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Training while fasted


New member
Jun 21, 2010
I was always under the impression this would not be good for gains, but I've been reading more and more about the benefits of training on an empty stomach... thoughts?
i do it and i love it. i have been doing it for about 2 years now. you really have to adjust your workouts accordingly. it'll prolly take a week or two to acclimate but once you do you'll love it i think. i go less volume, with less rest between sets, but hit the same muscle group twice every 7-8 days. typical body part takes about 20-25 minutes. the idea is to stimulate the muscle enough to require repair and growth, without trashing it.

the only time i can't do this routine is if im in the later weeks of a pre contest diet. the energy levels just aren't there- the fullness isnt there- you'll find that you wont be able to get a good pump, etc. its at this time i try to get in 2 carb meals before i train and one after, and then do my cardio fasted in the am instead of weights.

if your going to do this, get XTEND, or another such BCAA supp. throw some glutamine in there too. drink 2-3 scoops before you head out to train, and sip on another 2-3 while you train.

hope this helps.
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Maybe it's just me, but I feel stronger and have more energy when I train on an empty stomach regardless how long I've been up.

I go to the states every Wed morning and get home around 1pm. I go to my weight room and on an empty stomach having nothing but water so far that day and it's always my best workout for some reason and doesn't matter which body part I train.
Training on an empty stomach is something you must teach to your body in the beginning, but once it learns how to function on a dead empty stomach, it will function just fine. Its never good to train on a full stomach, when you eat a big meal, blood rushes to your digestive organs in order to process the consumed food, and that takes blood away from your brain and your skeletal tissues. If there is very little blood around your digestive organs (aka empty stomach), more blood will be available for your brain, lungs, and skeletal tissues, resulting in better performance. As stated earlier, if youre going to have anything before a training session, make sure its BCAA's
For a couple of years straight I trained first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Once my body was used to it, my strength really wasn't affected in the gym and it made it very easy to stay lean. Just make sure to focus on post-workout nutrition like you always would, and maybe BCAAs before/during the workout.
I remember reading a while back that there is a larger release of growth hormone/IGF-1 when you weight train in a fasted state.

Anybody in the know want to confirm this?

I lift first thing in the morning. The most food I'll lift weights on is a protein drink and maybe a half-serving of almonds/walnuts. Something small like that. Often though I'll train on an empty stomach.
what is considered fasted? if you train in the evening how long after a meal would you consider yourself in a "fasted state"
what is considered fasted? if you train in the evening how long after a meal would you consider yourself in a "fasted state"

Not really sure. I was under the impression it was around 6+ hours without food...so working out in the morning after a nights rest without a meal prior to lifting.
I do it bro.

4 days on 3 off.

I have a coffee and a eca or some sort of hcl product, wait 30 minutes and off to train.

The previous poster is correct, it's not something you just do, it takes a little bit of time 2-3 weeks to really adjust.

I like to get training out of the way then rest & feed the body all day + after work I can go home and relax with the family.

I LOVE training on an empty stomach... so much more focused, way clearer mind. If I train in the evenings, it will be at least 2h after my last meal. If much longer, I'll have some aminos and maybe sip on a carb drink... but no full stomach.
It's the only way to train.. I'm so much stronger when I'm hungry. I Go to the gym about half hour after I wake up.. If the hunger is too deep I take some lbas+coconut oil.
I don't necessarily always workout fasted. However, I try to workout on a realitively empty stomach. Its hard to get a good workout in when your stomach is full. I read in a study working on a full stomach decreases performance because your body is still working hard to digest the food.

If you like to take pre-workout supplements, try taking it on a empty stomach before a workout you'll notice a difference in overall body flow and effectiveness.
working out with a full stomach just makes me lazy at the gym..
While i love working out first thing in the morning I am weaker. My lifts go down with 10% and the pump is just not there, I need to have several meals in me before I can get that pump and strength.

There is a middle way between empty stomach and full stomach, eating a light meal 30 min before working out is the way to go for me.
I agree with the previous posts about empty stomach training being effective. However, for me this is only effective if I've eaten enough food to restore glycogen stores and my general amino acid needs the day BEFORE. I think yesterdays food fuels my workout today. Hope that make sense.
wow I have never heard of fasted weight training being effective until now. I would think this could only work when cutting though. Can you build muscle while bulking on fasted weight training? I would think you would have absolutely no pumps
fasted weight training is better when you are doing circuit rather than powerlifting or lifting heavy, depending on your goals. if im looking to pack on some mass, ill eat protein before my first workout. if i want to cut down a lil here and there, ill go for a fasted workout and then grub out after to replenish.

i also think if you are pre diabetic in your family, you will see better results from a fasted state. if you are a ectomorph, i would not recommend this strategy.
fasted weight training is better when you are doing circuit rather than powerlifting or lifting heavy, depending on your goals. if im looking to pack on some mass, ill eat protein before my first workout. if i want to cut down a lil here and there, ill go for a fasted workout and then grub out after to replenish.

i also think if you are pre diabetic in your family, you will see better results from a fasted state. if you are a ectomorph, i would not recommend this strategy.

this is kind of what I am thinking. I would just be worried about burning off muscle when I am nutrient depleted, especially on a bulk

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