I would say that from my personal expirence that your numbers are inflated as far as use in pro sports ...............Maybe , 40 - 50 % NFL [ mainly white OL and DL , most fullbacks , a few TE 's , some SS , and quite a few LBS .....] Most guys in the NFL when I played didnt even workout hard . They were just freaks with lots of fast twitch mucle fibers and very durable bodies [ something I didnt have unfortunately ] I also have personal knowledge of NBA use as well MLB use .......NBA might be 5 - 10 % if that .......[ usually white guys again .....and yes I am white and proud ...lol ] Some of the big name guys do use them for recovery .......but they are not widely used in the NBA ......MBL is another story .......it would be well over 50 % , it got out of control in the mid to lates nighties ....might have creeped up to 80 % actually ...............[ they are also the least athletic as far those three goes ... tell you something ?The least gifted need the edge ....I dont see what is wrong with trying to be the best you can anyway ...people cant control genetics ...why not max your potential ?] Hair is strictly genetic .......drugs will make it fall out faster no doubt .[ but if your hair is going because you use ....it was going to go anyway ] You can slow it down with proscar , nizeral shampoo , and some supps ...but if it is going to go it is gonna go ......................genetics sucks sometimes