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Training Splits


Jun 7, 2002
Allright, this is one of those preference questions, but I certainly would appreciate any/all feedback that is given.

I'm going to start a "bulking phase" and would like to know what some of you do for your workouts. That is, do you do one bodypart per day or split up one big/small (opposing?) groups? I guess, what's worked for you to put on some size (I know I should heed xcel's advice in his signature)? Or does it really matter about the splits -- just shut up and eat, eat, eat?!? I've pretty much always gone with one bodypart per day, giving about a week's rest before hitting it again. Now, I've had some "good" gains (when I've stuck to eating "right" and alot) but, I want more than that and feel that maybe a change in the routine would be beneficial.

Due to deployment, I was out of the gym for about 7 weeks or so and today was my first day back in. I've been working out for about 10 years, the early part for football, however, the past 4 I have been pretty serious and dedicated about building my body. I'm 5'10" and right now at about 205Lbs. I'm also "au naturale". It certainly has been beneficial to me to have found this board (and RM) with all the people willing to help a brother out, those sharing info on AAS and training, thus I ask for some guidance again. I do understand that AAS would help me greatly, however I'm still a little ways away from making that next jump. I want to get everything I can out myself first, while still learn as much as possible (about gear), before I take the "plunge", so again, any info/guidance provided would be appreciated.

I usually go with a 4 day split

and I train every day if possible, but I usually miss atleast 2 days a week

I have been feeling burnt out lately so I am starting a 3 day split and taking 4 days a wk off.


I am going to see if this helps at all. I usually switch up my routine every 4 months, but keep the same body parts together.

i switch up so much, its hard to say what works best for me, but right now im on a 5 day split
day1- legs
day5-bi's tri's
and of course weekend is play time, and a lot of eating

the only way i dont burn out is to do 1 bp a week, this way im not stuck in the gym for over an hour, every couple of weeks or so ill switch up my combining bp's.....ex. instead of bi's and tri's, chest and back, or chest and tri's, or chest and bi's. but my legs, shoulders, and back typically stay by themselves. works for me, be cool
I do 5 days wk.


I do chest alone-hit upper and lower throughly.
I dont mix back with bi-need to do bi alone, to strenous to do after a big muscle like back which uses bis also.
Dont follow the same logic for tris-do with delts. They are not as exhausting as bis, and if I seperate them Id be doing pushing 3x wk-too much.
6 days on out of every 8, I know it sounds wierd but my job schedule makes me travel every week, so I try to organize myself around that

Day1 Shoulders
Day2 Bi's/Calves/Hams
Day 3 Tris
Day 4 Back
Day 5 Chest
Day 6 Legs

Repeat etc

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
Many programs that people use don't allow for enough recovery time. It might work for many people, but I think that many people overtrain when the lift more than three days in a row. If they don't overtrain, they either have excellent genetics or they lack intensity. Of course gear use always helps recovery.

IMO you might want to try a two on, one off, two on, two off split. It might look something like this:
Day 1: Chest/Delts/Tris or Back/Traps/Bis
Day 2: Quad or Ham Dominant Legs/Calves
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Back/Traps/Bis or Chest/Delts/Tris
Day 5: Ham or Quad Dominant Legs/Calves
Day 6 & 7: Off

If it's not inconvenient, I'd also throw in a day off on day 4, and move day 4 to 5, and 5 to 6, so it would be 2 on, 2 off, repeat. But this would result in an 8 day program, and the days you lift would be inconsistant. Does that make any sense, or am I on crack? Do cardio when you want, and throw in abs twice a week. You can also pair back with tris, and chest with bis for a change, or depending on how they feel after your first time through the program. Good luck.
My Split

I really like a 5 on 1-2 day off split, here is what I do.

Rest a day 2 if needed.

I also alternate High Volume with Hit, and newly added rest paused. I think the HIT makes you grow and gives you some recovery, im out of the gym in 15-20 mins on my hit days, and it takes me 30-40mins on my regular days. I also change the exercises up, I might do dumbells one 2 week cycle then barbells, whatever I can do to mix it up is a plus.

It's interesting to read how many different ways everybody trains. I change my routine about every 6 weeks or so and it's all depending on what kind of shape i'm trying to get in. Here's a couple examples of my training routine. Take care.


Current training split

Day one- Chest
Day two- Quads a.m./ Hams p.m. after a nap and dinner
Day Three- Biceps/ High volume-Moderate weight/Calfs]
Day Four- Rest
Day Five- Back/Traps
Day Six- Shoulders/Triceps/Calfs
Day Seven- Biceps/ Heavy-Mass exercises

Extra day of rest when needed at anytime! I'm training bi's twice per week with my current site injecting cocktail( that our famous prep buddy prepared for me). I am currently doing high intensity training(training fast w/ minimul rest between sets). I usually only do this when cutting down. I also love the H.I.T. traing program as well.

Bulking Routine

Day one- Chest/bi's
Day two- Quads in a.m./ Hams in p.m.
Day three- Rest
Day four- Back/ traps/ calfs
Day Five- Shoulders/ triceps
Day six- Calfs/Abs or Rest
Day Seven- Rest
stevehnsn said:
Many programs that people use don't allow for enough recovery time. It might work for many people, but I think that many people overtrain when the lift more than three days in a row. If they don't overtrain, they either have excellent genetics or they lack intensity. Of course gear use always helps recovery.

IMO you might want to try a two on, one off, two on, two off split. It might look something like this:
Day 1: Chest/Delts/Tris or Back/Traps/Bis
Day 2: Quad or Ham Dominant Legs/Calves
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Back/Traps/Bis or Chest/Delts/Tris
Day 5: Ham or Quad Dominant Legs/Calves
Day 6 & 7: Off

If it's not inconvenient, I'd also throw in a day off on day 4, and move day 4 to 5, and 5 to 6, so it would be 2 on, 2 off, repeat. But this would result in an 8 day program, and the days you lift would be inconsistant. Does that make any sense, or am I on crack? Do cardio when you want, and throw in abs twice a week. You can also pair back with tris, and chest with bis for a change, or depending on how they feel after your first time through the program. Good luck.


Nah, you aren't on crack:confused:...(J/K) it makes perfect sense. Thanks bro.

Thanks to all who have responded thus far. It certainly speaks volumes of not only the level of knowledge here, but the type of people that post here as well.

Here is my split

Monday = Chest/Bicpes
Tueday= Legs
wednesday = Off
Thursday=Back/Rear delts

Will add ab/calf/trap/foremarm work whenever I feel like it
I always train 5 days a week now.
Mon. Shoulders
Tues. Back
Wed. Legs and Calves
Thur Chest
Fri. Arms
I'm hitting shoulders first in the week now because I'm trying to bring them up. I switch the order all the time. A lot of times I switch it up just so I won't be hitting the same bodypart everyone else in the gym is. I don't like to wait on equipment I train hard and intense, and don't like to wait to long. I tend to wait longer when bulking, thou.
another thing....

I don't recommend this, AT ALL, but the two largest guys at my gym train five days a week, and it's mostly upper body. In fact, they even dedicate an entire day to bis, where they train for like 1.5 hours on ONLY bis (maybe that's why the biggest guy curls about 200 pounds). Once in a while, they'll come in on Saturday to train legs. They don't seem to have a problem with it either.
my training is very complicated but if u go read doggcrapps thread "cycles on pennies" ull understand perfectly, by the way everybody here should read it, it should be pre-requisite.
Take the time to read through this, ive been doing it since b4 doggcrapps post and love it.!
Ex. Rep scheme like 8,4,3 means 8 reps till failure then rest 15-20 sec go to failure again, rest pause one more time for a few more reps.
All my sets follow this format except squats, deads. All exercises are one set each except for deads.

Day 1: Incline BB Press: 8,4,3
Arnold Presses: 10,3,1
Cybex Skull Crushers: 13,4,3
Rotator cuff work
Day 2: Squats: 20
Cleans From Knees: 8,3,2
Hammer Strength Overhead Pulldowns: 12,3,1
Seated Calf Raises: 11,4,3, 20 sec static hold
DB Preacher Curls: 8,2,1
Hammer Curls: 4,2,1
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Hammer Strength Icline Presses: 10,2,1
Standing Presses: 7,1,1
Overhead Extensions: 11,3,2
Rotator Cuff Work
Day 5: Good Mornings: 7
T-Bar Rows: 8,3,2
Hammer Strength Rows: 11,3,1
Donkey Calf Raises: 20,4,2
EZ Bar Curls: 4,1,1
Reverse EZ Bar curls: 11,4,3
Power Holds: 20 sec.
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Incline Flyes: 8,3,2
Hammer Strength Behind the neck presses: 8,2,1
Half Presses In Power rack: 5,1,1
Rotator cuff work
Day 8: Deadlifts in power rack: 4: 2 sets
Stiff Leg Deads: 4,1,1
Calf Raises: 21,11,9
Machine Curls: 8,2,2
Rope Hammer Curls: 14,4,3
Day 9: Off
Day 10: Repeat day one with heavier weights
Day 11: repeat day two with heavier wights
My current split entails working up to one working set per exercise, with 2-3 exercises for big groups, 1 or 2 exercises for small ones:

Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Off
Day 3 Chest/bi
Day 4 Off
Day 5 Back/traps
Day 6 Off
Day 7 Delt/tri
Day 8 Off
Day 9 Repeat (every few weeks, two off days consecutive)

Just the plain old basic lifts with no intensity techniques. Been off the sauce for a few months now, but next cycle will be the doggcrapp workout. I use a lot of rest pause anyway, so I'm really looking forward to trying this combination.
when u first begin the doggcrapp routine i recomend going one day on one day off for the first few workouts, the go into it, if u r doing the extreme stretching and other things, using new exercises, that extra day will be necesarry at first
Keep it simple, fast (no more than 40-45min with a partner) and heavy (always work with the heviest wieghts possibble)...........

for me:


1 quads / ham &calf
2 shoulders / triceps
4 back/------
5 chst / biceps
7 Back to the top

Cardio 40 mins per day first thing upon waking at about 6am

Mr_Magoo, would you also recommend waiting until I start my next cycle before starting the doggcrapp routine? I like the idea of every other day, so I'll head your advice there. I've already incorporated the extreme strectching in my current routine...feels great afterwards.

Thanks bro!
depends when ur next cycle is and how long ur gonna be off, but keep in mind, its Not an eod routine unless u make it one, i do when first starting for a week or two then get right into the meat of the program with two days on one day off
No, I had not planned on it being and EOD routine, but will certainly ease into it if necessary.

I have been off for almost 3 months so I am ready to start anytime. I have been doing the clomid/arimidex/Tribex therapy. I think I will start when I begin the doggcrapp routine also.

Thanks for your replies bro!

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