Amazon Doll makes some very good points.
Here's some info from an earlier post on Dan DuChiene's Ultimate Diet - a 10 day cyclic ketogenic diet. I used this very successfully for every one of my shows, and just last year again to come down to about 6% bodyfat. While there may be better ways to lose fat while retaining muscle, I haven't found one!
I use the 10 day cyclic ketogenic diet that Dan Duchiene came up with in '82 called (and it is!) The Ultimate Diet.
Day 10: Calories half of maintenance levels, 30 gms of complex carbs
Day 1: Same calories and carbs, training 20 sets per bodypart, 15-20 reps per set, low rest between sets, chest/delts/triceps. Training first thing in the AM on an empty stomach.
Day 2: Test for Ketones in urine immediately upon rising using Ketostix-shuold be in Trace to Small ketosis. Same calories and carbs, training 20 sets per bodypart, 15-20 reps per set, low rest between sets, back/biceps/legs (calves, hams, and lastly quads). Training first thing in the AM on an empty stomach.
Day 3: Test for Ketones in urine immediately upon rising-shuold be in Small to Moderate ketosis. Same calories and carbs. Rest day.
Day 4: Test for Ketones in urine immediatley upon rising-shuold be in Moderate (possibly Large) ketosis. Training Heavy Duty (forced reps, etc) or DC style chest/dlets/triceps. Training first thing on an empty stomach. Food is oatmeal or brown rice 250-300 gms carb, same protein and fats, below manitenance calories.
Day 5: Test for ketones in urine immediatley upon rising-probably will be back into Small (possibly Moderate still) ketosis. Training Heavy Duty or DC style back/biceps/legs. Training first thing on an empty stomach.
Now carb load! Taking in 700-900 gms carb, mostly complex (pasta, rice, etc). Do NOT go below maintenance no matter how desperate yuo are to lose fat!
Day 6: Sugar loading day! Taking in 500-700 gms carb, all simple sugars, except dinner and after which are complex. Rest day.
Day 7: Powerlifting. Training for triples on multi-joint exercises, low sets, heavy weights, chest/delts/triceps. Maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fat.
Day 8: Powerlifting. Training triples on things like squats, deads, rack pulls, shrugs for back/biceps/legs. Maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fat.
Day 9: Slightly below maintenance levels of cals, proteins, carbs, and fats-the less yuo cut, the better yuo'll recover.
And then we're back to Day 10.
A few tips:
*POUND down the water on Day 5 & 6. Each gm of glycogen holds 3-4 gms of water in the muscle, so load the water, too.
*I like DC style training on Days 4 & 5 as I think forced reps and negatives are a great way to get hurt, and don't much care for a lot of the "Heavy Duty" stuff as advocated by Mentzer (whom I knew) and Jones
*If you're in a real hurry to lose weight, the days to really cut cals are Days 10, 1, 2, 3. Go below maintenance on Days 4, 7, and 9. Stay just at maintenance on Days 5 & 6.
*Yuo can play with the calorie levels depending upon how fast yuo're trying to lose fat.
*THE CALORIE LEVELS GIVEN ARE FOR A LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT - you can adjust up or down if yuo compete in heavier or lighter classes - heavyweight up to 225, Middleweight down to 176, etc.
*It takes a couple of runs through to individualize this, but start by knowing where maintenance is for you. Weigh and write down everything yuo eat and drink for at least 10 days. Weigh yourself at the beginning and end of the 10 days. If your weight hasn't varied by more than a pound or so, yuo're at maintenance.
*Plan yuor show for Day 7 or Day 8. Yuo will naturally begin to drop excess water on day 7 after all the carbs, UNLESS yuo are on drugs that hold lots of water like test, and yuo aren't on any anti-estrogens. The drugs portion is a whole separate topic.
I've used this diet to get ready for 5 shows, winning at least one overall NPC title. I've also used it many times to just get into better shape after my schedule has left me a bit "smooth." Having tried just about everything else, I wouldn't use anything but this.
And no, I don't do aerobics - hate 'em, and yuo won't need them with this diet unless yuo don't leave yuorself enough time to lose the weight.