It makes me think. Either humans are proof that Satan as a single entity exists, or humans are a compilation of Satans essence. No other creature in existence is capable of the cruelty and hatred that mankind inflicts. Maybe with intelligence comes the ability to hate. If so, will there ever come a time that we evolve to a level of intelligence in which we are capable of overcoming the need to hurt other things? Why do we use torchure as a form of entertainment? Even as small kids, we hurt small creatures for our amusement. Where does this urge come from?
Many times, mothers have an overwhelming urge to hurt, or kill their new born babies. If this is not a clue to the existence of a being whose goal is to instill hatred in us, then I don't know what is. I know about the so called psychological explanations for this, but I think psychology is basically an attempt at rationalizing unspeakable acts. I also think it's horse shit.
It's been a challenge for me recently not to let my hatred of humanity overwhelm me. But, if I give in to the hatred, I have made myself exactly what I despise. It's a constant battle to remember not to let the actions of others turn YOU into the same thing that they are. Hate in any form is ignorance. It has taken me a long time to understand that. Some of you guys who've known me for a while know that I have been EXTREMELY hateful. It's time to change now though.
As stupid as it may sound, the only thing that can save this world is kindness. Sadly though, I think it's too late. But, at least don't let YOURSELF fall into the trap of hatred. I was in it for a long time and getting out is a REAL bitch.