I just got done with test e cycle and in 6 wks i am not sure if i should go with test e again or try cyp to changed up a bit.I know they are almost same but i wonder which would benefit me more.
How long were you on the test e for? TIme on plus pct equals time off. So if you went twelve weeks plus three for pct, I'd wait 15 weeks before you got back on. let your body recover. As far as test c and e goes......they are bascially the same. the cyp ester is a little shorter than the enanthate ester so do whatever makes you happier.
How long were you on the test e for? TIme on plus pct equals time off. So if you went twelve weeks plus three for pct, I'd wait 15 weeks before you got back on. let your body recover. As far as test c and e goes......they are bascially the same. the cyp ester is a little shorter than the enanthate ester so do whatever makes you happier.
Pfizer says the half life of test cyp is approx 8 days on their package insert for Depo-Test, this is shorter than most AAS information books/sites report. Maybe it is the shorter ester.
I would agree that Cyp is a shorter ester than Enanthate due to the fact that most Ug labs have trouble getting more than 250mg/ml doses to hold in solution. It seems that 300mg/ml is the norm for Enanthate, thus indicating to me that it is definitely a longer acting ester of the same drug.