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Trestolone Ace


Active member
Nov 28, 2020
Hope you all had a blessed thanksgiving!

Wanted to give a little update on this wonderful anabolic I am trying for the first time. Let me first off say this is some expensive stuff. You could say I am a small brewery for a few friends and my own use. I made some Ment at 100mg/ml and started at 100mgs a day with 60mg test every day.
It’s been about 5-6 days and this stuff is like nothing I have ever used. Kicks in very fast and pumps are very good. I am not one to get a lot of bloat and surprisingly this has not put much water weight on me. I am fairly lean to start and never really had an issue with estrogen. Just in case I do have aromasin and Adex on hand. The major thing I noticed with this drug is how good it makes you feel in general. I just feel incredible on this like my mood is always good ready to work out at any time that’s really all I think about now. I have not noticed really any sides to speak of. I sweat just a little bit when I’m sleeping but my sleep is good. Nothing like on Tren. My weight is up about 5 pounds but my muscles look definitely fuller and bigger. The strength on this is absolutely incredible. Within the short timeframe that I’ve been on this, I have been able to lift heavier weights. I don’t consider myself a strong person. I never really lifted for strength, but the weights just started feeling lighter so I had to increase them.

My blood pressure feels fine. I don’t have any headaches or anything like that. I have noticed this does have a leaning affect to it. I’m very surprised how fast this has changed my body. The only thing that’s ever change my body. This quick was tren Ace and superdrol. I would seriously take this drug for just what it makes my mind feel like, I’m always in a good mood.

I’ve been helping my little brother and he has been going through a nasty divorce where his wife wants to leave him but he wants to try and work things out. It’s very sad. Been considering putting him on this just for the mental affects at a low-dose. We’ve been working out together and I’m trying to get his mind off of all of this horrible stuff.

Anyways, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I’ve read several places where are you should start at 20 to 50 mg a day but those threads were so old I have read updated stuff showing a good starting point should be 50 to 75 a day.

I was a bit nervous to try this stuff because I don’t really like the anabiotic‘s that cause a ton of water weight. Surprisingly, this stuff really doesn’t or maybe my body is just not sensitive to that kind of estrogen. I’m sure I have some water weight, but I still look clean and I can tell, I’m getting more vascular by the day. Also, just to let you know my diet is not on point or anything I’m pretty much eating when I’m hungry but it’s usually good food like a wrap with chicken lettuce, tomatoes, and some mayo and this herbs spread. I am hooked on the so damn good.

I would not consider myself a awesome responder when it comes to any kind of anabolic, but this particular one has really caught my eye. Extremely impressed with how fast this has changed my physique and how amazing and mentally well I feel on this.
For someone your size Luik, I would think would gain a shit ton from this. Makes me want to get a better diet and up the protein
Also something to mention is all my lifts have increased and my normal underarmor jacket I ware is tighter.
My HRT doc told me since I am leaner estrogen won’t be such a problem vs someone that is 15+% body fat. As I said before though I have never really been estrogen sensitive even on 1g test estrogen is still normal high levels
For someone your size Luik, I would think would gain a shit ton from this. Makes me want to get a better diet and up the protein
I will give him another chance, no changes in the diet, etc. so that it is as little variable as possible and I only add MENT and see what it actually does for me
I will give him another chance, no changes in the diet, etc. so that it is as little variable as possible and I only add MENT and see what it actually does for me
^^^curious; ..what ester of MENT will you be using?

used ment ace several times and i really like it alot, i do however bloat alot from it and have to use Nolva or my gyno starts to grow..
This is definitely my new favorite. Not sure I will ever come off it. Was thinking something like 25-50 with HRT during a cruise
I've always had good experiences with Trest. It's actually my favorite compound.
20mg test c
10mg trest ace
120mg proviron

7 days in best I have ever felt. 53yrs been banging 25yrs. Last 3-4 years trt 70mg x2 week. Only reason im doing Ed inject is I could only get trest ace. I wish my favorite source on here would carry trest enth. So y’all keep inquiring him. Only thing that has ever lit my nips up was real dbol back in day. So I might up trest ace dose up to 15mg Ed. Idk. I’m smart and let my ego free years ago. I’m due to get some labs pulled. Should be interesting to see where my markers are at. Respect.
I’m quite surprised you can tolerate that dose.

Most tap out at 30mg a day due to resting heart rate and blood pressure.

And please god go get a BP cuff. You can’t feel hypertension.

Cavet….yes….when it’s 220/110 yes you can feel it in your head. But anything north of 140/90 needs worked on
I’m quite surprised you can tolerate that dose.

Most tap out at 30mg a day due to resting heart rate and blood pressure.

And please god go get a BP cuff. You can’t feel hypertension.

Cavet….yes….when it’s 220/110 yes you can feel it in your head. But anything north of 140/90 needs worked on
Yes x2. 100mg trest ace Ed goddamn man
I’m quite surprised you can tolerate that dose.

Most tap out at 30mg a day due to resting heart rate and blood pressure.

And please god go get a BP cuff. You can’t feel hypertension.

Cavet….yes….when it’s 220/110 yes you can feel it in your head. But anything north of 140/90 needs worked on
Yea I agree. The most I have used is 20mg per day MENT and even with 20mg Nebivolol added, I couldn't keep my heart rate below 70. It probably would have been in the 90s if I wasn't taking any. Systolic BP number would go up too but that dose of Nebivolol controlled it well enough.

I am kind of stuck at this point where I need a much higher dosage to really make permanent gains. I seem to go back to where I started once I stop taking the low dose of MENT. I can only imagine how powerful it would be to a newbie though.

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