Maybe it's hypertension.
yes, what is your blood pressure?
BP off = 110/65 BP on = 140/90
I get hot in general but when on i get really hot
Hydration could be better
My ears get bright red when I'm hot so more than likely this is just your body's response to homeostasis as the test is running it's course. What type of job do you have? I'm at a desk all day, and even though it's air-conditioned, I have a mini-fan on my desk and a larger one below to keep me cool. Plus, I keep a 2.2L jug filled with water throughout the day to ensure I stay hydrated and the water also helps cool my core temp.
BP off = 110/65 BP on = 140/90
I get hot in general but when on i get really hot
Hydration could be better
I guess it could be the increase in blood pressure, or it just may be your body's way of trying to reject a foreign substance
Im in a hospital. I have an office, but most of my day is seeing patients or meetings. Funny, i have a huge fan blowing at my desk all day, plus AC. 2.2 liters. Thats about a half u drink that daily?
I drink about 20oz of milk and 10oz water prior to work. Push through the 2.2L of water throughout the work day in addition to another 25oz milk. At home after the work day, I'll take in another 20oz milk, 8oz cranberry juice and another 1L of water. I definitely get my share of liquids throughout the day. Seems to help my kidney/liver function in addition to keeping water retention at bay.
easiest way to tell if your hydrated properly is by looking at the color of your piss. you cant go by a certain amount. each person is different and their bodies will expend water differently. if your piss is an amber, cloudy, or yellowish color, start drinking more water untill your pissing clear. best way i know of to judge hydration. good luck bro.
pissing totally clear means one thing - you lack B complex vitamins. the metabolites of B6 specifically is what gives urine that bright fluorescent color. deep amber mean you are dehydrated. so pissing clear is not good - it means you are hydrated but lacking B vitamins
by the way B6 has the most individual functions of any vitamin in the body (over 300), even more than vitamin C.
why does test make me turn into the color of a tomatoe. I mean my upper chest, my neck and face turn bright red and stay red till off. I know it increases red blood cell count...but cmon man, i mean i get sooooo RED :banghead:
Im in a hospital. I have an office, but most of my day is seeing patients or meetings. Funny, i have a huge fan blowing at my desk all day, plus AC. 2.2 liters. Thats about a half u drink that daily?