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Trestolone Ace

I envy your ability to tolerate Trest gyno sides, holy hell lol. 100mg a week has my nipples itchy even with Ralox and Tamox.
I know people say ai don't work on trest conversion to potent estrogen but I think it's still a good approach to keep estrogen down in general to keep things from getting out of control. I've never ran trest but I used to get itchy nips in my earlier cycle years when I used serms instead of ai. Since going ai and no seem I haven't had the problem and if I do adex keeps it in check
I know people say ai don't work on trest conversion to potent estrogen but I think it's still a good approach to keep estrogen down in general to keep things from getting out of control. I've never ran trest but I used to get itchy nips in my earlier cycle years when I used serms instead of ai. Since going ai and no seem I haven't had the problem and if I do adex keeps it in check

Oddly enough on JUST trest/mast I would still get itchy nipples. Only thing that made the feeling go away was Adex
I envy your ability to tolerate Trest gyno sides, holy hell lol. 100mg a week has my nipples itchy even with Ralox and Tamox.
Yeah I’m taking some Nolvadex right now and I haven’t noticed any nipple sensitivity or anything. But I will say I’ve had gyno since I was 14 so I’ve gotten use to ignoring it lol
I'm not sure if it's due to fast metabolism for me, but yeah I prefer more frequent injections. I just cannot stick to ED pinning. EoD is the most frequent I know that I'll maintain.
How can you get enough cc in one pin if you go eod? Lol
Shit kicks in quick hitting 50 mg a week with lower dose deca and sust blend. Never had estro sides so will see. Did notice a rise of 10 bpm on heart rate.
Thanks to this thread and all of the responses I’m going to be trying out some some trest ace for the first time this upcoming week. It’s not very often these days I get to try something out for the first time so I’m looking forward to it. Still not entirely sure on dosage. Probably 50 mg eod to start (I loathe ed pinning) and see how things go and hopefully increase as I go along, assuming I have no problems. I’ll report back with my findings!
Shit kicks in quick hitting 50 mg a week with lower dose deca and sust blend. Never had estro sides so will see. Did notice a rise of 10 bpm on heart rate.

50 mg a week increased your RHR by 10?! My god that’s intense…

I wear a whoop so I’m very interested to see how it affects my RHR as well as HRV.
How can you get enough cc in one pin if you go eod? Lol
??? Because either I don't use insulin pins each time or I'm not using more than 4-5mL of total oil in a week. I really must be misunderstanding something in your question because it seems kind of an odd question.
I used 50mg a day for 4 weeks when I started my first 4 weeks and that shit is potemt AF ! I took .5 caber and Enhanced P5P 50mg but didn’t need any asin/letro.
I have a massive pro bb I know and he adds 50mg to every cycle ! But he aromatizes (or his body rather) easily amd he starts adex.75mg eod and had to switch to letrozole. Because of lack of steroid research (besides MENT, which more money and Studies were done on MENT, than any other ) yet they denied it. After 2012 (not because that year was any different) there has been almost no R&D for the therapeutic use of the older generation drugs. The WHO/IOC and our government helped pay for almost any study so they can (ban/test for it.

They wrote that ,’’they aren’t interested in MENT anmore because it would be a single male sex steroid hormone and it would get abused ! Then they want to market DMAU which is the chemical cousin , dimethandrolone undecanoate , Nope ! So now they approved Nestorone®️ (segesterone acetate), a progestin hormone used for -*female contraception*, and that had the highest discontinuation rate out of all female birth control
**In the NES/T is a novel, reversible contraceptive for men trials , they gave men 8mg Nestorone and large dose of test gel in sachet ! This next study they are using the female hormone (Again) with 5ml in a pump . 2.5ml each shoulder with only 62.5mg testosterone(6mg absorption rate) . They already know that 1000mg/4ml (Nebido) worked more effectively in a huge study , but the US sells Aveed 750mg/3ml (my trt), and they approved Kyzatrex®️ and Lipocine®️, which are generic copies of Jatenzo®️ . All are oral test undecanoate, but for TRT (and they are considered Name Brand !

Tell me that this NES/T isn’t gonna Fu** Up male sex drive !? It litterally has the same female BC drug that’s in the Vaginal Ring plus it’s a gel (costs big $$) .

My doc sent me a letter about Aveed and instead of e10weeks shot , they made it every 8 , due to T levels diving and pregnancies . My Rant . MENT can be used at 8-12mg daily for plenty of guys with out the sides being so strong.
Week 6 with Trestolone Ace, I’m up 10 pounds so far, trying to not get to fat and the Trest is helping with that.


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Same happens to me

With this in mind I think I’m going to try forcing myself to do ed injections of 10mg to start and move up from there based on how things go.
With this in mind I think I’m going to try forcing myself to do ed injections of 10mg to start and move up from there based on how things go.
I do the daily injections as well and have to triple my dose of Nebivolol to 15mg for when I'm on trest to slow the heart rate a bit.
Week 6 with Trestolone Ace, I’m up 10 pounds so far, trying to not get to fat and the Trest is helping with that.
Some great weight , especially for a bodybuilder with muscle already. Ment 50(trestolone acetate) is definitely something I’ll add to a cycle in the future. My 4 weeks was pretty amazing so I am formulating a plan to give it a real go. I definitely am glad I was able to use a-Hcg /Hmg mid cycle as I noticed a nice change in my testes as well.

Look good 💪
Hope you all had a blessed thanksgiving!

Wanted to give a little update on this wonderful anabolic I am trying for the first time. Let me first off say this is some expensive stuff. You could say I am a small brewery for a few friends and my own use. I made some Ment at 100mg/ml and started at 100mgs a day with 60mg test every day.
It’s been about 5-6 days and this stuff is like nothing I have ever used. Kicks in very fast and pumps are very good. I am not one to get a lot of bloat and surprisingly this has not put much water weight on me. I am fairly lean to start and never really had an issue with estrogen. Just in case I do have aromasin and Adex on hand. The major thing I noticed with this drug is how good it makes you feel in general. I just feel incredible on this like my mood is always good ready to work out at any time that’s really all I think about now. I have not noticed really any sides to speak of. I sweat just a little bit when I’m sleeping but my sleep is good. Nothing like on Tren. My weight is up about 5 pounds but my muscles look definitely fuller and bigger. The strength on this is absolutely incredible. Within the short timeframe that I’ve been on this, I have been able to lift heavier weights. I don’t consider myself a strong person. I never really lifted for strength, but the weights just started feeling lighter so I had to increase them.

My blood pressure feels fine. I don’t have any headaches or anything like that. I have noticed this does have a leaning affect to it. I’m very surprised how fast this has changed my body. The only thing that’s ever change my body. This quick was tren Ace and superdrol. I would seriously take this drug for just what it makes my mind feel like, I’m always in a good mood.

I’ve been helping my little brother and he has been going through a nasty divorce where his wife wants to leave him but he wants to try and work things out. It’s very sad. Been considering putting him on this just for the mental affects at a low-dose. We’ve been working out together and I’m trying to get his mind off of all of this horrible stuff.

Anyways, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I’ve read several places where are you should start at 20 to 50 mg a day but those threads were so old I have read updated stuff showing a good starting point should be 50 to 75 a day.

I was a bit nervous to try this stuff because I don’t really like the anabiotic‘s that cause a ton of water weight. Surprisingly, this stuff really doesn’t or maybe my body is just not sensitive to that kind of estrogen. I’m sure I have some water weight, but I still look clean and I can tell, I’m getting more vascular by the day. Also, just to let you know my diet is not on point or anything I’m pretty much eating when I’m hungry but it’s usually good food like a wrap with chicken lettuce, tomatoes, and some mayo and this herbs spread. I am hooked on the so damn good.

I would not consider myself a awesome responder when it comes to any kind of anabolic, but this particular one has really caught my eye. Extremely impressed with how fast this has changed my physique and how amazing and mentally well I feel on this.
I’m running it at 25mg a day. Only been on it about 7 days but holy shit this stuff is strong. I’m hungry literally all day long. I’m eating a to. And still staying lean while muscles are definitely filling out. I can’t wait to see what the next 7 weeks brings. I also don’t aromatize much all the way up to 800mg of test per Weeek and all I need is .25 adex twice a week. Have yet to have to up the adex dose on trest. The way it’s goin now I can see trest being my fav anabolic
How much Nebivolol and Telmisartan (or whatever other hypertensive drugs) are you guys using on MENT? I haven’t used it in a while but I am in the mood to use it again at some point and I know I always have to raise my doses to 80mg Telmisartan and 15-20mg nevivolol if I even use the smallest amount (5-15mg per day). The BP increase is no joke.
Interested to possibly give MENT another chance but from a different source….

The last MENT I ran started at 25mg/eod, then increased to 25mg/ed and got nothing. Pretty reputable source from another board but had to have been underdosed or bunk

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