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This thread goes with loving the little ones thread


New member
Aug 19, 2002
My significant other works in a hospital. Pediatrics to be exact. Two days ago a 2 year old comes in from being transported by helo so the specialists could take care of him. Two years old right? Ok, this two year old was punched in the face by his mother's boyfriend becuase the child would not eat. This dude cracked it's skull and now the child will most likely pass on or be severly brain damaged. Was the boyfriend arrested? As of today, no. They are telling a story that the child fell. Well, do you know what the word specialist means? It means these guys know what a fall looks like and what a punch looks like. The boyfriend was acting funny the whole time while DFS was there. Oh, I just happen to be in the area so I took lunch up to my sweety. She wispered all this to me becuase she could get in alot of trouble. This SMACK!! was out in the lobby and I walked out in the lobby and just stood there and staired at him. I was there a good 30 seconds lookin at his him. He looked straight down at the floor. I knew then he is guilty. Would you look down if you did nothing? Thought so.

Anyway, love your little ones this year. I have no kids, but have plenty of close little ones that Ihave presents for already.

BTW, the stuff above is something that happens all the time at the hospital my girl works at. Very very common. I just happen to be there that day. If you get pissed off at your child, count to 10 take deep breaths and please just leave the room if they are crying and it is irritating you.
Your a better man than I cause I think I would have done to him what he did to that child! That is a bunch of shit, I'm sick thinking about this! What a fucking piece of scum!
im sick

as a father of two little girls hearing of such travisty makes me boil
im with you bros. that really makes me want to kill that asshole.
i have a little boy of my own ,he just turned 6 and i cant understand how anyone could punch a kid in the face . that makes me sick too . !!!!!!!!!

Armageddon said:
Your a better man than I cause I think I would have done to him what he did to that child! That is a bunch of shit, I'm sick thinking about this! What a fucking piece of scum!
I didn't say or do anything because they have to investigate first and I didn't want to do anything that might cause the investigation harm or my girl losing her job. He'll get his in the end I'm sure and he has to live with what I just heard.

My girl called about 10 minutes ago crying and sd they put the little one under DNR (do not recessitate) and I am sure you know what that means.

I'll keep you posted on this sad story. :(
thats too bad what a piece of garbage that dude is people who beat kids out to be killed slowly very slowly
Someone need to crack that dads skull too. :mad:
I hear about that shit happening alot and its almost allways a boyfriend or step-dad doing it.

Sad Sad Sad.

-Big Hock
My girl

came home last night around midnight and said the baby had past around 9:30 or so. She was very shakin up because she had to go down to another department and get some plaster so they could do the little ones hands and feet for the family to remember him by. She sd when she came back up they were holding the baby and it had already started to get stiff. A very shook up pediatrics ward last night. She sd it isn't as sad when a child dies from a disease like CF or something, it still is, but when it is somethign that can be avoided like this it is a different story.
dam thats so fucked up im so mad im giveing myself a headache i just cant look at this thread anymore my lunch is about to come up
i'm not religious but

I do believe in "what goes around, comes around" and it's only a matter of time before that sick sob gets his, and I hope it's 100 times more painful than the pain he caused that child.

Its so sad to hear about stuff like this happening to children, what kind of low self esteem piece of shit can't take it man to man, but he can beat a child, I swear that sickens me to no end.

I myself have a cousin who's husband used to beat his kids, no not beat as in spank, but I mean beat as in give black eyes and bruised ribs, when i was growing up, i kept asking my older cousin, "why do you let him hurt your kids?" (i was like 12, maybe 13) and she wouldn't talk to me about it.

if someone ever hurt my daughter like that, i'd capture that fucking bastard and torture his ass for days before i'd let him slowly die.

Damn Canino

That was a horrible and sad story. You sure see a lot of fucked up things where you live huh?
just so sad...

so pointless....sickening.
God saved the child, it could've gone on for a very long time.
I'm going to hug my kids now.
I've got...

2 kids, a boy 2 and my daughter who's 6 months and your post makes me want to go home and hold them near.... And as for the motherfucking boyfriend, all I can hope is that someone does to him what he did to that little boy. God damn that makes me sick and angry all at once.:mad:


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