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Two New and Very Powerful Substances


Active member
Dec 23, 2007
Two news which hit the wire at about the same time

The substance in the first study looks like it may (without trying we will never know for sure; hence I just say "may") be the most potent recomp drug ever, building muscle and shedding fat.
Check out the profile of this in Wikipedia:
"In January 2021, a new study confirmed that treatment with Bimagrumab is safe and effective for treating excess adiposity and metabolic disturbances of adult patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes"
So its not like we are talking about an untested substance. It has been substantially tested.

The other is a much more experimental substance and is called FST-DHBS-mFc.

Any chance the first one can be synthesized (I know, I know... synthesize is not the right term here; this is a monoclonal antibody) ???
Damn, I knew I was missing something about that first substance, but couldn't recall which other link it was I wanted to post.

Read what it says
"One dose of myostatin inhibitor bimagrumab results in permanent muscle mass increase"
and no, this is not in mice; this happened in actual humans
That basically means there will never be a decent and legitimate supply chain of pharmaceutical grade for the drug.
Not the case
Guys above me are referencing the old study. From the drug's wikipedia page

In April 2016, Novartis announced that bimagrumab had failed a Phase IIb/III study for sporadic inclusion body myositis.[4]

In January 2021, a new study confirmed that treatment with Bimagrumab is safe and effective for treating excess adiposity and metabolic disturbances of adult patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In this new study -completed just 3 weeks ago- the drug was positioned as an obesity treatment and succeeded

Can this be made availabşe to athletes before commercialization by big pharma?
Has there ever been a source that offered a compound like this before it started getting manufactured by a pharmaceutical company? Because we have no idea how much longer this will take to get on pharmacy shelves and the wait could be long.....
Not the case
Guys above me are referencing the old study. From the drug's wikipedia page

In April 2016, Novartis announced that bimagrumab had failed a Phase IIb/III study for sporadic inclusion body myositis.[4]

In January 2021, a new study confirmed that treatment with Bimagrumab is safe and effective for treating excess adiposity and metabolic disturbances of adult patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

In this new study -completed just 3 weeks ago- the drug was positioned as an obesity treatment and succeeded

Can this be made availabşe to athletes before commercialization by big pharma?
Has there ever been a source that offered a compound like this before it started getting manufactured by a pharmaceutical company? Because we have no idea how much longer this will take to get on pharmacy shelves and the wait could be long.....
Interesting indeed I shall be on this then if it ever comes out lol
From further reading it is a waiting game this won’t be anytime soon another good few years 5 at least it normally takes that or longer for approved new drugs.
From further reading it is a waiting game this won’t be anytime soon another good few years 5 at least it normally takes that or longer for approved new drugs.
Any chance a source could get this custom made? A lot of similar items are being custom-manufactured abroad for similar purposes....
Any chance a source could get this custom made? A lot of similar items are being custom-manufactured abroad for similar purposes....
It could possibly be done
But unsure if the raws would be expensive
And in 5,4,3,2,1 every 'research company' on the net looks to cash in....

It will start showing up very soon I'm sure.
Peter Ganz at UCSF has also studied myostatin in preclinical studies, recently determining that lower levels of that protein alongside reduced levels of GDF11 were linked to thickening heart muscles and heart failure.

No thank you!
Peter Ganz at UCSF has also studied myostatin in preclinical studies, recently determining that lower levels of that protein alongside reduced levels of GDF11 were linked to thickening heart muscles and heart failure.

No thank you!

Had it been this simple the company would not have invested in this drug at all. A drug expected to produce LVH and other forms of heart issues will either not get FDA approval or will be forced to get pulled off the market very quıckly; not worth investing in...

But of course some people think that these issues do not matter and if you bribe the FDA sufficiently, they will approve anything. Doesn't work like that though
Had it been this simple the company would not have invested in this drug at all. A drug expected to produce LVH and other forms of heart issues will either not get FDA approval or will be forced to get pulled off the market very quıckly; not worth investing in...

But of course some people think that these issues do not matter and if you bribe the FDA sufficiently, they will approve anything. Doesn't work like that though
Or the drug companies decide to pay the settlements from the lawsuits. I don’t like to experiment with out solid evidence. Not to say that there is anything wrong with using what’s available. Just not for me.
Its tough playing with mother nature. From the article:

"Knocking down myostatin, though, could also be potentially dangerous. Peter Ganz at UCSF has also studied myostatin in preclinical studies, recently determining that lower levels of that protein alongside reduced levels of GDF11 were linked to thickening heart muscles and heart failure."

Not something to be experimenting with in humans now. There is a reason that myostatin exists in the human body.
Its tough playing with mother nature. From the article:

"Knocking down myostatin, though, could also be potentially dangerous. Peter Ganz at UCSF has also studied myostatin in preclinical studies, recently determining that lower levels of that protein alongside reduced levels of GDF11 were linked to thickening heart muscles and heart failure."

Not something to be experimenting with in humans now. There is a reason that myostatin exists in the human body.

It doesn't exactly work like that.
Here, the response of the heart muscle to this specific treatment is explained and the risks addressed.
It doesn't exactly work like that.
Here, the response of the heart muscle to this specific treatment is explained and the risks addressed.
Certainly some things to be discovered in the future with more animal testing, but to experiment on oneself at this point would be foolhardy in my opinion. Its your body though. Maybe someday it will be proven to be safe and effective in treating ailments in humans. I wouldnt rule that out.
Damn, I knew I was missing something about that first substance, but couldn't recall which other link it was I wanted to post.

Read what it says
"One dose of myostatin inhibitor bimagrumab results in permanent muscle mass increase"
and no, this is not in mice; this happened in actual humans
Glp-1 also has a impact on myostatin https://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/index.php?threads/copy-paste-glp-1-for-muscle-gain.167366/
Certainly some things to be discovered in the future with more animal testing, but to experiment on oneself at this point would be foolhardy in my opinion. Its your body though. Maybe someday it will be proven to be safe and effective in treating ailments in humans. I wouldnt rule that out.
This is the link I previously posted
there it says
"In this phase 2 randomized clinical trial..."
A Phase 2 trial's main goal is to test safety and the results of the above study can be accessed by clicking the link. Especially under the Safety and Adverse Events section, details are reported.

Is this a new drug without a proven track record in broad audiences? Yes -so indeed your point isn't without merit.
Would taking this make one the first to use this substance, effectively constituting the first jump from animal testing to human tests? Not exactly.

So everyone can proceed with these facts and their own risk tolerance in mind and take it from there....
Omiplata, thanks for the information.
Very interesting and informative thread.
I’m interested in hearing about the results of Bimagrimab from a well know member. If it’s truly effective I’m sure we’ll have a dozen well known members post the results shortly after it becomes available.
This is a thread from a year and a half ago. This drug is likely stuck on the way to Phase III trials and could take years (many years) before reaching any level of tentative approval.

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