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Well Well


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
Well I feel better about my day, I just got home from having a drink with my friend Swale. This is a stand up guy that knows his shit! Fuck, even looks the part. Taking advice from someone that knows and believes in what he's doing is great. After my meeting I can say that I've found a Doc and I know it will benefit us both. Fellas he's a great guy and is doing everything he can to help, he's put in his time and $ cash to make his bizz work. He gets nothing but support and my backing. Finally, I can walk into a Doc's office and say I need blood work and not be questioned. Except this time I will and won't have to worry about it. It's good having people like this on your side.
Good to hear bro! :)

Hey bro i would like a little more info on this.......im working on getting some free passes to your gym or maybe we can actually set a day and time and workout together.
Well, I'm surprised you were able to notice all that while we were waist deep in Hooter's Girls.
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I asked this question on another board but for the life of me I can't find the thread.

Do you do HRT for people in other states if they get the testing done at a lab you send us to?

If no, do you have Dr.s you can recommend in other states?

I am 40 so there is a possiblity I actually DO have low Test levels.
If you email me and tell me where you live, I will be happy to call A4M for a reference for one of their HRT doctors in your area.

But yes, I can direct your HRT via the magic of the Internet. You will still need a current physical from your own physician, of course. Also, I can provide you with a list of tests I want to run, or can make arrangements to have them done remotely. Please remember, it is only in the most severe cases of hypogonadism that T levels fall below "normal".
SWALE said:
If you email me and tell me where you live, I will be happy to call A4M for a reference for one of their HRT doctors in your area.

But yes, I can direct your HRT via the magic of the Internet. You will still need a current physical from your own physician, of course. Also, I can provide you with a list of tests I want to run, or can make arrangements to have them done remotely. Please remember, it is only in the most severe cases of hypogonadism that T levels fall below "normal".

Thanks Swale.

Your statement about Please remember, it is only in the most severe cases of hypogonadism that T levels fall below "normal". makes me think I would just be wasting my money getting tested etc. I doubt I am a severe case by any means. :(
Crowler, the only question is whether or not the insurance company will pay for your meds. They probably won't if you are in the "normal" range. Still, at $4 to $10 per week, it's pretty inexpensive for testosterone injections (patches and Androgel are more expensive). Legitimate HRT docs know that men are healthiest and happiest at the top of "normal" range, so will take their patients there. You needn't be sub "normal" to qualify with a real HRT doc, as treatment is based upon a clinical decision (the answers to the questions on the Medical History form), not numbers on a lab printout.
SWALE said:
Crowler, the only question is whether or not the insurance company will pay for your meds. They probably won't if you are in the "normal" range. Still, at $4 to $10 per week, it's pretty inexpensive for testosterone injections (patches and Androgel are more expensive). Legitimate HRT docs know that men are healthiest and happiest at the top of "normal" range, so will take their patients there. You needn't be sub "normal" to qualify with a real HRT doc, as treatment is based upon a clinical decision (the answers to the questions on the Medical History form), not numbers on a lab printout.

Thanks for the info. I misinterpreted your post.

I am not worried if it is covered by insurance.

I will email you.
As I got in the car and drove home I realized that I had more questions, and I didn't remember them. The I thought about it, I remembered the questions. The problem was that was the first Hooters that I've been in that had HOT chicks in, I struggled to concentrate the entire time LOL. But there will be other times.
hooters chicks are worthless whores, well I guess there good for bringing me food and getting on there kness for me!
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