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Tren question


Feb 13, 2010
This is a weird question and my initial thought is "no".

After running Test E, you take 2 weeks off after the last injection (Just AI) before you start the PCT.

Could you run Tren Ace during those two "off" weeks before PCT?

I know people run orals during those weeks, just wondering if Tren Ace could be done then.

Yea thats a big negative on that one sir. Besides for those two weeks the test e is still in your system and working, yes it is wearing down but thats the point of a end of a cycle. I like using d-bol at the ends of my cycles, i feel i keep gains better. I think there was an article on here talking about how it does keep gains better.
Two weeks on tren is not going to do anything. Besides, if you are still "on", you aren't "off". Get it?
Most people don't realize that your pct can make or break a cycle. It is essential if your are coming off completely to make the transition a smooth one by eliminating the possibility of aromatization of the coumpounds while they clear your system. this allows your own test production to get back up to speed and keep even your natural test from aromatizing.
Two weeks on tren is not going to do anything. Besides, if you are still "on", you aren't "off". Get it?

I get that, is the reason people use orals during the last two weeks before PCT because of the short half-life?
I get that, is the reason people use orals during the last two weeks before PCT because of the short half-life?

Honestly I don't know the reasoning behind using dbol for last two weeks. The whole idea of starting pct 2 weeks after your last shot is to allow the extra hormones to clear your system. Keeping dbol or any other aas in your system will not allow you to do that. I can tell you from experience that you can keep from losing your gains with proper diet and training.
Dbol during pct

IMHO it sounds like it just extends your cycle just as the tren a would. And I'm not saying this is the end of the world, just keeping it real.
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So no one uses Test prop during the couples weeks between the cycle of a long ester and PCT? Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding esters and their half life, or maybe its the combination of multiple esters that's the issue?

What about using Test Prop at the beginning of a long ester cycle? Wouldnt that be the same thing as kick starting with an oral?

An answer greater than one word would be appreciated.
The only intelligent reason I know of people using d-bol at the end of a cycle is in the gap between cycles as a bridge.
So no one uses Test prop during the couples weeks between the cycle of a long ester and PCT? Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding esters and their half life, or maybe its the combination of multiple esters that's the issue?

What about using Test Prop at the beginning of a long ester cycle? Wouldnt that be the same thing as kick starting with an oral?

An answer greater than one word would be appreciated.

That really wouldnt make sense, you technically wouldnt be coming off your just replacing a longer ester with a shorter one which would elevate your levels even higher because the longer ester is still in your system and on top of that the prop is short acting, this would make coming off even more difficult and take longer for your natural test levels to go back to normal
The reason I wold run lets say win or var with a test E cycle and whatever else for example would be this. Lets say I'm running test E and tren E. Ending with winstrol. I run the Test E for 16 weeks. the tren E for 14 weeks then stop so I can still have some test in my system while the tren E is running through its half lives. I start running the winny at week 13 and run it thorugh week 18. Now, what do I do right after my last dose of winny? The very next day I'm beginning my pct reimen. What this does is to allow you to still be "on" cycle while the remnants of test E nad tren E clears my stsem and then go straight into pct. This will allow me to keep more of my hard earned gains nad not lose anything due to the low test while the test E is clearing at lower and lower amounts as it runs thorugh its half lives. Without the winny I would have a test level of 0 possibly when I'm going into pct. Not what we want at any time.
Tren is very suppresive of the HPGA, so I wouldn't recommend it if you are "cycling" AAS use (AAS --> PCT --> time off). I'd recommend either just ending with test alone, or some research shows that AAS with strong antiglucocorticoid action may have beneficial properties at the end of a cycle the last few weeks. Haloteston is the strongest in this regard, and will work within a short period without inducing much added suppression. Big Cat has written on it a few times on other boards.


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