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IFBB Judge
Nov 1, 2005
Does anyone know where I can find Thiomucase? I used it for localized fat burning in the late 80's; I have also heard it is good for skin tightening. I have found the Thiomucase Creame in Spain but am particularly interested in this sub Q injectible form.

I looked all over a few yrs ago. I did find a few knock offs but they were all BS. I was told it has been discontinued
I've never been able to find the inj. And last time I saw the cream was almost 20 years ago.
Thanks , Big A! It seemed to be such a good product I wonder what happened. I have found what looks like the "real" thing in Spain and Greece but who knows. It is packaged the same as I remember. BUT it might be old.....

Thanks again Bro!

I've never been able to find the inj. And last time I saw the cream was almost 20 years ago.
I used the inj, in the mid 80's. Best thing on the market. The cream they sell now is not the same as the one in the 80's, doesn't work. I would try the prep H from Canada. Let me know how it works for you.
It is a Spanish product. I found a place that has suppositories but no injectable, I will keep looking through my sources.
It is a Spanish product. I found a place that has suppositories but no injectable, I will keep looking through my sources.
Hahahaha!!! I hope you realize Thiomucase is a spot reduction product. LOL!!! If it's real you'll end up with one mean and lean colon!!!! I remember Thiomucase being banned over 10 years ago.

If you're serious and you don't mind paying through the nose, I'll find the company that's selling a similar formula. I got a sample last year and I was surprised at how well it worked. But it was very expensive.
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hey Doll,
Yeah, I found the creme in Spain that they will ship here. Do you think it is the "real" thing?

The suppositories were thought to be very strong in the 80's. BUT the injectibe is what I remember that seemed to melt the fat, although I was also on a strict precontest diet.


It is a Spanish product. I found a place that has suppositories but no injectable, I will keep looking through my sources.
hey my Friend,
What is the similar product? I am very curious...

Thanks bud,

Hahahaha!!! I hope you realize Thiomucase is a spot reduction product. LOL!!! If it's real you'll end up with one mean and lean colon!!!! I remember Thiomucase being banned over 10 years ago.

If you're serious and you don't mind paying through the nose, I'll find the company that's selling a similar formula. I got a sample last year and I was surprised at how well it worked. But it was very expensive.
the cream is bullshit. i used it before. there was also a tablet that was made. you can get te creamin europe still......not worth the money!
hey Doll,
Yeah, I found the creme in Spain that they will ship here. Do you think it is the "real" thing?

The suppositories were thought to be very strong in the 80's. BUT the injectibe is what I remember that seemed to melt the fat, although I was also on a strict precontest diet.


The place I found it sell quality pharmaceuticals it's who I use to stock my medicine cabnit, let's keep looking for the injectable version before we go shrinking our colons ;)
Couple thoughts...

1) I THINK thiomucase can also be found in France... maybe Phidias can enlighten/help us?

2) Look up "lipostabil"... basically injectable phosphatidylcholine... this IS spot reduction... there are some references from another board I can send your way if you need help

3) For anyone: do you think thiomucase WITH DMSO might be of any help?
Thanks Myosin! Yes, references would be very interesting. I'll google lipstabil. All thiomucase used to come from France in the old days, but I had heard several years ago that the French company stopped production. it was used in the 80's at elite "Fat Farms" in France. I had also heard that the production was picked up by another company outside of France but don't know the deails. It would be cool if Phidias knows about the French Company.

1) I THINK thiomucase can also be found in France... maybe Phidias can enlighten/help us?

2) Look up "lipostabil"... basically injectable phosphatidylcholine... this IS spot reduction... there are some references from another board I can send your way if you need help

3) For anyone: do you think thiomucase WITH DMSO might be of any help?
I did a search and saw sites that sell knockoffs that are spelled slightly differently. I also found this:
→ Buy Thiomucase cream • Order in UK, EU, USA &amp worldwide! • mucopolisacaridasa for sale

Pretty pricey. I would hope it works.

A while back I picked up some substitute that is found sometimes on ebay. It has yohimbe, caffeine, and l carnitine in it. I haven't used it yet to see if it works.

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The real stuff would always help me get rid of that last little bit of fat over my abs back when I was competing. I have tried many others since but none have ever come close to the real thing. I used to mix it with DMSO and within 3 or 4 days i could see results. We also used to mix it with tanning lotion before hitting the tanning beds.... good stuff
2Years ago a friend of mine bought 2 x 150ml Thiomucase tubes,30$each with in-Europe spedition. He found it on e-bay, private people, but the product come from a pharmacy from Aviles, Asturias, Espana. If i can i will post the adress of the pharmacy. 2type of tube of Thiomucase are produced by Almeria,150ml and 50ml,a lot of times you find the 50ml at the price of 150... Almirall - International pharmaceutical company (Corporate website).
In Barcelona there is institute BCN they produce a lot of injective products for mesotherapy: phosphatidylcholine (lipostabil), caffeine, carnitine, vit C, DMSO, silica, and others. They send list and prices no problem, very nice customer care. **broken link removed**
the last time i saw injective Thiomucase was 3/4 years ago in an pofficial warhouse from Mexico. Hope i helped you.
Is it this one made in France that was discontinued.

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Is it this one

Le Croint
Thiomucase Cream

45 mg


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I remember it being in an orange tube and orange box.

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