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Shouldn´t more people run upper/lower splits?

There's benefits to both. With less sets twice a week you'll be able to be lifting heavier weight for each exercise. But you'll need to use less volume per workout than once a week. Do what you like and works for you. Or mix it up to stay entertained.
People need to stop taking everything he says for gospel. He says feeling doesn’t matter. I completely disagree. He just moves a ton of weight, while that’s good for being strong. He’s built an ugly physique with zero detail. He is big as fuck I’ll give him that but he was also impressive at 18 years old so he clearly has good genetics
Big fan of dips and chins, especially supersetted. So you built your chest primarily using just dips?
After years and years of trying to build my chest, when I stopped doing presses and flys and just did dips my chest improved dramatically. Weighted dips and tens of thousands of pushups.
Following JP for a while now and he preaches upper/lower(maybe not for the REALLY TOP open strong AF guys). His thought proces is you hit everything at least twice a week(Upper, lower rest repeat for example). That means you stimulate a muscle 2/3 times per week instead of just 1(brosplit for example).

For the really big strong open bodybuilders this maybe would dig an recovery hole(even though JP does upper/lower from time to time, and he says he literally sees double the growth from it when he does and can handle it). Of course AAS/GH and stuff does something for protein synthesis, but it also let´s you recover more quick. It seems to be normal/the trend to do brosplits(or PPL) those days because (most) of the really TOP dogs do it, but should we?

*And of course you should train the way you enjoy it yadayada but just some food for thought.
Here’s what I think is a better way to think about it. Don’t just think about it as “what should my split be” but think about “how many hard sets on X body part can I handle per week” and go from there. Maybe for example you’re a super tall guy and your knees get lit up doing more than 4 hard sets of quads/hamstrings per week, so in that case you might get away with one lower day since it’s not much volume and you need more time to let your joints rest up. In that case, U/L would work horribly. However, if you’re an average person in terms of recovery and you don’t program stupid amounts of junk volume and an excessive amount of movements per session, then U/L might be great so you can evenly spread out your weekly sets across the week. I think you should build a split catered to you based on what you can handle, not following some generic advice (although JP is my biggest influence and I do think he’s right for the vast majority of people)
After years and years of trying to build my chest, when I stopped doing presses and flys and just did dips my chest improved dramatically. Weighted dips and tens of thousands of pushups.
Assisted chins was a game changer for me. The burn of a slow but perfectly executed chin up is otherworldly compared to the sloppy unassisted.
I like the sound of this. Does getting a little blood in these muscles seem to aid in recovery from your primary day? What are your thoughts behind this? I’m interested in this for sure.
I don’t think it really helps with recovery, cause by the time I do only 1 exercise they should be recovered already.
You’re using biceps and triceps quite a lot on back and chest day anyway, so why not utilize it a bit more and get a good pump in them without destroying the muscle like you do when you do on your primary day.

The lighter chest and lat exercises I hopefully think it’ll make them grow a bit faster. I don’t know if it actually does, but on shoulder and hamstring day I have some energy and time left so 1 or 2 light exercises to pump some blood in then sounds logic in my head, which again is not much of a strain on the body.
Following JP for a while now and he preaches upper/lower(maybe not for the REALLY TOP open strong AF guys). His thought proces is you hit everything at least twice a week(Upper, lower rest repeat for example). That means you stimulate a muscle 2/3 times per week instead of just 1(brosplit for example).

For the really big strong open bodybuilders this maybe would dig an recovery hole(even though JP does upper/lower from time to time, and he says he literally sees double the growth from it when he does and can handle it). Of course AAS/GH and stuff does something for protein synthesis, but it also let´s you recover more quick. It seems to be normal/the trend to do brosplits(or PPL) those days because (most) of the really TOP dogs do it, but should we?

*And of course you should train the way you enjoy it yadayada but just some food for thought.

What I liked more was the PPL when I started low volume training (top set, back off,5-8 exercises per workout):

It was very effective, but after a while had to deload too often for my taste, because my CNS was never fresh enough.
Now I use this split only when cutting since progressive overload doesn't happen that much on low calories.

Then I tried sort of bro split, and i prefer this.
Back + 1 movement for back delts
Shoulders and Bis
Quad dominant day + 1 movement for back delts
Chest and Tris
Ham dominant day + 1 movement for back delts

My CNS rests more and I can keep progressing with weights/reps.
This thing about hitting a muscle twice a week doesn't work that good for me. Well it works only for back delts tbh.

When I am starting stalling with progress, I just take a week off the gym and eat half the carbs, keep the cardio, take 500 metformin daily to restore some insulin sensitivity and that's it.
U/L is probably the perfect program for 80% of the lifting population.
They arent newbies anymore, but they arent advanced either, nor are they executing exercises at 110%.

And although JP is not a fan of bro splits, he and Corinne move guys to bro splits when they eventually grow huge and have lagging bodyparts.
At that time you NEED to have a full day to focus on one body part. But again, he has sad that most guys will never get to a huge size where a lagging body part is even noticable. Hence, run U/L into the freaking ground.
it is also not mentioning that he trains with a "see the face of god" type of intensity

did he ever mentioned what happened when he was like dropping virtually all gear, but TRT and doing a bunch of cardio, slim way down, and be a jacked BJJ athlete? Then is was like he did it / was doing it, then I see a post on insta and he is as big and dense and strong as fucking ever all of the sudden?
did he ever mentioned what happened when he was like dropping virtually all gear, but TRT and doing a bunch of cardio, slim way down, and be a jacked BJJ athlete? Then is was like he did it / was doing it, then I see a post on insta and he is as big and dense and strong as fucking ever all of the sudden?

It is one thing to say you want to get off the gear, stay on just TRT, and lose a lot of muscle mass.

It is another thing to see yourself melt away in the mirror, and actually go through it. Looks like Jordan has not yet reached the point where he is ready for toning it down. Can't blame him, I can't imagine what it must be like to go from superhuman to just decently built. Must be a mindfuck.
it is also not mentioning that he trains with a "see the face of god" type of intensity

did he ever mentioned what happened when he was like dropping virtually all gear, but TRT and doing a bunch of cardio, slim way down, and be a jacked BJJ athlete? Then is was like he did it / was doing it, then I see a post on insta and he is as big and dense and strong as fucking ever all of the sudden?
He just wasn´t ready to retire yet.

So he is back in full blast modus again.

Thanks everyone for their input in this thread, it was just something to think about. I agree overthinking plays a huge role in this stuff.
Watching jp train gives me anxiety 😂
I don’t think it really helps with recovery, cause by the time I do only 1 exercise they should be recovered already.
You’re using biceps and triceps quite a lot on back and chest day anyway, so why not utilize it a bit more and get a good pump in them without destroying the muscle like you do when you do on your primary day.

The lighter chest and lat exercises I hopefully think it’ll make them grow a bit faster. I don’t know if it actually does, but on shoulder and hamstring day I have some energy and time left so 1 or 2 light exercises to pump some blood in then sounds logic in my head, which again is not much of a strain on the body.
That’s cool. All about trial and error. Thanks for responding 👍🏽
Any program works better than sitting on the couch with one hand in a bag of Doritos and the other hand on a remote control

That being said personally I like each body part 2x per week

After that I vote DC style each body part 3x in 2 weeks

For pre contest I like the AM PM double split as many days a week as you can handle

Done in the style of chest shoulders triceps in the AM then same body parts on the PM session just different exercises lighter weights more reps pump style workout.

Next day back and biceps same thing an AM back workout and a PM back workout.

When I did that I would do the 7th day as dedicated arms.
It is one thing to say you want to get off the gear, stay on just TRT, and lose a lot of muscle mass.

It is another thing to see yourself melt away in the mirror, and actually go through it. Looks like Jordan has not yet reached the point where he is ready for toning it down. Can't blame him, I can't imagine what it must be like to go from superhuman to just decently built. Must be a mindfuck.
He may have seen a significant drop in members on the site/sales of clothing and supplements. I don't know if that is the case but I have to assume the physique and lifts he posts may have an impact on his business. ???
IMO more people should run FULL BODY workouts. Nothing made me stronger or in better composition.
I can get by with upper/lower as there is some crossover to the warm ups but having to get my elbows, shoulders, lower back AND my knees warmed up takes to long to reasonably do it every workout. I'm brittle though so there is that.

When I was younger and healthy joint wise I always ended up still taking too long with whole body as I just couldn't do one or two sets for a body part.
Assisted chins was a game changer for me. The burn of a slow but perfectly executed chin up is otherworldly compared to the sloppy unassisted.
Never really did an assisted exercises. For me, moving my body through space is best. And I have worked out alone for essentially since I started working out.

Heavy ‘supersetted’ dips / chins is a great combo to start your workout with. (At my strongest is could do parallel grip behind the neck chins with 110. Dips with 135. And I weighed about 165.)
I can get by with upper/lower as there is some crossover to the warm ups but having to get my elbows, shoulders, lower back AND my knees warmed up takes to long to reasonably do it every workout. I'm brittle though so there is that.

When I was younger and healthy joint wise I always ended up still taking too long with whole body as I just couldn't do one or two sets for a body part.
This is why I've always hated full body every time I try it. 1-2 sets per part? I get no enjoyment out of it. Just like I get no enjoyment of eating snacks, I want a meal. Same thing using reps and reserve. Even if ul or FB was optimal, I don't want my gym time to feel like a chore or job. Has to be fun.
Never really did an assisted exercises. For me, moving my body through space is best. And I have worked out alone for essentially since I started working out.

Heavy ‘supersetted’ dips / chins is a great combo to start your workout with. (At my strongest is could do parallel grip behind the neck chins with 110. Dips with 135. And I weighed about 165.)
Great advice. I hadn’t thought of super setting these but what an awesome idea. Thank you!

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