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the newest innovative peptide DAC-GHRH (CJC-1295) once a week injections


New member
Feb 7, 2005
IBE has done it again with our newest innovative peptide with A Long-Acting GHRH Analog (CJC-1295) Stimulates GH and IGF-1 Secretion in Normal Adults for Up to Two Weeks After a Single Injection. (CJC-1295) GHRH analog with a half life of 7-10 days with once a week injections. CJC will keep a steady increase of HGH and IGF-1 for with no increase in prolactin

GHRH1-44, also known as Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (other synonyms are GRF and GHRF), is a peptide that is produced in the hypothalamus and secreted to stimulate the release of human growth hormone (hGH). It consists of a 44 amino acid long sequence and is released in a pulsatile fashion similar to the pulsatile release of hGH. The active portion of this peptide can be found as a 29 amino acid long peptide and is appropriately named GHRH1-29. This pulsatile release of various peptides is due to the negative feedback loop that is part of the hGH axis and controls the amount of hGH that your body produces to keep it in a homeostatic environment. Despite the effectiveness of GHRH to stimulate growth hormone release there are a number of problems associated with using it in vivo. The most noteworthy problem is the half life of the peptide, which has been shown to be ~7 minutes using advanced HPLC technologies that have proven to be very accurate. The reason for this relatively short half life is due to an enzyme called dipeptidylaminopeptidase IV (DPP-IV), which has a high affinity for the amino acids Ala and Pro and in the case of GHRH it cleaves the 1 and 2 positions that consist of Tyr-Ala, creating GHRH3-29, an inactive form of the peptide. To prevent the problems associated with natural GHRH, pharmaceutical companies looked at new ways to increase the half life and bioavailability of these smaller peptides with technologies that work far different than other technologies, such as PEGylation.

This brings us to the introduction of a far more stable form of GHRH called CJC-1295. CJC-1295 is a tetrasubstituted peptide analogue of GHRH with D-Ala, Gln, Ala, and Leu substitutions at positions 2, 8, 15, and 27 respectively. These substitutions create a much more stable peptide with the substitution at position 2 to prevent DPP-IV cleavage, position 8 to reduce asparagine rearrangement or amide hydrolysis to aspartic acid, position 15 to enhance bioactivity, and position 27 to prevent methionine oxidation. These substitutions are key in increasing the overall half life of CJC-1295 but there lies an even greater reason as to why the half life has been extended from ~7 minutes to greater than 7 days! Bioconjugation is a relatively newer technology that takes a reactive group and attaches it to a peptide, which in turn reacts with a nucleophilic (usually a partially negative molecule) entity found in the blood to form a more stable bond. Albumin, one of the most abundant substances in the human body is chosen as the nucelophile by this particular peptide thanks to a Cys34 thiol group that attracts it. By combining the tetrasubstituted GHRH analogue with maleimodoproprionic acid using a Lys linker, you create a GHRH peptide with a high binding affinity for albumin. Once the CJC-1295 molecule has attached itself to albumin, it is given an extended half life and bioavailability thanks to the albumin preventing enzymatic degredation and kidney excretion. In fact, bioconjugation is so effective that there was less than 1% of CJC-1295 left unreacted in vivo and over 90% was stabilized after subcutaneous injection. This means that you get more of what you paid for working for you. There was no DPP-IV degredation observed on CJC-1295 in any of the various experiments conducted.

Due to the extremely long half life of CJC-1295 it is plausible to use this peptide once per week with outstanding results. Much like compounds such as testosterone enanthate, however, it would be wiser to use ½ dosages twice per week to keep serum levels high and to get maximal GH release and limit the pulsatile fashion of hGH. Various experiments have been conducted to test the effectiveness of CJC-1295 in vivo and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has reported dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2-10 fold for more than 6 days and increased IGF-1 concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days after a single injection! Not only that but they proved the mean half life to be 5.8-8.1 days and after multiple doses showed mean IGF-1 levels remained above baseline for up to 28 days following! No serious adverse reactions were reported in any group. The graphs below show that this peptide has the ability to stimulate growth hormone very significantly and is much more cost effective than illegally buying hGH.

Another very positive benefit of CJC-1295 is its ability to promote slow wave sleep. Slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep and is the portion of sleep responsible for the highest level of muscle growth and memory retention. SWS is decreased significantly in older adults and also with people who tend to exercise later in the evening. This peptide has a benefit to side effect ratio that exceeds all others currently being legally sold and would make a great addition to ones training regimen or post cycle therapy.
Last edited:
Instock now
price.$120 for 1 month supply
Let me know if you need any more testers? Im loving the PegMGF.
Oh great :rolleyes: Now I have to test another product and write a report for you guys. Jeez, I am running out of time to do all these tests, lol.
i wold love to test some of there stuff I know I am new but still
By one month supply you must mean 4 shots worth?

How many mg or IU is in one shot?

Does it come in kit form where a person would have to mix powder + solvent, or is it already liquified and ready to go?

This sounds very exciting, I just might have to try it.
Jerkyboy said:
By one month supply you must mean 4 shots worth?

How many mg or IU is in one shot?

Does it come in kit form where a person would have to mix powder + solvent, or is it already liquified and ready to go?

This sounds very exciting, I just might have to try it.
bump this
also need to know if there is any recommended cycle times?
PCT needed?
post cycle crash or loss?
is this something that cannot be sent overseas because of temperature?
redzone said:
Ok sounds good but when testing this product where would one shoot it at? If it is only one shot once a week can it be administered in the glutes of a testing subject? and do u need to keep this stuff cold?? Sounds like a good product just need some more info. PS. BUMP on IBE they are by far the fastest shipper on this board, hands down.

you would need use it sub-q and yes it will need to be kept cold. it will come as powder just like the rest of the peptides
cool. Gonna keep my eye on the results
I started mine this evening 250mcg's. Will do 500 a week for 4 weeks

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