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Tom Platz

Gotta hand it to Platz, although he probably has the most famous set of wheels in the history of the sport and has often gotten criticism about having an underdeveloped upper body, he managed to build a pretty damn good back, particularly for the '81 Olympia. Franco himself had a good back and in rear relaxed, Platz is blowing everyone near him away.
I imagine he squats over a hole 😂

I think he's a bit underrated as far as the rest of his physique was. He's legs were just that fuckin good !

I have to wonder how he managed to deal with those abductor and the top tube on the bike. With as wide as he has to swing those knees out i think he must have wobbled a lot going down the road. Tom is one of my fav's and maybe the first.


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Gotta hand it to Platz, although he probably has the most famous set of wheels in the history of the sport and has often gotten criticism about having an underdeveloped upper body, he managed to build a pretty damn good back, particularly for the '81 Olympia. Franco himself had a good back and in rear relaxed, Platz is blowing everyone near him away.
Judging from the photo I posted I disagree, Padilla and Dickerson have a better rear relaxed, Padilla has more detail and his triceps are bigger than Platz´s.
I really liked Tom as i have mentioned. But his upper body was never even close to being in proportion to his lower. So i could see him not winning shows even if he was a crowd favorite.
I really liked Tom as i have mentioned. But his upper body was never even close to being in proportion to his lower. So i could see him not winning shows even if he was a crowd favorite.

He had a few poses that he had his name on, ones that softened the disparity but other than that, it was an impossible struggle for him to balance things out and by his own admission, it never happened much to his disappointment 🙁 . . . but just imagine if he did 🙂

He had a few poses that he had his name on, ones that softened the disparity but other than that, it was an impossible struggle for him to balance things out and by his own admission, it never happened much to his disappointment 🙁 . . . but just imagine if he did 🙂
True. But from my understanding he made more money back then from his motivational seminars then the top pros were making. If so his looks still paid off.
Dude was certainly motivation in a bottle.
My early knowledge of training came from old muscle and fitness magazines. I remember reading some of his training articles he would munch on a frozen banana and squat 6 plates for 30 reps.
1980 and 81 were dark days of bodybuilding Arnold and Franco were given the titles. Franco looked the best ever in upper body mass and definition but legs looked like 2 sunbaked sausages. I wonder what kind of shape Tom's knees and spine are today as he was a ballistic squatter. It's amazing to me his legs are still unmatched today after 40 years in advanced nutrition traing supplements and drugs.
And all it took was 100mg deca a week and 50mg winstrol per day!

He should be embarrassed. Wouldn't even be enough for half of day one. Never saw someone as bloated through the jaw.

I used to find him delightful but man, sometimes he really irritates me. WTF does he do the machines? Complete idiocy lol.
And all it took was 100mg deca a week and 50mg winstrol per day!

I had an opportunity to spend about 6 hours with Tom when he came to Cornell University to do a seminar for the now defunct Cornell Weightlifting Club. Picked him up at the airport and had dinner with him later that evening.

Super nice guy, very well spoken, and very candid about what was being used pharmaceutically at the time (mid 80's). At one point we were basically just saying a drugs name and he would give his thoughts on it, and it sure seemed like he wasn't withholding his opinion. I mentioned Bolasterone and he said "can you actually get that, I want some!" Lol.. I do recall him being asked what he personally took and he used the "everybody is different, what work's for me may not work for you" reply so I don't recall him specifically talking about his choices, BUT to see that guy in person was jaw dropping, a literal gasp from people when he dropped his pants and you saw his legs.

The drugs were better back then but just Deca and Winstrol weren't that good!!
He was my favorite back when I started lifting in the mid 80’s, I had his book and read it hundreds of times…I decided dieting wasn’t my thing and that I was stronger than I was pretty so I left bodybuilding for powerlifting, but I loved squatting. Never had platz legs but I squatted 804 at 181 so I was pretty good at it…
The drugs were better back then but just Deca and Winstrol weren't that good!!
I know this is still an endless debate but remember lots of guys have and still do use both. It's not completely impossible to find Organon Sust and Organon original Deca and so on still. I say there's essentially no difference. Many agree with me and many disagree, but if you go look at PI you go, "what the hell man, they all look natural. And bad natural at that." At least that's what I think.

But Tom giving those comments, like 120mg Deca and 20mg of Stano being his "high dose" cycle is pathetic Lol. It was more like 2.5-3 grams was standard and today it's about 4 or 5, no matter what they say.

Then I look at his training. I'm like GTFO! Grow up! You get away with a lot when you have such quads but there are limits Lol.
I come from the old days, no internet, magazine days, and I loved it and miss it.
Going to the mall bookstore of MuscleMag Int (when it was still in its smaller format), IronMan, Muscle Builder & Power, etc).
When I got that issue I remember being so pissed. I loved Franco, but Tom and Danny should have been 1 and 2...

I miss those days, but now I have 5,000 old magazines in tubs in my shed... ** shrug **
He should be embarrassed. Wouldn't even be enough for half of day one. Never saw someone as bloated through the jaw.

I used to find him delightful but man, sometimes he really irritates me. WTF does he do the machines? Complete idiocy lol.
I know this is still an endless debate but remember lots of guys have and still do use both. It's not completely impossible to find Organon Sust and Organon original Deca and so on still. I say there's essentially no difference. Many agree with me and many disagree, but if you go look at PI you go, "what the hell man, they all look natural. And bad natural at that." At least that's what I think.

But Tom giving those comments, like 120mg Deca and 20mg of Stano being his "high dose" cycle is pathetic Lol. It was more like 2.5-3 grams was standard and today it's about 4 or 5, no matter what they say.

Then I look at his training. I'm like GTFO! Grow up! You get away with a lot when you have such quads but there are limits Lol.
I always find it nauseating when these guys downplay their gear usage and then talk about how they trained so much harder than anyone else and how we are all lazy for questioning them
I always find it nauseating when these guys downplay their gear usage and then talk about how they trained so much harder than anyone else and how we are all lazy for questioning them
I agree but it’s sort of a double edge sword. You got a retard in another thread here saying he did 1200mgs of Test because he heads Dave Palumbo mention it in an interview. I think some of these guys want to be careful about what they put out there. But I do think it’s lame when they come out with ultra low doses like Platz describes…
Judging from the photo I posted I disagree, Padilla and Dickerson have a better rear relaxed, Padilla has more detail and his triceps are bigger than Platz´s.
I respectfully disagree. Pla
Judging from the photo I posted I disagree, Padilla and Dickerson have a better rear relaxed, Padilla has more detail and his triceps are bigger than Platz´s.
Platz looks much much wider than the other three in Relaxed (imo). You're probably right about Padilla's triceps though but Platz's legs also blow away the other three even from behind.
I always find it nauseating when these guys downplay their gear usage and then talk about how they trained so much harder than anyone else and how we are all lazy for questioning them

They always say each new generation trains like pussies and don't diet hard lol.

As far as I am concerned back in the 70 and 80 bodybuilders hardly even dieted compared to what many do today. I mean look at those tiny "naturals" today, no one dieted to that extent back then. Look at Pumping Iron, I don't think that anyone was even close to how hard you can get even as a natural even though they claimed exist on distilled water, tuna, and salad.

Some train hard, some less, then and now. Some define "hard" differently. Some oldtimers think hard means little rest between sets. I think hard in weightlifting context is mainly what happens within a set, just killing a muscle with volume is fairly useless. Different views. What kind of training you settle on will be based on your personality, I think.
I agree but it’s sort of a double edge sword. You got a retard in another thread here saying he did 1200mgs of Test because he heads Dave Palumbo mention it in an interview. I think some of these guys want to be careful about what they put out there. But I do think it’s lame when they come out with ultra low doses like Platz describes…

From what I read 1000 test is Palumbo's "standard" or basically minimum starting test dose. I don't think it's outrageous to suggest 1K but perhaps it's sometimes too much. I think he's said at least 500mg to even notice it, 250 is HRT and will not do much for anyone. But at the same time Palumbo says he won't do HRT because just 200mg will "immediately put 20lbs on me."

I've never been coached by Palumbo or know anyone that has but I bet his whole prep instruction could easily be fit on an A4. Standard starting diet and cycle. I think cardio had a prefential upper limit too? Then when things stall with fat loss you only up the diet drugs and are hopely ready by your date. I suspect the diet is severe enough for most to get real lean. I think this piece of paper might be enough or sometimes even preferential for some types of people (we could argue whose piece of paper is best) as far as instruction. Not much to get confused or stressed over.

Some coaches have different specilisations such as Aceto's what I might call "pinch and release." He goes in the hotel room in the days before a show and pinches and releases their skin a few dozen times lol and adjusts posing practise, diet and diuretics accordingly. This accordingly to what I've read, never been in that room. So often I see IG clips of Chris and I wonder how much the pinch and release potentially helps? Or might even hurt? Lol.

BTW, I saw someone on IG who was a male IFBB pro coach. He had a rule for female clients though. The update pics through the diet had to be "none posing trunks" i.e. naked shots because the fabric will obscure detail he needs to see. What a dumbass and very low IQ thing to say in public. Out of his example clients on his page all the females had blurred genital area but all the males had trunks or even regular shorts style underwear. What, why don't you need to see some cock and balls bro? Any girl think this is anything other than perving, poor girl.

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