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Twinkie diet helps Nutrition professor lose 27lbs

What's the big deal? If there is a single person on Professional Muscle that is surprised by this, well, that's sad. This story is supposed to be a surprise to the general public. Which it is. But the general public also thinks you get ripped abs by doing 500 sit ups a day.
I just don't see how he could say its not unhealthy because of the data. All you have to do is look at the research done on the ingredients in those foods and see that it will not be conducive to you health. Plus 1800 calories is low for just about anyone.
I just don't see how he could say its not unhealthy because of the data. All you have to do is look at the research done on the ingredients in those foods and see that it will not be conducive to you health. Plus 1800 calories is low for just about anyone.

Low calories is healthy, dude. You live longer when you eat under 2,000 calories. I always feel SO much healthier/full of energy on low cals.

1,800 calories of Little Debbie snacks? I dunno. If you lost 27 pounds of fat from it, maybe it was healthy? I really don't know. Interesting question.
im puzzled how his hdl and ldl where both positively effected...genetics probably
calories out > calories in, that's really all that matters
I just don't see how he could say its not unhealthy because of the data. All you have to do is look at the research done on the ingredients in those foods and see that it will not be conducive to you health. Plus 1800 calories is low for just about anyone.

It's called dosage and context, which is usually overlooked. A hypocaloric diet with 'some' protein can go a long way in sedentary individuals, especially if they are obese starting out. It's really no fluke at all. It's the point I was trying to make on the HFCS thread. Some ingredients are "BAD" in large doses, or rather when they are consumed in LARGE amounts, especially if the individual is already eating above maintenance. But take an individual who is eating less than he is using, and it is a whole different ballpark. This diet is NOT ideal, but it puts things into perspective that.....they CAN eat crap food every now and then IN THE RIGHT CONDITIONS, especially if they do it infrequently, and especially with a low caloric state.

1800 is not much, but he is a very small framed guy with not much muscle. I'm sure he lost 'some' muscle...maybe.

I once heard a nutritionist state she could put people on a twinkie diet and as long as the calories are low , they'll lose weight , but are they gonna lose the weight they want to ? I don't think so .

If protein is adequate, they will be fine, at least in short durations. Also, there are short term studies showing the same macronutrient ratios being used by different groups, one being with healthy food, and the other with crap food. There were no differences in the short term between the two. I think LD went up in the crap food model though, i'd have to check. But considering most people on these boards are healthy a majority of the time throughout the week, they really should have no fear of a crap food meal every now and then. It's when it starts becoming excessive every day or more that it really becomes a problem. Then again, it all will differ depending on whether they are in a caloric deficit or a hypercaloric state.

im puzzled how his hdl and ldl where both positively effected...genetics probably

Weight loss.

calories out > calories in, that's really all that matters

how anyone can eat nothing but little Debbie snacks and Doritos every three hours for two months straight is beyond me.... i want to know what he was eating before he started the diet.
Thanks for the post BMJ, interesting points. One thing I can definitely conclude from this 'study' is that being poor is no excuse for being fat. That has to be one of the cheapest ways to eat considering the calorie density of twinkies and donuts.
"His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food."

Kudos to that guy. He actually knows what he's talking about.

This only comes as a surprise to those you still lost in broscience and misinformation regarding nutrition.
Thanks for the post BMJ, interesting points. One thing I can definitely conclude from this 'study' is that being poor is no excuse for being fat. That has to be one of the cheapest ways to eat considering the calorie density of twinkies and donuts.

Just because the food is dense in calories doesn't mean it keeps you full. The only reason this professor ate 1,800 calories of junk is because he was doing it as a study. If someone is hungry and trying to fill up on convenience store food, actually getting by on junk, their calories are going to be a LOOOOOOT higher than 1,800 at the end of the day.

Need proof? I can consume 5,000 calories of Dunkin Donuts and ice cream bars in like...No time. I can honestly run home with a box of 12 dunkin donuts and a box of eclair bars and sit down on my couch and put it all down in NO TIME. I could never do that with actual food. I'd vomit everywhere after like 2k calories from being so full.
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Thanks for the post BMJ, interesting points. One thing I can definitely conclude from this 'study' is that being poor is no excuse for being fat. That has to be one of the cheapest ways to eat considering the calorie density of twinkies and donuts.

Agreed (just as being rich is no excuse for being fat)!
Plus 1800 calories is low for just about anyone.

that's news to me...
i can easily maintain my weight on 1500 to 1800 cals. I actually gained a ton of fat by not working out and eating around 2500 cals.
that's news to me...
i can easily maintain my weight on 1500 to 1800 cals. I actually gained a ton of fat by not working out and eating around 2500 cals.

It's called Broscience, Buselmo. According to Broscience:

1. Under 3k calories and your muscles go poof
2. More than 15 minutes of cardio and your muscles go poof
3. Eat every hour or your muscles go poof
4. Two grams protein per pound of BW or your muscles go poof
that's news to me...
i can easily maintain my weight on 1500 to 1800 cals. I actually gained a ton of fat by not working out and eating around 2500 cals.

You're also a bodybuilder. When I read the article I was thinking about what my clients (people with no background in nutrition and fitness) would think of this article and what they could learn. I have my clients (mostly women) write down what they ate throughout the day and most of them eat well over 1800 calories per day. I didn't post the article thinking anyone here would learn something, just wanted to discuss it.
It's called Broscience, Buselmo. According to Broscience:

1. Under 3k calories and your muscles go poof
2. More than 15 minutes of cardio and your muscles go poof
3. Eat every hour or your muscles go poof
4. Two grams protein per pound of BW or your muscles go poof

that's news to me...
i can easily maintain my weight on 1500 to 1800 cals. I actually gained a ton of fat by not working out and eating around 2500 cals.

You're obviously lying, and how dare you claim broscience to be false. It's impossible to maintain on anything less than 4000 calories a day.

For everyone.

It's called Broscience, Buselmo. According to Broscience:

1. Under 3k calories and your muscles go poof
2. More than 15 minutes of cardio and your muscles go poof
3. Eat every hour or your muscles go poof
4. Two grams protein per pound of BW or your muscles go poof

lmfao. Exactly.
It's called Broscience, Buselmo. According to Broscience:

1. Under 3k calories and your muscles go poof
2. More than 15 minutes of cardio and your muscles go poof
3. Eat every hour or your muscles go poof
4. Two grams protein per pound of BW or your muscles go poof

5. stop using gear and your muscles go poof.... :D

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