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The Official Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide Thread

100mcg I dont notice anything

250-300mcg seems yo be the right dose to fall asleep quickly and wake feeling good.

500 is great for swing, strange shift work. I can sometimes be up 22hrs with both jobs. If i sleep 8hrs I can't fall asleep again for 16hrs....500mcg I can get back on schedule and feel rested.

700 I'll sleep 9-10hours strait, will be in the same position I laid in, and sleep through alarms.

I agree. 250mcg- 350mcg seems to work best for me.
Night 3

250mcg @ 10pm
Bed @ 1015pm
Sleeping by 1030pm

This was the best night sleep so far. Went down from 500mcg to 250mcg last night and feel much better this morning. Almost a full 8hrs of sleep uninterrupted and feel good. No groggy feeling like yesterday that lasted almost 4 hrs after getting up.
Fell asleep much faster but also went to bed right after instead of 'waiting to feel anything' like previous nights.

One more night to lower the dose to 150mcg & have a good idea of what works best.
Just my opinion 500mcg was too much.

Btw, still no ambien or v@lium which I find to be incredible.
Night 3

250mcg @ 10pm
Bed @ 1015pm
Sleeping by 1030pm

This was the best night sleep so far. Went down from 500mcg to 250mcg last night and feel much better this morning. Almost a full 8hrs of sleep uninterrupted and feel good. No groggy feeling like yesterday that lasted almost 4 hrs after getting up.
Fell asleep much faster but also went to bed right after instead of 'waiting to feel anything' like previous nights.

One more night to lower the dose to 150mcg & have a good idea of what works best.
Just my opinion 500mcg was too much.

Btw, still no ambien or v@lium which I find to be incredible.

Dont wait to feel anything. I did that once. Was up for 2hours unless you dose it heavy its easy to fight. Just pin, do your nightly prep. Or ear something. Then go to bed...the more normal you can be, the better it seems.
Dont wait to feel anything. I did that once. Was up for 2hours unless you dose it heavy its easy to fight. Just pin, do your nightly prep. Or ear something. Then go to bed...the more normal you can be, the better it seems.

I noticed the same thing.. waiting to feel something... just take it and go on as usual... next thing you know you are waking up hours later...
Well, hopefully this will be my one stop shop for all of my research peptides :headbang: Just place a nice order and I am looking forward to receiving the goods soon.

Will post soon~
I took about 400mcg last night and I only woke up once and fell right back asleep. Feel great this morning. I've been really stressed lately and haven't been sleeping well. I'm going to try a little less tonight. Thanks Cauthen for your help. I'm definitely going to order some more.
I took 600mcg just for shits and giggles last night and passed out laying on my wife.. When she woke me up to go get in bed her shirt was wet from where I was drooling on it!!

When I woke up this am I was def in a fog! Might wanna stick to 200ish mcg unless you have severe insomnia
Saturday I worked 9 hours at each job. With an hour between. I dosed 200mcg when I got home. Because sleep is deeper and when going to bed at don't want to have anything wake you. Woke up at noon. Felt great.

Last night i dosed 800mcg to test it to see how well it would work when only being awake for 11 hours. Knocked me out for 9hrs and I'm pretty groggy. I wont be doing that again.
Night 4

150mcg @ 10pm
Bed @ 1015pm
Sleeping by 1030pm

Don't think 150mcg was enough to stay in deep sleep.
But feeling better in the morning taking less.
Sticking with 250mcg-350mcg.
Nights 5 & 6
(both nights about the same times. Just took 350mcg on Saturday)

350mcg (Saturday)/ 250mcg (Sunday ) @ 12pm
Bed @ 1215pm
Sleeping by 1230pm
Up@10am(Sunday morning)/ 8am (this morning)

Found sex prior to pinning helped fall asleep faster and stayed in deep sleep (or maybe it was the 350mcg )
Definitely feel better taking 350mcg or less
Everyone still sleeping good? I have got where I take it about 3 times a week as i really dont need to develop any more habits lol
Everyone still sleeping good? I have got where I take it about 3 times a week as i really dont need to develop any more habits lol

Definitely sleeping better. I find 400-500 help me best to sleep the whole night through. Anything less and I'm up a lot. Very effective.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Used 200mcg - 450mcg over the last couple nights.
Still sleeping well and without the ambien or v@lium.

Anything less than 250mcg or more than 350mcg either interrupts my sleep and/or makes me feel groggy in the morning.
Everyone still sleeping good? I have got where I take it about 3 times a week as i really dont need to develop any more habits lol

That's funny, I've been taking at least 200mg a see if when i run out if its habit forming.
Everyone still sleeping good? I have got where I take it about 3 times a week as i really dont need to develop any more habits lol

I have to say that I went out of town for the holiday and slept really good as I didn't carry any with me.
Best night's sleep so far.

200mcg @11pm
Sleeping by 11 20 pm

8 1/2 hrs of sleep!!!
I can't remember the last time I slept for that long straight through.
And just popped right out of bed ready to go.
I have to say that I went out of town for the holiday and slept really good as I didn't carry any with me.

I don't know if dsip is habit forming but I can tell you it goes against every sleep drug / aide I've ever tried that was habit forming.

Like using less of it works better.
And there's no 'feeling anything' from taking it. Except for a good night's sleep.
Sleep Better but no matter what I do no more then 3-4 hours.

I was away for a few days, didn't bring the pep with me. Was back to tossing and turning for an hour before falling asleep. Don't notice any dependency after a months use.
Awesome thread! My wife and I both struggle to sleep and we both have sleep apnea and take ambien. I'd love to get off the ambien. The GH peptides have helped, but I'd like just a little more to help me overcome the wandering mind thing

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