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Training Split


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Jul 30, 2005
Whats your current training split looking like? I'm in the process of planning out my split for after the USA's and was wondering what you guys are doing. I need to bring up my legs this coming offseason so thinking of hitting them twice a week
Whats your current training split looking like? I'm in the process of planning out my split for after the USA's and was wondering what you guys are doing. I need to bring up my legs this coming offseason so thinking of hitting them twice a week

I am hitting a 4 day split currently, specialities of John Meadows aka MTDNG workouts. I just need to switch my ways of thinking up bit and John has really open me up to some even more intense workouts. It looks like this:

Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Legs
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Chest, Shoulders
Sunday: Arms,Calves

PS Babybeast - I use to double up my legs twice a week awhile back and they responded pretty well...just kept my volume lower then.
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I am hitting a 4 day split currently, specialities of John Meadows aka MTDNG workouts. I just need to switch my ways of thinking up bit and John has really open me up to some even more intense workouts. It looks like this:

Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Legs
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Chest, Shoulders
Sunday: Arms,Calves

PS Babybeast - I use to double up my legs twice a week awhile back and they responded pretty well...just kept my volume lower then.

How did your split look then?
How did your split look then?

Basically, I double up on everything, hit the muscle often, with few sets because my body only could handle low volume when I was hitting muscles as often I was then. Literally, the workouts were short, concise, and few sets due to frequency...In and Out of the gym. And I know some may say WOW, that is overtraining, but warm up and do few sets, I did alright on it. But, I know it was time to change it up this year in the offseason.

Monday: Chest/Triceps
Tuesday: Legs/Calves
Wednesday: Back/Biceps
Thursday: Chest/Triceps
Friday: Legs/Calves
Saturday: Back/Biceps/some abs
Sunday: REST
I am hitting a 4 day split currently, specialities of John Meadows aka MTDNG workouts. I just need to switch my ways of thinking up bit and John has really open me up to some even more intense workouts.

I'm currently using johns workouts too. I've been accustomed to DC training for so long that changing to high volume has greatly shocked my body into a positive change in my physique.

I'm staying leaner due to the increased intensity and higher volume workouts. With DC training I leave completely whiped out but with Johns, I find myself reaching back for a "second gear" to man up and complete the additional volume with the same degree of intensity to completely annhilate that days workout.

With the increased intensity and volume, I'm eating more while staying leaner and growing.

I honestly love this program so far and it's been a very positive change. I plan to alternate this volume approach with DC style traning to switch it up but will ride this for as long as possible.

When you put your legs throught the workouts John provides and eat the quality foods he suggests, and get ample rest....they will certainly grow.

My split currently looks like this (after a few recent adjustments to better accomidate work and study schedule):

Saturday: Chest/Shoulders (cardio am)
Sunday: Legs
Monday: off
Tusday: Back (cardio am)
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Arms/Calves (cardio am)
Friday: Cardio (am)
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I grew the best on a 2 ON 1 Off split I did a while back, also got pretty damn strong on Phil Hernons workout routine when I worked with him, may have to give that old routine another shot! I completely forgot about it until just now
MountainDogCrap training

I have alot of success with people alternating doing 12 weeks of my stuff, and then 12 weeks of DC...I call it MountainDogCrap training....lol...

Personally, I would not do them twice a week, I would blast the holy shit out of them once a week ala Tom Platz. They will grow....you can throw in extra leg curl movements on back day or stiff legs..those work well, but I wouldn;t do squats, leg presses, etc twice a week unless you go a little easy on one, and if you do that..what's the point..there won't be any shock...

I have alot of success with people alternating doing 12 weeks of my stuff, and then 12 weeks of DC...I call it MountainDogCrap training....lol...
Personally, I would not do them twice a week, I would blast the holy shit out of them once a week ala Tom Platz. They will grow....you can throw in extra leg curl movements on back day or stiff legs..those work well, but I wouldn;t do squats, leg presses, etc twice a week unless you go a little easy on one, and if you do that..what's the point..there won't be any shock...


Its funny you say that bro because thats was an option I was considering! lol I thought about getting a good heavy 12 week blast of DC and then hooking up with you for some training or vice versa
mon: chest/light tris (cardio)
tues: legs/abs
weds: back/ light bis
thurs: off (cardio)
fri: shoulders/light chest (cardio)
sat: bis/tris
sun: off
I have alot of success with people alternating doing 12 weeks of my stuff, and then 12 weeks of DC...I call it MountainDogCrap training....lol...

Personally, I would not do them twice a week, I would blast the holy shit out of them once a week ala Tom Platz. They will grow....you can throw in extra leg curl movements on back day or stiff legs..those work well, but I wouldn;t do squats, leg presses, etc twice a week unless you go a little easy on one, and if you do that..what's the point..there won't be any shock...


I have enjoyed changing my ways this time around! Your workouts are INTENSE and my body is really responding to them. The 4 day split is just perfect because as John mention, he has you blast the holy shit out it, that aint not lie my friend:headbang: As John told me that he thought these workouts would work very well with how Alex A wants me to eat this offseason. Thanks John, currently on week 6 and only great things to say about the workouts!
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3 on 1 off, Hernon STYLE!

I trained with Phil 2 years ago with good results, got strong as hell (on the limited movements he recommends). I may go back to that split for a while but may do it as a 2 on 1 off
just switched mine up to get a little more rest during the week. high volume for me.

Monday:Chest/Light tri's (am cardio)
Tuesday:Back/Light bi's
Wednesday: off (am cardio)
Friday: Heavy Bi's/Tri's

i usually take sunday completely off and also throw in another day of AM cardio on either friday or saturday
I'm on the Johnzilla bandwagon too, and loving it. :headbang:
Oh Johnny boy....you're such a workout whore lol ;) :D
I'm currently using johns workouts too. I've been accustomed to DC training for so long that changing to high volume has greatly shocked my body into a positive change in my physique.

I'm staying leaner due to the increased intensity and higher volume workouts. With DC training I leave completely whiped out but with Johns, I find myself reaching back for a "second gear" to man up and complete the additional volume with the same degree of intensity to completely annhilate that days workout.

With the increased intensity and volume, I'm eating more while staying leaner and growing.

I honestly love this program so far and it's been a very positive change. I plan to alternate this volume approach with DC style traning to switch it up but will ride this for as long as possible.

When you put your legs throught the workouts John provides and eat the quality foods he suggests, and get ample rest....they will certainly grow.

My split currently looks like this (after a few recent adjustments to better accomidate work and study schedule):

Saturday: Chest/Shoulders (cardio am)
Sunday: Legs
Monday: off
Tusday: Back (cardio am)
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Arms/Calves (cardio am)
Friday: Cardio (am)

X2 Everything he just said :) My body is responding very well to volume after a long time of lower volume/DC training. John's workout leave me sore for a few days!
I have had a lot of success with this split:

Back, Biceps, Rear Delts
Chest, Triceps, Shoulders


every bodypart gets hit every 6 days, and each day focuses on compound movements. I will probably never train 2 days in a row again. This leaves me equal time for recovery and growth.
monday- Back
tuesday- Chest
wenesday- off/cardio
thursday- arms
friday- legs
saturday- shoulders

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