bridge" - don't bother, you will still be suppressing your natural test production.
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I like to taper at the end, but I would wait to use the Clomid until 2 weeks after your last test shot, just as you usually would. And as far as the Primo "bridge" - don't bother, you will still be suppressing your natural test production.

So after 12 week cyc. How long do i taper with test dvd?
hard to say i was taught not to taper,n start th anit e about a week after u stop for six week, so far i been able to keep my gains but tht just me and dont listen to just one person ect ask many dig for ur info,trail n errer r usally th best way to learn.
Tapering makes sense to me. Your body shuts of natural production of test because of a negative feedback system. When enough test is in the blood, a signal is sent to shut down production of test. This is the same system as with many hormones in the body.

When your doctor prescribes you a corticosteroid dose pack for inflammation, etc. The dose pack comes in a tapered dose system because it will cause your body to quit producing the hormone. This way, your body has time to sense decreasing levels and start up production of natural hormones.

This protocol does work. It does boil down to preference but, the same as with many medications, abrupt cessation can be a very uncomfortable place to be. Tapering seems to ease this and be less harsh on the body.
Tapering makes sense to me. Your body shuts of natural production of test because of a negative feedback system. When enough test is in the blood, a signal is sent to shut down production of test. This is the same system as with many hormones in the body.

When your doctor prescribes you a corticosteroid dose pack for inflammation, etc. The dose pack comes in a tapered dose system because it will cause your body to quit producing the hormone. This way, your body has time to sense decreasing levels and start up production of natural hormones.

This protocol does work. It does boil down to preference but, the same as with many medications, abrupt cessation can be a very uncomfortable place to be. Tapering seems to ease this and be less harsh on the body.

Thanks Emery;
This totally makes alot of sense when considered this way.
Tapering makes sense to me. Your body shuts of natural production of test because of a negative feedback system. When enough test is in the blood, a signal is sent to shut down production of test. This is the same system as with many hormones in the body.

When your doctor prescribes you a corticosteroid dose pack for inflammation, etc. The dose pack comes in a tapered dose system because it will cause your body to quit producing the hormone. This way, your body has time to sense decreasing levels and start up production of natural hormones.
This protocol does work. It does boil down to preference but, the same as with many medications, abrupt cessation can be a very uncomfortable place to be. Tapering seems to ease this and be less harsh on the body.

They come like that because they are not attached to a self tapering ester chain like all Inj oils.
If you taper, your just prolonging your endo system to stay shut down.
good read here boys. i never taper just come off and pct
I never tapered before either. found it intersting to read and hear so much about the Process. Alot of different opinions I have found. It would be nice to hear more feedback....
They come like that because they are not attached to a self tapering ester chain like all Inj oils.
If you taper, your just prolonging your endo system to stay shut down.

Another interesting Point. Thanks Bro
Tapering makes sense to me. Your body shuts of natural production of test because of a negative feedback system. When enough test is in the blood, a signal is sent to shut down production of test. This is the same system as with many hormones in the body.

When your doctor prescribes you a corticosteroid dose pack for inflammation, etc. The dose pack comes in a tapered dose system because it will cause your body to quit producing the hormone. This way, your body has time to sense decreasing levels and start up production of natural hormones.

This protocol does work. It does boil down to preference but, the same as with many medications, abrupt cessation can be a very uncomfortable place to be. Tapering seems to ease this and be less harsh on the body.

^^^Good stuff^^^ This has worked for me in the past. My first cycles were not tappered and I always went through that time during PCT that I would feel tired and run down. I read a post on here about the tappering theory and tried it out a little over a year ago with a taper over 3-4 weeks where the last week was only ran around 100mg of test. Never had that tired/run down feeling during that PCT and also kept more of my size and strength gains. Now, this is just my experience. Others may have different experiences, but I tapper now.
if its not prop or suspension longer esthers like cyp and enth self taper. no need to taper. actually i see no need to attempt to introduce new chemicals to get your body back into homeostasis. your just delaying that process. Not a fan on PCT. 250 IU of HCG thruought stopping 2 weeks before last pin and then let your body do its job.
if its not prop or suspension longer esthers like cyp and enth self taper. no need to taper. actually i see no need to attempt to introduce new chemicals to get your body back into homeostasis. your just delaying that process. Not a fan on PCT. 250 IU of HCG thruought stopping 2 weeks before last pin and then let your body do its job.

Thanks for your input tkav... Hope you have been doing well Bro !!! All this has been good info ... thanks too All

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