There has been a little disruption in my HGH cycle. I've been on for 3 months. Started at 2iu and am now at 3.3 iu/day. Because of lack of supply I have to take some time off. Is there a certain amount of time off that will result in starting from point zero?
Isn't ghrp6 the same as Tribulus is to good old test. They only stimulate to your highest natrual levels, In other words there's nothing like the real thing.
Isn't ghrp6 the same as Tribulus is to good old test. They only stimulate to your highest natrual levels, In other words there's nothing like the real thing.
Isn't ghrp6 the same as Tribulus is to good old test. They only stimulate to your highest natrual levels, In other words there's nothing like the real thing.
grhp6 would take me the sam amount of time to get as hgh. So back to my question. Is there a certain amount of time off that would get rid of the cummulative effect that the past 3 months of use has created?
grhp6 would take me the sam amount of time to get as hgh. So back to my question. Is there a certain amount of time off that would get rid of the cummulative effect that the past 3 months of use has created?
I was wondering the same thing, because I've read about some top amateurs and some pros who say that they come off of everything for a few months maybe 3 to 5.
Then go back on AAS and gh for a brief bulking then cutting phase. So what's with that?
Is gh excluded from this "clean period" and taken all year round, or do they come off?
If for example someone was on gh for a year then took of say 5 months, how long would it take to get the effects of the year? Or does the body have a memory for the gh, kind of like the muscles to working out, where you can build them quickly if they were built up before?
Is that similar to what you're asking? If so, I want to know the same thing.
Okay what seems to happen is that prolonged use of GH either synthetic or natural release has a "build up" effect. Its not really described in the studies so much but bodybuilders seem to know that after 6 months of use or so things become easier.
So I assume that is what you are concerned with.. loosing this build up effect.
Studies with GHRP-6 + GHRH show that after prolonged use when you stop there is about 3 weeks where you still get the beneficial effect.
Many long-term users of GH say when they come off the good effect stay around for a month or so...
Does that mean you can take a month off after only 3 months on? I don't know but I wouldn't risk it.
Instead I would try to elevate my natural GH output while you wait.
You have said GHRP-6 wasn't an option for you but if anyone else comes along and reads this IT WILL WORK as a bridge. Thank you Jarconis, weltweite and Designbuilt.
So now you need to look to OTC things to try and get at least a little bump over those natural levels.
So oral Gaba pre-bed will help to increase GHRH. Better still would be injectable pGH (Gaba + Gabob). You can use L-Dopa to inhibit somatostatin. You can use arginine to inhibit somatostatin. You can use Huperzine A (cholinesterase inhibitor) to inhibit Somatostatin. You can use 5-HTP to increase serotonin to inhibit somatostatin.
research shows that your body quickly resume its own natural hgh, probably within a week or two. the problem isn't that, the problem is the body loses the sensitivity to the hgh stimulus. and that thing can take months to get back to normal. try taking hgh every other day, works better long term as suggested by one major research on kids, eventually the eod group got taller than the group who took it every day. though short term the every day group had better results.