i havent took anytime off in about 8 months or more. I am cutting right now and was wondering if it would be a bad time to take a week or so off. thoughts?
i havent took anytime off in about 8 months or more. I am cutting right now and was wondering if it would be a bad time to take a week or so off. thoughts?
I've trained with strength coaches in college and for every 8-12 weeks of heavy lifting we were rquire to take approximatly 5 days off to help our nervous systems (central & peipheral) and joints recover. Kept with this mentality and it works for me. Over training can be more detrimental than undertraining (torn acl for instance). This is all unde the asumption that you are exausiting all motor units (slow twitch, fast twitch resistant, and fast twitch fatigable).