Those natural shows are a joke. How are they gonna test for test? Its naturally occuring in your body. Plus, even if they did check levels, you could just use a small hrt dose and load up on PROP and cut it out a week before. You could use tons of shit that they don't even have tests out for. All I know is I was natural in 2003 and did a natty show and when I was taking piss in the locker room, there were 3 slin pins in the trashcan next to the toilet, competers had abcess scars, guys had fresh red lumps from injects,etc... The natural shows are a joke. Especially the musclemania. I knew a guy named Scott Rich who did the the musclemania in 1995. He got slaughtered. I belive last place in his class, and that dude was on so much shit it was scary.