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To hire or not hire a trainer


New member
Dec 13, 2008
After years I have finally realized that I may not reach my goals without the help of a trainer. Especially after seeing the transformations of members of the forum such as the Shark. Absolutely incredible. Kind of proves hard work and dedication can overcome any genetic doubts.
My question is whether online, or in person one on one, trainers are the way to go. Many have had great success with Phil's methods but I am not sure which way to go. I know that there are a ton of trainers out there - good, bad, and great just like in any profession.
What are the typical costs? Please dont slam me for asking - I have a family and supporting them comes before my needs so I must ask. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
How may guys use a trainer and any regrets for not using one sooner???
My opinion

After years I have finally realized that I may not reach my goals without the help of a trainer. Especially after seeing the transformations of members of the forum such as the Shark. Absolutely incredible. Kind of proves hard work and dedication can overcome any genetic doubts.
My question is whether online, or in person one on one, trainers are the way to go. Many have had great success with Phil's methods but I am not sure which way to go. I know that there are a ton of trainers out there - good, bad, and great just like in any profession.
What are the typical costs? Please dont slam me for asking - I have a family and supporting them comes before my needs so I must ask. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
How may guys use a trainer and any regrets for not using one sooner???

I do not think a trainer is for everyone.....it depends upon your frustration level, dedication, finances, etc......a trainer is only as good as the work you are ready to adhere to.......follow the trainers advice, not 20 others around your circle of friends telling you otherwise.......or you will fail miserably and blame your trainer.
After years I have finally realized that I may not reach my goals without the help of a trainer. Especially after seeing the transformations of members of the forum such as the Shark. Absolutely incredible. Kind of proves hard work and dedication can overcome any genetic doubts.
My question is whether online, or in person one on one, trainers are the way to go. Many have had great success with Phil's methods but I am not sure which way to go. I know that there are a ton of trainers out there - good, bad, and great just like in any profession.
What are the typical costs? Please dont slam me for asking - I have a family and supporting them comes before my needs so I must ask. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
How may guys use a trainer and any regrets for not using one sooner???

my advice? hire a trainer... work with him TO LEARN FROM HIM, not just to blindly listen and not know what's going on or how his methods work. once you've got the idea and given enough time for results (6 months to 1 year), take notes, pictures, and then hire another trainer and learn from him.

my philosiphy... even if you didn't get optimal results (or bad results) from a trainer after doing exactly what he said, you have learned something new and that will help you in the future.

I learn a lot of theories from these forums... all the trainers i've hired helped me apply them and see the results and if they tailor to my needs.

you also have to have experience in training and diet on your own to judge how something works and how your body reacts.

BUT!!! as you said, family comes first... if you have extra money that you don't know what to do with, hire a trainer... they'll cost anywhere from $250-$1500 for a period of time depending on how serious your goal is (contest prep is usually the most expensive, and i don't advise hiring someone for that unless you did it on your own a couple of times)...
My 2 cents

If you can hire a trainer that you see in person then that will be the best situation. However if that is not feasable due to finances or other challanges than online would be best bet. In terms of pricing I can only speak for myself and my staff. We charge 40-50 bucks per session (30 minute sessions). This may be different from city to city and gym to gym. We are located in Australia. The main feature of personal training is being pushed harder and with more individualized planning then you may provide yourself. Good luck either way. animal eater
I would hire someone online who you know is respected. How would you find a good one in your area? Is there even a good local trainer? Anyone can become a trainer, anyone can go to school for exercise science, anyone can get some certification. A certification or a exercise science degree give you no useful information when it comes to bodybuilding.

I have been lifting for over 30 years.
Blew out a disc at work and had to lay off for a while and got fat and some water weight from the cortizone and pain meds.
Hiring a trainer was a suggestion someone made to me to lower my stress levels. Just do whatever he says and go with his plan.
I got a girl trainer first and man she was good.
Cleaned up the basics of diet, got me on the rotation of workouts not the same shit everytime. Lost some weight and gained some muscle.
She was awesome!
Then it was time to get with a pro...
I hired Alex Azarian 13 weeks ago....talk about a whole new level.
Re-introduced carbs into my diet, increased my level of focus and intensity.
Helped me to see that I already know all I needed to know and to continue with the plan, but to listen to my body.
He's working towards Nationals, so I am pretty much on autopilot now.
Hey...nobody needs to hold my hand.

Trainers will cut through the crap and kick you the straight deal.
Get rid of your bad habits, clean up the diet, get the training going right.
Puts the pieces of the puzzle into place and lets you concentrate on making continuous progrees.

So thank you to PSW Fitness in Birmingham, AL
and a big Thank you to Alex Azarian!
I do not think a trainer is for everyone.....it depends upon your frustration level, dedication, finances, etc......a trainer is only as good as the work you are ready to adhere to.......follow the trainers advice, not 20 others around your circle of friends telling you otherwise.......or you will fail miserably and blame your trainer.

This is the best way I've heard it put yet , Hire sombody thats willing to work with your needs and goals and obvously has some good referances and results. But like Phil said your trainer is only going to give you knowledge , its up to you to apply the effort and suffering.

I hired AlexA and don't think I could be happier , I'm eatling plenty of food , dropping body fat and gaining strength and muscle.

You must keep your goals realistic though , I tried my first time this past year to diet down and compete , I was listening to several differant people who were "helping" me with my diet , I ended up way to fat way to close to show time and by the time I had sombody with knowledge helping me it was way to late and in the end I ended up NOT following what they told me because of my lack of knowledge and damn near deiting myself to death.

Their are some realy good guys here , AlexA , Phil , Shelby , Mainevent , Aeliop , ujust to name a few and from what I've seen and heard they all have a very good following with happy clients.

I talked with Alex at length before paying him and it just seemed like our personalities were on the same plane and I liked his thoughts and theories as well and talking with several of his clients. Even though he is only a few week out from his show he still answers any questions I have very quickly , granted I'm trying not to "bother" him during his prep , but if I have a question or problem he is their for the answer.
I do not think a trainer is for everyone.....it depends upon your frustration level, dedication, finances, etc......a trainer is only as good as the work you are ready to adhere to.......follow the trainers advice, not 20 others around your circle of friends telling you otherwise.......or you will fail miserably and blame your trainer.

Great advice Phil. Hire someone you feel comfortable with and stick with him. Follow everything he tells you and IMO, work with him for a year.
Interesting point, Phil...

I do not think a trainer is for everyone.....it depends upon your frustration level, dedication, finances, etc......a trainer is only as good as the work you are ready to adhere to.......follow the trainers advice, not 20 others around your circle of friends telling you otherwise.......or you will fail miserably and blame your trainer.

...what if someone just wants to learn? Do you think it's a waste for someone like that? What about someone that has a fairly strict budget and just wants to learn how to maximize their results with what they can afford?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is...what if someone doesn't have the finances to do everything possible to achieve the absolute best results? What if someone can really only afford food and a gym membership.....is it worth hiring somebody to learn how to get the most "bang for the buck", so to speak?

...what if someone just wants to learn? Do you think it's a waste for someone like that? What about someone that has a fairly strict budget and just wants to learn how to maximize their results with what they can afford?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is...what if someone doesn't have the finances to do everything possible to achieve the absolute best results? What if someone can really only afford food and a gym membership.....is it worth hiring somebody to learn how to get the most "bang for the buck", so to speak?

It all comes down to what is it worth to you, those little gains. This sport is EXPENSIVE.........if you cannot afford much you will be left behind........so do not compare your gains to others with more funds to help propell gains.
maybe look around and see if some trainers offer sliding scales for what they charge based on your income level? Therapists, lawyers, financial advisors, even doctors offer sliding scales for what they charge...it can be found...maybe some physical trainers offer that too?

Just a thought...I dont really know the field that well or have looked around personally.

I would love to hire somebody for diet and routine but I also am in same boat and am basically broke (poor graduate student! :)).
It all comes down to what is it worth to you, those little gains. This sport is EXPENSIVE.........if you cannot afford much you will be left behind........so do not compare your gains to others with more funds to help propell gains.

Hahaha well to be perfectly honest even if funds were not an issue I could spend the next ten years(on top of the last 20;)) and still probably never be better than state or regional competitor AT BEST...damn you mom and dad :p
I let my clients split up payments if needed (like 1/2 up front, then the balance at the halfway point).
...what if someone just wants to learn?

I don't want to be a master of the obvious but have you trolled through the articles forum? There is all kinds of info from training to diets and supps.

You hire any one of these pros and they are going to prescribe a diet that is$$$$$ and supps that is more$$$. That is thier job. They are going to help you optimize your results from exercise. That will cost a few bucks along the way. Look at the cost of just eating good. Good luck to you.....
I have not posted in a while.. Im keeping very busy and focused but will be sharing more soon... I have 2.5 weeks to keep my head focused and were it needs to be..

But i wanted to give my two cents on this...

For a beginning competitor or even someone who wants to take it to the next level.. competing or not...

In my opininon... it can be more expensive in the long run not to hire a good trainer/prep guy. Personally I dont consider myself a nutritionalist but a prep guy..... because nutrition is just one part of the puzzle..

Some beginners are great at nutrition.... but lack the experience in the areas of using the correct progressions for their thermo genics, anti estogens, "supplements" and training.. Diet is just one part of the puzzle.

And not to give anyone a hard time... but often what you read and reality are two different things.. Trust me.. I read and I compete ....and what i read about many things just doesn't work quite the same....

I think experience prevails over book knowledge... Personally My methods are different from most because i have found they work and those i have done preps for ... dont complain...

5 years ago i made a very wise choice in hiring a top prep guy who taught me so much that i dont know how i would be doing things without paying for that knowledge.. And in the long run, i have saved and made a lot of money.

As for choosing a trainer/prep person.. I suggest establishing good communication from the beginning...

If someone is cutting and pasting a response then you get an idea of how personalized your plan is going to be...

I do agree that not everyone is ready to follow another persons lead..

And one last reminder to many.. A trainer/prep person can only do so much in the months that they work with you..

You must be willing to train dilligent with the utmost discipline if you truly want to benefit from your experience and keep in mind... Bodybuilding should be a lifelong journey... and getting good guidance from the beginning should be a priority! Good luck to all you guys in your quest to continue to build and improve your physiques..
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a trainer is only as good as the work you are ready to adhere to.......follow the trainers advice, not 20 others around your circle of friends telling you otherwise.......or you will fail miserably and blame your trainer.

There are some Great trainers out there

I hired a couple trainers in the past and really didn't learn all that much from them. A year ago, one of the trainers at my gym came up to me one day and told me he would give me some free sessions, so I took him up on it. After the first session I was hooked! He really knew what he was doing. We have worked together a few times a month and I have made some great progress and learned a hell of a lot from him. You have to go in with the right attitude and really be willing to listen and apply what the trainer is teaching you. I've gotten to the point now, where my trainer has told me, "You know what you are doing, so you are on your own now." I still plan on getting in a few sessions with him now and then as a refresher. I'd recommend this guy to anyone.
Hiring a trainer is never a bad idea, just as long as it's somebody this board knows by name.

Shelby, Alex A, Phil, Mainevent, Skip, Fahkri... the list does on.

If you've never "been there", it's always a good idea to get advice from people who have. It's not like you don't know 90% of what to do... it's more about having that second set of eyes to tell you how, when, and why. That's why people get shitty about hiring Dave Palumbo. "But he gives out free advice!" BUUUUUT... applying that free advice to yourself, to me, is like trying to cut your own hair. I slick shave mine, so I guess that's a bad analogy for me... but if you grow your hair, this makes sense. :)
The subject alone leaves me enough to input. To hire one of us allows a kick in the BUTT. If you are not in need of the kick we offer direction, it can be handy but its what you make of it.
Make sure you can build a rapport with whoever you hire. Were all different and some people like to know the science behind a trainers instructions whereas some people just do whatever they say. Theres nothing worse than hiring someone and feeling that everytime you contact them its an irritation to them.

I'm with Alex and I can't speak highly enough of him :)

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