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What has changed?

I think I'll brew up some carnosine. Is there a build up phase ?
Btw.. your LCARN preparation may have too much solvents in the solution.
My homebrew uses 2% ba. No sting. No lumps. 500mg/ml. Even at higher concentrations no issue.
Just start with 200mg/ml. You’ll have to shoot me a DM with your carnitine blend as I’d love to pin up to that much.
The 1970s yes the anabolics changed but the 80s they're the same. In the 80s the anabolics were even better than now because everything was pharmaceutical grade back then, parabolan which is pharma trenbolone was in the market, the famous syntex anadrols etc.... Lee Haney was the biggest guy around back then at 6ft 250 on stage. Right now Nick Walker is 5ft7 260 on stage so the question is why guys today are bigger?

Dorian was the one who began the mass monster era in 1993 where he made a big jump in size. From that year forward we started seeing mass monsters like Nasser, Jean Pierre Fux, Markus Ruhl, Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman and many others. The only thing that has changed from the 80s is the addition of gh and insulin. The reason I say anabolics are the same is obviously because there were abusers in the 80s who used big doses but were no where near the size of the guys we see today.

Training is the same, even the old timers always say they were training harder than guys are today, which is obviously and exgarration and guys in both eras train very hard. Food is almost the same, it's always been high protein high carbs from the 80s and early 90s forward.

Genetics is an interesting topic, because in that era that top guys obviosly had a much better genetic blueprint for the sport than now. Look at the natonals in the late 80s and 90s with guys like Coleman, Levrone, Wheeler, Cutler, Branch Warren, Matarazzo, Shawn Ray and many others who are all Mr Olympia caliber. But you have guys like Lee Labrada and Sergo Oliva whose sons are now bodybuilders with much more muscle mass.
I shoot 2ml (400mgs) of Synthetek’s Carnitine with no sting or PIP.
I have a few bottles of theirs. I’m fine 200-400mg. Anything more and I have to go deeper into the muscle to prevent PIP. I just love the B’s in Amino Asylums blend.
From the 80's, 90's, early 2000's, to now what has really changed in bodybuilding?

My short thoughts
Gh and insulin has become more available over the years and doses have climbed since these substances hit the bodybuilding scene

Doses in my opinion across the board have increased and a lot of this could be due to easier availability. Each Era had their own specific abusers like Titus in his time and various other in each Era but for across the board and the entire field I feel doses have raised.

That is about it, I don't think much has changed in the way of nutrition or even training (for those that claim intra workout nutrition was it truly that or the overall massive inclusion of GH and slin across the field of individuals?) ...due to availability ^^

Discuss, give us your opinions
well, Jay even said on his podcast he did several anadrol a day and a vial of HGH a day.

Chris Cormier, Dennis James, flex they all took high amounts of gear in the 3-4 grams maybe more in some periods.
but they did not talk about it. back then the stakes were higher to get first place. of course they use all the high and gear they could

Milos mentions that he saw Ronnie Coleman with 2 Slin pens with 30iu in each pen

there was another guy who made and interview on getbig where he said he did 2 grams of test and 2 grams of deca. his first name was mike.
well, Jay even said on his podcast he did several anadrol a day and a vial of HGH a day.

Chris Cormier, Dennis James, flex they all took high amounts of gear in the 3-4 grams maybe more in some periods.
but they did not talk about it. back then the stakes were higher to get first place. of course they use all the high and gear they could

Milos mentions that he saw Ronnie Coleman with 2 Slin pens with 30iu in each pen

there was another guy who made and interview on getbig where he said he did 2 grams of test and 2 grams of deca. his first name was mike.
So then basically nothing "groundbreaking" has happened in over 30-40 years in the sport of bodybuilding, correct?
there was another guy who made and interview on getbig where he said he did 2 grams of test and 2 grams of deca. his first name was mike.

Mike Morris
I can agree with this one and sometimes wish I competed to have someone hold me accountable. I’m good at most times for myself, but some times I’m one step too close to the edge.
Harm reduction info has become much more available the past few years. Juicing for 14 years now and I have the best lipids, heart rate, blood pressure I've ever had. Really wish I knew about things like Telmisartan, ezetimibe, crestor, nebivolol etc 14 years ago.... Also when I first started I was heavily influenced to just start pounding calories. You see it you eat it kind of diet. Got nice and fat and bloated 😅
Has Telmisartan, Nebivolol, and cholesterol meds become the norm to take??

I take Telmisartan for both the heart and kidney benefits, but I see a lot of folks take Nebivolol with it each day.

Cholesterol meds are on my radar, but I’m still somewhat within range and my provider stated that the new Coronary Calcium Scan is becoming the new norm to see where you are with plaque buildup and if you actually need cholesterol meds versus just prescribing them because you blood labs said that you might need them.
well, Jay even said on his podcast he did several anadrol a day and a vial of HGH a day.

Chris Cormier, Dennis James, flex they all took high amounts of gear in the 3-4 grams maybe more in some periods.
but they did not talk about it. back then the stakes were higher to get first place. of course they use all the high and gear they could

Milos mentions that he saw Ronnie Coleman with 2 Slin pens with 30iu in each pen

there was another guy who made and interview on getbig where he said he did 2 grams of test and 2 grams of deca. his first name was mike.
I don't know where you got this information from brother. Did they say the took 4 grams of gear?

I think one of the things that people seem to believe in more nowadays is High intensity Dorian Yates style of training, because back in the 80s and 90s almost everybody is high volume now.

Bodybuilders today are arguably stronger with strict form than they were back in the 80s and 90s. Nick Walker repping out 225lb db on an incline for like 6 reps. Iain valliere, James Hollingshead, Dallas McCarver, Branch Warren and many other heavy hitters who moved insane ammounts of weight. In every era the biggest guys tend to be the strongest guys as well. There is videos of Big Ramy doing 150lb db flies on incline with perfct form. Even Jay Cutler who is known for using moderate weights did a 550lb bench for 2 in his younger years. Nick Walker said his best was 535 for 6 reps, Dorian Yates doing 4 plate rows with perfect form for reps and many others
Mike Morris
Holy shit! 2 grams of Deca?!? I’m ignorant to this for sure and am sure there are plenty out there doing a shit ton more than what the norm to be is considered. Hell, that other thread on what women competing are taking opened my eyes tremendously and I had not idea they were out there taking more stuff than what an average dosing protocol for men is.
Holy shit! 2 grams of Deca?!? I’m ignorant to this for sure and am sure there are plenty out there doing a shit ton more than what the norm to be is considered. Hell, that other thread on what women competing are taking opened my eyes tremendously and I had not idea they were out there taking more stuff than what an average dosing protocol for men is.
I always remember goal245's post lol
"People would be even more shocked if they knew what the bodybuilder girls take. I know someone who used to date the best female bodybuilder there ever was, and we he showed me her cycle I had no choice but to up my dose"
Holy shit! 2 grams of Deca?!? I’m ignorant to this for sure and am sure there are plenty out there doing a shit ton more than what the norm to be is considered. Hell, that other thread on what women competing are taking opened my eyes tremendously and I had not idea they were out there taking more stuff than what an average dosing protocol for men is.

Mike retired in 2005, had health problems and competed as a natty in his last show at the 2005 Olympia Wildcard Showdown, which was a qualifying show for the Olympia held the same weekend. He placed last.

He gave a long interview, which is still on youtube. It was also transcribed on various boards such as getbig.

Has Telmisartan, Nebivolol, and cholesterol meds become the norm to take??

I take Telmisartan for both the heart and kidney benefits, but I see a lot of folks take Nebivolol with it each day.

Cholesterol meds are on my radar, but I’m still somewhat within range and my provider stated that the new Coronary Calcium Scan is becoming the new norm to see where you are with plaque buildup and if you actually need cholesterol meds versus just prescribing them because you blood labs said that you might need them.
Just had a CCS. Was 14. About 15 years ago it was 0.

My cholesterol runs 220 - 240. Two separate docs say no cholesterol meds for me.

I am 69 years old.
I always remember goal245's post lol
"People would be even more shocked if they knew what the bodybuilder girls take. I know someone who used to date the best female bodybuilder there ever was, and we he showed me her cycle I had no choice but to up my dose"
Lmao! After reading what cycles those women are taking, I feel like I need to run this next log higher than I was set to. Not saying I will, but holy cow there are some super dosing women out there. More power in what works for them.
Mike retired in 2005, had health problems and competed as a natty in his last show at the 2005 Olympia Wildcard Showdown, which was a qualifying show for the Olympia held the same weekend. He placed last.

He gave a long interview, which is still on youtube. It was also transcribed on various boards such as getbig.

That’s a good read and thanks for filling me in on this.
Just had a CCS. Was 14. About 15 years ago it was 0.

My cholesterol runs 220 - 240. Two separate docs say no cholesterol meds for me.

I am 69 years old.
Getting my first CCS done very soon (46 years old) and am hoping for something super low or zero. My cholesterol runs about the same as yours and LDL goes up at times, but comes back to what they consider ok. Don’t want to be on any cholesterol meds after the years of studies now coming out about how they may not have been as great as they thought with kidney issues and other organ issues.

Thinking I should add Nebivolol though after reading and seeing how well others have responded.
Has Telmisartan, Nebivolol, and cholesterol meds become the norm to take??

I take Telmisartan for both the heart and kidney benefits, but I see a lot of folks take Nebivolol with it each day.

Cholesterol meds are on my radar, but I’m still somewhat within range and my provider stated that the new Coronary Calcium Scan is becoming the new norm to see where you are with plaque buildup and if you actually need cholesterol meds versus just prescribing them because you blood labs said that you might need them.
CT calcium score test aren’t “new”. Lol they also only show hard calcium build up not soft plaque which is what you should be concerned with.

Statins just help the body convert more soft plaque to hard calcium so that it’s stabilized and has less chance of causing a heart attack.

If you have a high CT calcium score you should take a hard look at diet and lifestyle, but is not what I would use as an indicator of whether or not statins should be used IMO.

A CT angiogram with Cleerly? Sure.
CT calcium score test aren’t “new”. Lol they also only show hard calcium build up not soft plaque which is what you should be concerned with.

Statins just help the body convert more soft plaque to hard calcium so that it’s stabilized and has less chance of causing a heart attack.

If you have a high CT calcium score you should take a hard look at diet and lifestyle, but is not what I would use as an indicator of whether or not statins should be used IMO.

A CT angiogram with Cleerly? Sure.
Sorry, I guess I didn’t mean to say they were new and that it was new to me, because I’ve never had one done and my HRT provider recommended it along with the CT Angio, which I think would be a good idea versus just relying on my blood work.

Thanks for the clarification and the info. on statin use or not.

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