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Tone of Negativity - this has to stop guys


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 28, 2006
This is my favorite board out of all on the internet because of the community / brother feel that it has.

And lately I've been seeing some posts here that are nothing but attacks on the poster or incitement of anger. Why is that? What's the problem guys?

Anthony Roberts comes on here posting that he's putting up some of his book for free and gets attacked.

Marshall asks a simple question on how the 70's guys got big and huge off of minimal gear and gets attacked.

And even way back when I posted a question about a particular anabolic (don't get me started again, lol) I eventually got attacked.

What's the deal? Let's keep focus and not give into the fight mentality. This should really be a brotherhood, not a place to fight. Leave that to the inferior boards such as GB. (I refuse to post thier name) If you have a problem with someone, just handle it in a PM. What's the big deal?

Can we please act like mature individuals instead of high school kids?
Bumping this,,,We are here to learn and grow, not roid rage out on each other. Time to just stay cool..........
BrooklynBB said:
Marshall asks a simple question on how the 70's guys got big and huge off of minimal gear and gets attacked.

lol, good post BB. I like to be an optimist. It's not that I'm getting attacked, I'm just perfecting my defense. :)

It's all good though, some guys get a little "testy", but I think if we were all hanging out having a beer, it would all be in good fun and those stick in the muds would come around and have a good time.
marshall said:
but I think if we were all hanging out having a beer, it would all be in good fun and those stick in the muds would come around and have a good time.
I'll have a beer with anyone here anytime :)

In fact I will be at the Las Vegas Championship Show Oct 28th hanging out with Chris Cormier should you care to stop by and meet me.

BrooklynBB said:
This is my favorite board out of all on the internet because of the community / brother feel that it has.

And lately I've been seeing some posts here that are nothing but attacks on the poster or incitement of anger. Why is that? What's the problem guys?

Anthony Roberts comes on here posting that he's putting up some of his book for free and gets attacked.

Marshall asks a simple question on how the 70's guys got big and huge off of minimal gear and gets attacked.

And even way back when I posted a question about a particular anabolic (don't get me started again, lol) I eventually got attacked.

What's the deal? Let's keep focus and not give into the fight mentality. This should really be a brotherhood, not a place to fight. Leave that to the inferior boards such as GB. (I refuse to post thier name) If you have a problem with someone, just handle it in a PM. What's the big deal?

Can we please act like mature individuals instead of high school kids?

Well said BrooklynBB..........lets leave that shit to the other boards.
I"ve seen this alot lately but mainly on other boards.This board is by far the most informative.
With ya' on that one BBB. Hey? Pro Wrestling has triple "H" and we have triple "B".
Anyway, feel the same way. I think its gotten a little better though. I can remember it being even worse than it is now. And where the heck is VV these days?
A person's thoughts, info, or ideas are like a fish dinner, swallow what you like(the meat of the info) and spit out the bones(want you don't care for don't read). ;)
I agree... i see guys who lead sad pathetic lives in reality then come on here and create an alter ego and attempt to be the kings of the rooster house...

They are sad people who are knowbodies who want to be somebodies.. they will not be nor will they ever be anybody... ignore them and know your somebody..."and thats all i have to say about that"
Agreed BBB. That is what I like about this board.The Pro board offers support and USEFUL information from our bro's in this sport. Its OK to disagree... but a mature, intelligent man (or woman ;) ) will do it respectfully, without the insults, name calling, and BS. Insults and name calling are what a person uses when they have no useful or convincing information to contribute.
I agree, and I think that's something we all should keep in mind when we come here.
Yes, this is about the only board where getbigism or reverse getbigism (seeing haters where there arent any) isnt happening yet

Amen brooklynboy!
BrooklynBB, you know how I am. I have to start crap sometimes. I'm the one who started it with you on your dbol thread. It doesn't mean anything. That's just how I introduce myself.:D I'm not a bad guy and I'm not an internet alter ego. This is me, real life and here. When people arent allowed to argue a little over disagreements, then what the hell is the world coming to? Now I do agree that there's no reason for flat out name calling and stupid shit like that, but some good friendly arguments are healthy. And yeah, I'd gladly shoot the shit and throw back some tequila shots with any of you.
BigBoyJ said:
BrooklynBB, you know how I am. I have to start crap sometimes. I'm the one who started it with you on your dbol thread. It doesn't mean anything. That's just how I introduce myself.:D I'm not a bad guy and I'm not an internet alter ego. This is me, real life and here. When people arent allowed to argue a little over disagreements, then what the hell is the world coming to? Now I do agree that there's no reason for flat out name calling and stupid shit like that, but some good friendly arguments are healthy. And yeah, I'd gladly shoot the shit and throw back some tequila shots with any of you.

I like Tequila too. Ask Edge. :D
Magnum said:
I like Tequila too. Ask Edge. :D

Oh, that's it. I feel a shot challenge coming on. Break out the salt and lime, I'm about to get stupid.
BigBoyJ said:
Oh, that's it. I feel a shot challenge coming on. Break out the salt and lime, I'm about to get stupid.

Why drink shots when you can drink straight from the bottle. :eek:
Magnum said:
Why drink shots when you can drink straight from the bottle. :eek:

Damn. I think I've met my match.

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