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Transferring from Amps to Vials


Sep 12, 2008
I've been wondering about this for a while and the opportunity to benefit from doing it has arisen...

Say I wanted to transfer test from amps to a vial. Now knowing that the test in the amps has no BA, could I mix 10 amps of test with .2ml BA (2%) and whatman filter into a sterile vial so I could make multiple draws without contaminating the gear? Any problems with this? Should it be heated or just mixed?
i just drew up the amps and injected them into sterile vials. It was a bitch and never did it again. Took to long
A while back there was a book and I think it was written by Anthony Roberts... He recommended insane front load doses, and he also recommended blending them together in your own 10,20,50ml vial... I never followed the protocol, but had the book.... Geez, its been over 10 years now...

Anyways, I had buddys who bought the book and followed the routine, and they said that by cracking ampules and transferring to vials that they lost some liquid during the process... It wasnt a significant amount, but enough to realize it may not be worth the cost and time wise.
but whats the point really? Lose some sterility and even if filtered and alcohol added gotta lose some potency. So I ask why? Whats the point? I dont get it.
sterile amp gear into a sterile vial and you are worried about contamination? unless you crack open amps under a vent hood with shit blowing in it directly i wouldnt worry

also use a big gauge needle to draw it up, faster you do this less chance of stuff falling into the amp during transfer

how do you know amp gear has ZERO ba in it?? doubtful, bacteriostatic reagents are always in the pharma prep for longer shelf life.
A lot of amps don't have BA in them, it's not needed. BA is only used to keep the oil sterile for multiple draws, like from a vial. An amp is considered a one time draw so none is needed. The manufacturer even says there is none in it. Just oil and hormone.

The reason to do this is because I'm not going to use all of an amp each injection at this point and don't want to throw any away. I understand by added a small amount of BA I would have to draw a small amount more for the correct dosage. I just don't want to put oil with no BA into a multiple draw vial. Each time you draw and push air into a vial you are contaminating the vial somewhat which is why BA is in test made in vials.

So no one has done this? It very well may be more of a pain than it's worth. I've just been interested in knowing if it could be done safely or if anyone does it. A lot of my reason is theoretical but a practical opportunity has come up too.
why not just transfer the amps to multiple syringes and be done?

How long would they be good like this? Wouldn't some air come in contact with the oil (through the needle at least) thus contaminating it to some degree? I'm sure it would be fine for short term use, but how long I don't know. Maybe this is the way to go...

Have you done this successfully? If so, how long did you keep them? Was there BA in the oil to begin with?

Maybe I'm wrong but I'm using Galenika Test E and their website says it's just refined olive oil and hormone in the amps.
You risk contaminating the whole thing. I dont see the point:confused:
How long would they be good like this? Wouldn't some air come in contact with the oil (through the needle at least) thus contaminating it to some degree? I'm sure it would be fine for short term use, but how long I don't know. Maybe this is the way to go...

Have you done this successfully? If so, how long did you keep them? Was there BA in the oil to begin with?

Maybe I'm wrong but I'm using Galenika Test E and their website says it's just refined olive oil and hormone in the amps.

Well currently the Kirachi sus I have are in amps so cut 10 at a time load 2 into syringe (500mg) so I in essence have 5 ready to go so they sit in syringe in fridge in freezer bag for up to a month. No problems here at all. I do feel the amps are a pain in the ass but alot of human grade come like this for single use only. Its time consuming but with a good blade its worth it imo.
i see what you are saying about single usage and BA being not needed

but pharma wont risk any of that and FDA im sure has a guidline as to preservatives being required for shelf life

a quick search of ampoule+benzyle alcohol shows alot of neonatal shots to other meds that all contain BA.

anyways, no, ive seen people including myself have done this with no issue.

seriously its not a big pain in the butt, like i said use a big gauge needle so you can draw it up real fast and put it in the sterile vial,,,good to go

i would do this as long as i dont shoot 10cc per week lol, that would mean 10cc vial can last you a few weeks and you dont have to do all the amp popping everytime.

so i will say as long as you have good technique, do it up and dont add more ba.
I would just use the amp and pitch it. I wouldnt try to save it or only use part and save the rest. Are you saying your only wanting to use 1/2 cc at a time :confused:
why not just transfer the amps to multiple syringes and be done?
The reason not to do this is that there are solvents in the oil and it will degrade the black rubber tip on the plunger and when you inject it will get all that toxic crud in your body.
I would just use the amp and pitch it. I wouldnt try to save it or only use part and save the rest. Are you saying your only wanting to use 1/2 cc at a time :confused:

Yes, that is what I'm saying. There are occasions where this would be necessary. For instance, say it's time to get bloodwork done by your doctor. There are times in some people's lives where this can happen and I was trying to find a way not to throw away half an amp each week.
Yes, that is what I'm saying. There are occasions where this would be necessary. For instance, say it's time to get bloodwork done by your doctor. There are times in some people's lives where this can happen and I was trying to find a way not to throw away half an amp each week.

If its a must Id say you were on the rite track with your original post.
If it was me since its human grade Id just transfer it to a sealed sterile vial.
I would not heat it.
I guess you could add some ba, it wouldn't hurt it. I myself wouldnt worry about filtering it in this case but again I guess it couldn't hurt.

Honestly thats the first Ive ever heard of any ampule not having a solvent.
I always keep some empty GH vials around and use them to hold my HCG.
The hcg comes in 5000iu amps, so I break the amp, squirt 2cc of water into amp, then suck it out and inject it in to the used HGH vial. Never had a problem with sterility....
I can't see a reason why you couldn't do this with your extra 1/2cc of oil.

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