I think as awesome as it would be to train for a living and get paid for it, I personally would not want to be a pro, nor do I think I have the genetics for it anyways (doesnt mean i let myself slack). I dont think I would ever want bbing to be my livlihood and whole life, I would prefer it to be a hobby and something that allows me to release stress from life and just kind of allow me to be in my own goal-setting progress-making world. I also feel that when I have a serious gf or wife, and possibly a family I would definitely put all this stuff on the backburner so to speak. I dont think I could put something like this in front of a serious gf, wife, kid, family, friends, etc. and I'm not saying pro's do that, but I think it would be harder to do so if bodybuilding was your livlihood.
Dont get me wrong, I dont use this as an excuse to take it easy with diet, training etc. I will keep training and eating like I want to be a pro until a certain point in my life where I think other aspects will be more important. No doubt I admire all the pros for all their consistency and dedication to the sport, and the fact that they are able to achieve what so many people strive for throughout their lives. Baby beast, from the looks of it you have freaky genetics man, and I respect and admire your goals, and definitely think you can achieve them with the hard work it looks like youve been putting into all this.