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Trenbolone vs. Trestolone?

Trenbolone vs. Trestolone?

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The reason I don't comment much about tren is that I don't want to encourage anyone to use it, on the contrary, I wish no one used it, but tren is definitely the strongest aas out there with the exception of trest of course!
As far as an all out mass builder I’d probably lean towards test but when it comes to recomp, hardening and sparing muscle in a cut and an overall “look” tren really shines
As far as an all out mass builder I’d probably lean towards TEST but when it comes to recomp, hardening and sparing muscle in a cut and an overall “look” tren really shines
Well I’ve read it several times and I’m missing it apparently lol
Just asking since the thread (at least originally 😝) was about TREST vs TREN
Who said you have to choose? I guess it's time for a nice blast with both 🥳
On a serious note, I've already used the two combined, as did some of my most hardcore clients.
I won't lie, didn't know exactly what to expect from this experiment when I first tried it myself, glory or a disaster.
To my amazement, the ride was smoother than just Tren with Test. The perceived body temperature can get a bit unconfortable at times, but every single side from Tren was milder than usual. We all felt like Gods. Full of energy, fantastic mood, high productivity at work, unforgettable workouts, some of the most profund drastic body recomposition I've ever seen. Libido sky high, even sleep was surprisingly good. And sure as hell, new slabs of solid muscles week after week. Truly a cartoon-ish look. The only ones who experienced higher blood pressure used too much Test with these two, alongside a blurred definition and frankly speaking, no obvious added growth.
Tren is without a doubt, in the top three most overrated steroids of all time.

Test crushes Tren like a ladyboy snuff film.

Lets take a pair of Twins, we will give one of them 500MG Tren for 5 months and one other Twin we will give 600MG Test 5 months. I will even spot you a TRT dose of 150MG for the Tren Twin.

The Test user is going to crush the Tren twin in strength and gains.

Phyte me. 🥊:mad:
Troll alert.

A. Because no one goes into any thread as argumentative as this trying to aggressive push their opinion here.
You couldve easily made a logical point on why you believe test is best but instead you come in hotttt.
B. This is basically the same argument trolls like WesternThighs and all the other banned weirdos made.
C. You are not a real person with a good physique

My guess is you wont last long here
Troll alert.

A. Because no one goes into any thread as argumentative as this trying to aggressive push their opinion here.
You couldve easily made a logical point on why you believe test is best but instead you come in hotttt.
B. This is basically the same argument trolls like WesternThighs and all the other banned weirdos made.
C. You are not a real person with a good physique

My guess is you wont last long here
bro, thats GH16 youre talking about :ROFLMAO: lord of AAS
On a serious note, I've already used the two combined, as did some of my most hardcore clients.
I won't lie, didn't know exactly what to expect from this experiment when I first tried it myself, glory or a disaster.
To my amazement, the ride was smoother than just Tren with Test. The perceived body temperature can get a bit unconfortable at times, but every single side from Tren was milder than usual. We all felt like Gods. Full of energy, fantastic mood, high productivity at work, unforgettable workouts, some of the most profund drastic body recomposition I've ever seen. Libido sky high, even sleep was surprisingly good. And sure as hell, new slabs of solid muscles week after week. Truly a cartoon-ish look. The only ones who experienced higher blood pressure used too much Test with these two, alongside a blurred definition and frankly speaking, no obvious added growth.
the two strongest injectable AAS combined must be a hell of a fun time. My resting heart rate would probably be 120bpm on those but I’d look incredible

Remember tren will recomp much more than test and other compounds wil. My guess is during those periods where you used it that you looked and were leaner.
I went back to look through, It’s hard to tell from pics, because I’m already around 15% by this point in time, but what I was experiencing is what happens to me each bulk on learning now as I track
Multiple bulks.

I need to increase my calories on a bulk every 2-4 weeks it seems like in 500 calorie increments. It seems regardless of tren or not, I can’t just run 5500 calories from the start of a bulk and keep growing for 16 weeks. I had to push up to 6300 weekly average to keep the scale moving.

I’m glad I did because I ended up at 239lb still with good abs even un flexed. And this was a gain of 34lb new additional weight since my last bulk which ended August 2023. 46lb of total weight gain in 6 months.

The pics I have aren’t from consistent enough angles to be able to judge. I’d have to dig for some that can be compared.
does the trest negate any of the digestive issues or lessen cardio impact? pulled the plug on my last tren cycle of because of non stop hiccups... on 400mg of enanthate

can anyone share their experience with trest + nandrolone? not sure if my question merits another thread. trying to break through a plateau and have a hard time pushing test any higher. primo is doing next to nothing as far as strength and scale are concerned
does the trest negate any of the digestive issues or lessen cardio impact? pulled the plug on my last tren cycle of because of non stop hiccups... on 400mg of enanthate

can anyone share their experience with trest + nandrolone? not sure if my question merits another thread. trying to break through a plateau and have a hard time pushing test any higher. primo is doing next to nothing as far as strength and scale are concerned
I don't know anyone who ran Trest+ Nandrolone and to be honest the idea doesn't appeal me at all.
I don't know anyone who ran Trest+ Nandrolone and to be honest the idea doesn't appeal me at all.
on paper it does sound like an awkward mix... in this case i hope to get my gerd under control and experiment with something like trest tren winny. thanks for the information shared
on paper it does sound like an awkward mix... in this case i hope to get my gerd under control and experiment with something like trest tren winny. thanks for the information shared
If you have androgen related stomach issues you might want to lower your androgen load for a few months, if the gerd, hiccups continue, i did a few months of DECA only for the same reason and the gerd seems to get better, depending on your age you may have to take a different approach to your journey!
does the trest negate any of the digestive issues or lessen cardio impact? pulled the plug on my last tren cycle of because of non stop hiccups... on 400mg of enanthate

can anyone share their experience with trest + nandrolone? not sure if my question merits another thread. trying to break through a plateau and have a hard time pushing test any higher. primo is doing next to nothing as far as strength and scale are concerned

For me the trest gave the fullness and recovery and slight joint cushion I would get from npp. I think I ran them together for a few weeks and then just stopped doing npp.

This may have been mentioned above, but saying either trest or tren doesn't make sense. A lesser dose of each can create less sides than a full dose of just one. Low dose trest and tren hex is actually pleasant and gives plenty of neural drive and fat burn benefit ( and yes this is with other stuff, not saying to run them alone).

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