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The gay issue. . .


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2002
First off, why did the Gay thread get closed? This board used to have great debates and so what if there is controversy, this is why I do not post much anymore! I agreed with Lipharted and IABADMAN and Big A, they all made some good posts. (and some others I may have fogotten)

Here is the bottom line:

Who are we as a people to question what others do to find love? Or to question that they have been born with a different sexual orientation that is not the majority? That makes it wrong? How ignorant. Ouch that hurts made a lot of sense, and like him I could go on and on about some of the ignorance involved in the thread.

Ask yourself this question:
Is love God? What is love? Why does it feel so good to love and be loved? Because it is human. It is programmed in all of us. Instead of judging others, love them for their differences and variations. That is what makes us human beings so beautiful. If a man loves another man, then he has succeeded. So then people say: " yeah but it is not right, because obviously god designed people to be able to reproduce." WRONG. GOD (or your own definition of a higher power, the creator, designer etc.) designed us TO LOVE. So if a man finds love with another man, he has suceeded in that endeavor. Perhaps it is the universe's way of population control. The universe has a plan for everything and everybody, we do not have the mental capacity to understand this. BUT WHAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND IS THIS:

If GOD is by the very definition LOVE, then what exactly is love? Love is accepting others, and finding the uniqueness of others and loving them for being them. William Shakespeare once said: " Eventually man comes to hate that which he fears." FEAR... We fear what we do not know, or do not understand. so we hate it or hate that. Even in elementary school, kids bully and pick on those that are different. It is fear, which IMO is the root of all evil. It is an infectious and toxic substance of influence. So I ask for some empathy. Let's flip the script here. Imagine it was a predominantly gay world, and heteros were the minority. How would y'all like it if we got caught looking at a girl and we were insulted, beaten up, shunned by the world? Or in some instances we had to hide our sexuality, lie to others, lie to ourselves, living a miserable life because other people would not accept you as being "right". Or proper. These poor souls have been taught to basically hate themselves, so they never have a chance to find real love because you cannot love another until you truly love yourself. Is it right that they have to hide how they feel? And when they do come out, they are ridiculed and beaten? How will we ever make it with such primitive thinking? A lot of things are changing, remember when blacks were segregated and looked at as an inferior race? Then the civil rights erupted and with change came a lot of opposition, and there were many who it did not sit right with, yet over time it is now nationally accepted albeit a handfull of supremacy groups. In time, this too (the homosexuality concept) will be accepted fully. It is stupid and petty to make such a big deal about whether or not Billy Bob sucks dick or not. How baout hunger??? Peace???? Holy shit poeple. Do you see the foolishness of it all?

As we evolve into the new millenium there has been a tidal wave of changes, and yeah the gay community has a voice now, and that voice wants to be heard, to be recognized. They are human beings! Some theorists have argued that in the end, man only wants someone to listen. So when a man approaches you, and makes a pass at you, like a lot of people said, be flattered. THEY LIKE YOU. THEY LIKE YOU. They found something attractive about you, they are appreciating something about you. They most likely do not know if you are gay or not, they do not think you look gay, (maybe sometimes they do) how are they to know? How would us straight men ever get dates if we were to afraid to talk to ladies in fear we would be alienated and criticised? Think about how life must be for the gay community. It has gotten much better that it was 20-100 years ago, yet we still hear of beatings and ignorant statements like that of Tim Hardaway. When hear homophobic statements I always wonder what that person is so scared of.. Is it something they see in themselves, and hate themselves for it? I am an athlete and I am sure there have been some times that a fellow athlete or teammate perhaps was gay and maybe stole a glance or two at my stuff. You know what? Go ahead and look, I'm a beautiful male specimen and too bad for you, but it for the ladies. I'm not gonna puff up and decide I have to kick his ass because he *might* be entertaining the thought of a sexual fantasy with me. So the fuck what??! And the day I have kids and they ask me what those two men are doing, I am going to tell them, why lie and try to demonize them? This is the world we live in folks, and it is beautiful, in all it's variations, colors, sexes, orientations, etc etc.. See it for what it is, and do not discriminate based on a fear rooted deep in your subconscious. If you are confident of who YOU ARE and what you are about, you would give two shits about gay people, because you know who you are, and you are secure with yourself. Just remember this folks, this is the world that WE live in, not yours, but ours. Gay people ARE people and should be treated as such. Shit the fashion industry would be nowhere without their influence, as well as a lot of other businesses/industries. For Tim Hardaway to say: " Gay people? That's just wrong. They are wrong." No, Tim, you are wrong. The bible has done a nice job of demonizing gays, and it is time for us to grow up and realize and recognize the ugly face of prejudice.

We are one. We are all connected. Love your fellow man, because he is you, and you are he.
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Good Post and very good points. The thread was closed due to some ignorant people that went on a campain of personal attacks on some members of this board. I too enjoyed the varied opinions on the topic but like the old saying goes, "it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch". Sad but true.
Good Post

Good one Ivan.
Excellent post bro!! To each his/her own!!
I agree. Great post. Why gay marraige is NOT allowed in the USA is an embarrasment to ALL it citizens! It is amazing how different its citizens views actually are from its government. Its like the government is stuck in the 1950's...no gay marraige, no stem cell research, abortion is actually an issue....WOW!
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Shit... That thread was open for 3 days and 114 total posts and not a single person in this thread said jack shit. I sat and watched as people talked about their fellow human beings like they were animals that should be kept locked up in pens. I fired back and got "outed" for being gay and I'm not even gay. Now you start this thread? Phhht... nice.

It was a great post Ivan and I agree with you 100% and I dig our conversations but to whoever closed that thread, good for him.

Just a bit of too little, too late...
Zuke said:
I agree. Great post. Why gay marraige is NOT allowed in the USA is an embarrasment to ALL it citizens! It is amazing how different its citizens views actually are from its government. Its like the government is stuck in the 1950's...no gay marraige, no stem cell research, abortion is actually an issue....WOW!

I find it interesting that depending where you grow up can shape your beliefs so drastically on this, and many other issues.

I don't have a problem with homosexuals, yet I don't believe in gay marraige. Marriage is a union of husband and wife. Of course, its supposed to be for life and what, only 1 in 2 marriages last? So I don't know if I can even support my own belief because the institution of marriage isn't as sacred anymore.

I think some type of institution should be setup for homosexuals, not called marriage but similar to it. Just like homosexuals have "partners" and not "boyfriends." Call marriage something else and society may be more accepting to it.

EDIT: I try not to post in very controversial threads because this is just MY opinion. I will read other's opinions and I will try to understand where you are coming from. Something you say may even make me question my own beliefs, but for now, this is MY opinion.
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Well said, Ivan!
OuchThatHurts said:
Shit... That thread was open for 3 days and 114 total posts and not a single person in this thread said jack shit. I sat and watched as people talked about their fellow human beings like they were animals that should be kept locked up in pens. I fired back and got "outed" for being gay and I'm not even gay. Now you start this thread? Phhht... nice.

It was a great post Ivan and I agree with you 100% and I dig our conversations but to whoever closed that thread, good for him.

Just a bit of too little, too late...

Well sorry OTH.
It has been my experience that getting in a thread at a certain point only brings me down to a lower level (if the thread is going down hill). Same for a good thread, I wouldnt try to hijack it. I didnt say "jack shit" on the other thread after it went to shit.......sorry. New thread or not, the post was good and just because I didnt defend you on another sinking ship thread, gives you no right to be angry with me because I gave props to this thread.
Open Forum.............last time I checked. You have a lot less to loose for your posts....it is your part on this board, and you are a mod. I must choose my battles with more thought. I enjoy my time and friends on this board to much to loose that time because of such discussion.
You are among my favorites here OTH, your forum especialy, but I personaly asked you for your help on another thread I REALLY wish you could have helped with and never got a response from you, or your help on the thread.
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well said Ivan.
Awesome well thought out post Ivan............I knew my long lost brother would have something insightful to say on this subject[you always do when a subject on this board has substance]........and sure enough you did.......Hope you are well and happy my friend !!! Some of the responses in that other thread really shocked me .........the world simply amazes me every day .......People die everyday all over the world reguarding , race , religion , and sexual orrientation.........why ? For what for ? What is it inside that makes man have to be right about his opinion ?Why must he must judge or even destroy others that dont see ass he does ? I will never understand that instinct in man .....................Why is there such need to be right? How does it really hurt you directly what others believe in or practice if you don't let it ? The world amazes me at just how out of touch it really is ........Unbelievable!!!!
i am a conservative.. but, i am truly perplexed by any homophobia.. i owned my gym for years and had numerous gay members.. great guys.. true friends.. one of my best friends is gay.. came out after high school.. love the guy like a brother.. what exactly is the fear?.. i have had numerous gay guys give me compliments.. big deal.. took it as a compliment.. so guys.. NEWS FLASH.. IF YOUR NOT GAY.. AND ARE SURE OF YOR SEXUALITY.. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANY HOMOPHOBIA.. think about it.. as the comedian ron white said " so your a homophobe?.. what a wasted emotion"..:(
my father was a dentist.. he also had a degree in biology .. he told me when i was very young (and yes.. he was a very right wing conservative) that no one picks their sexuality.. you or i did not pick the fact that we like girls.. we just knew.. being gay is not a choice.. that is who they are.. period.. when i asked my friend when he knew he was gay he said "ya know when you said you like donna in 4th grade.. i liked curt".. i laughed my ass off then.. but, what he said was very profound.. you cant force yourself to be gay.. just like a gay guy cant make himself straight.. just deal with it ya homophobes lol..;)
great post, I didnt even read that other post that got taken down...It was plain ignorant. I have a younger brother who is gay and a few gay friends all of which are stand up people with great values. None of them would ever judge anyone else the way they get judged a lot.

its crazy this day in age to see such ignorance, and even worse when 100 somthing people follow behind. Great post Ivan way to put it into perspective.
Iabadman said:
Awesome well thought out post Ivan............I knew my long lost brother would have something insightful to say on this subject[you always do when a subject on this board has substance]........and sure enough you did.......Hope you are well and happy my friend !!! Some of the responses in that other thread really shocked me .........the world simply amazes me every day .......People die everyday all over the world reguarding , race , religion , and sexual orrientation.........why ? For what for ? What is it inside that makes man have to be right about his opinion ?Why must he must judge or even destroy others that dont see ass he does ? I will never understand that instinct in man .....................Why is there such need to be right? How does it really hurt you directly what others believe in or practice if you don't let it ? The world amazes me at just how out of touch it really is ........Unbelievable!!!!

first of all, GOOD POST IVAN

And iabadman... yeah... i have thinked alot about this too, i think that humans have something genetic who deep inside urges them to destroy.
All animals have this, its about securing their offspring. Its hard for me to say what im thinking in english (im from sweden). To destroy every
potential threat to their tribe and offspring, every animal wants to reproduce. its genetic, and we do what it takes to do it, animals fight and die over females etc... and potential threats to the tribe gets taken care off.
And everything is made like this from the beginning of time! i dont know who or what made the whole earth and its system but its what it is... AND if every animal didnt have the "destroy, kill" gene the world would be over populated very quickly. The destroy n kill gene is important to stabilize the earth.


AND this is also why there is predators, they are made to control the others so they dont get overpopulated.

For example think back to the time of dinosaurs:

PLANTS gives oxygen, animals feed of the plants to shit so new plants can grow, and to stop the greeneating animals to overpopulate and destroy the whole cycle there is predators who kills and eat them. And for the predators to not overpopulate themselves there is the "destroy n kill gene" that genetically tells the predators to destroy everything that is different. So if they meet another predator they want to kill it.

LIFE in this time was very simple, the cycle went on fine.
Now HUMANS have evolved but we still have the kill n destroy gene deep inside somewhere, and for some people its just popping up
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It is good to see so many people who think like adults posting here. There are all kinds of people in the world and plenty of reasons to dislike many of them, but disliking them for who they sleep with never made much sense to me.
im sorry

just wanted to let the board know if there are any negative feelings as a result of my making the other thread im sorry...that was obviously not my intention.
Flex, you have nothing to be sorry about. Its easy to walk through life never questioning yourself until questioned by others. Despite what others say I think some good might have actually come out of the thread, but I've been know to be overly optimistic. Maybe some people might stop and ask themselves, might actually question their beliefs, question their knee jerk reactions, before exemplifying what is actually the major problem with our current state of existence.

Its hard to break free from hundreds of years of societal influence and fear instilled in generation after generation all revolving around this topic. Taking all of this into account its not hard to see why people say the things they do and did.

Its a shame though, our lives are nothing more than a flash of thought and yet so much of that is spent hating one another as we stroll through that tiny speck of existence. All for what? We've supposedly progressed so much as a species, but its obviously not something we've managed to refine.

I'm rambling now, but I'm just glad to see that I'm not alone. Insightful post Ivan.

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