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What has happened to Dusty @ USAs ?

If i was a judge(which i am not) i would say his waist is keeping him from being 1st.

As a bodybuilder ,he is fucking huge!
As a few on here have said he is making bank!So IFBB Pro is more than likely a goal of his.

IMOP i would take his genetic makeup (lol)waist and all!!If he knows his weakness then it shows his head isn't in the clouds............
Speaking of all this pro card stuff. The only guys who should have pro cards are guys that can win shows. It's amazing to me guys having "ifbb" infront of their name yet they can't even top 6 in a small show. Do they just enjoy telling people their pro? What's the point of being pro if you can't win contests?

So there should only be 6 pros in a pro show?
Someone has to lose.
Speaking of all this pro card stuff. The only guys who should have pro cards are guys that can win shows. It's amazing to me guys having "ifbb" infront of their name yet they can't even top 6 in a small show. Do they just enjoy telling people their pro? What's the point of being pro if you can't win contests?

So should we do this for every sport to. There's usually only a handful of teams that can win. Get rid of the rest? Lol. Golfers, tennis players?
Lol. Just caught this. Thnx Shelby
I thought he meant local shows but saying pro
You're bang on. And it's like someone in junior dominating. Bthen playing in NHL he fades away until he's used to the faster pace. IFBB is the big leagues. Now ur swimming with the big boys.
Having said that. Shelby. (Pro I know ). JM and dusty making mad money. So who cares. I'm sure they're happy. And just want to accomplish something set out
Yes, exactly what I meant

So - if you can't win or place well then don't try??? That's the spirit!!

To hell with competitiveness and trying to be your best - that's for fools huh man?!?!
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Let me ask you something.

Pro Card = nothing monetarily, in fact it means you have to spend money on that pro card to even get it when you win the show that gave you your pro card....LOL

Goal=Pro Card....just a personal goal

Melvin Anthony was a damn good bodybuilder...do you see Melvin Anthony anywhere? No because Melvin Anthony didn't know how to capitalize on being a pro bodybuilder AT ALL!

Dusty has a huge huge following, because lets bottom line it, he is personable guy who busts his ass.

You keep focusing on this pro card part of the equation when it doesn't mean jack crap. Its just a personal goal for him....that's it nothing more. He doesn't have the thought process of delusion of thinking it will be him standing next to Heath with the announcer yelling "And the NEW Mr Olympia is......."

I need to write up a huge huge thread about bodybuilding and how to be dirt poor in it and how to be successful in it....because it seems like there is a preponderance of people who think a pro card = money....and it doesn't at all.

Here ill give you an example from a supplement company owner.

If you asked me who I would rather have as an athlete on my TN team...

1) A pro bodybuilder who has no social media following at all, doesn't come online, and sits back and says "well you can use my pictures"


2) A amateur bodybuilder who has a gigantic following online, is a social media success, works his ass off to shoot videos and put up content continually about himself because so many people follow him

Ill take #2 one thousand times out of one thousand.
And this is what I was trying to say, Dante. I am wondering why Dusty is wasting his time, energy, health, money for that pro card when he could put more into marketing himself, his bussiness, his company etc lets be honest to prepare for a competition takes lots of time and energy, to prepare top level competition req even mūre of these, so why not put all the time and energy into smth you will get profit? Personal goal? I have had a personal to be NBA player when I was a kid but when I grow up I realised I just do not "have it" there are so many guys better than me and I have no chance, by chasing that dream I would have been just wasting my time
And this is what I was trying to say, Dante. I am wondering why Dusty is wasting his time, energy, health, money for that pro card when he could put more into marketing himself, his bussiness, his company etc lets be honest to prepare for a competition takes lots of time and energy, to prepare top level competition req even mūre of these, so why not put all the time and energy into smth you will get profit? Personal goal? I have had a personal to be NBA player when I was a kid but when I grow up I realised I just do not "have it" there are so many guys better than me and I have no chance, by chasing that dream I would have been just wasting my time
So were you a high school phenom basketball player that got a full ride to college and had colleges coming to your house to recruit you on a weekly basis? No? Oh well, okay because if you made it that far maybe you would have played college ball and semi-pro before giving up ever getting into the NBA. That is great success (and a paid education) but if you knew you were never gonna be good enough for the NBA, should you have ditched what you love and the perks that came with it?

This is silly you don't get it yet..maybe the analogy helped.
So were you a high school phenom basketball player that got a full ride to college and had colleges coming to your house to recruit you on a weekly basis? No? Oh well, okay because if you made it that far maybe you would have played college ball and semi-pro before giving up ever getting into the NBA. That is great success (and a paid education) but if you knew you were never gonna be good enough for the NBA, should you have ditched what you love and the perks that came with it?

This is silly you don't get it yet..maybe the analogy helped.
No I was the guy who worked hardest, trained longest and got beat by the guys who partied were lazy but got talent anyway...just like Dusty right? He was 100% hardest worker that nųght onstage but got beat by someone who trained 4 months before USAs, had surgery and party a lot (Trigilli).
Dante what would you suggest dusty do? Not use as much HGH? Would that shrink his waist?
Dante what would you suggest dusty do? Not use as much HGH? Would that shrink his waist?

Once the increased igf-1 levels have made the intestines grow, I don't think discontinuing makes them shrink.
No I was the guy who worked hardest, trained longest and got beat by the guys who partied were lazy but got talent anyway...just like Dusty right? He was 100% hardest worker that nųght onstage but got beat by someone who trained 4 months before USAs, had surgery and party a lot (Trigilli).

HAHA, so you were that guy huh? Perhaps you were the guy who had no talent and despite the hard work you put in, still weren't good.
I busted my butt because I wasn't as fast as other guys, as big as other guys, as strong etc but I had talent. I worked hard to become faster, stronger and bigger (not height, but muscle wise) and I became a professional baseball player. I played with guys whom it just came easier to, guys that didn't hit the gym hard yet could hit 450+ foot bombs. Didn't discourage me at all, made me work harder. I think that's what Dusty is doing and then there's guys like you bashing him for it. He should focus on what makes him money and marketing himself and his business? Are you serious? That is exactly what he's doing. How many people would he lose from his following if he decided to stop competing? How much money would he lose from those sales? Yes, he's spending money to achieve his personal goal, but I'm sure he is reaping the rewards financially much better than many pros.
I believe Dusty sees the light at the end of the tunnel and is trying to be the best bodybuilder he can be, in HIS EYES, not in the eyes of TR. He has his head in the right spot in the business world, his competing doesn't seem to consume him like most bodybuilders. He has set himself up for success off the stage, which most can not say they have done.
you know what i think dusty should do??

HAHA, so you were that guy huh? Perhaps you were the guy who had no talent and despite the hard work you put in, still weren't good.
I busted my butt because I wasn't as fast as other guys, as big as other guys, as strong etc but I had talent. I worked hard to become faster, stronger and bigger (not height, but muscle wise) and I became a professional baseball player. I played with guys whom it just came easier to, guys that didn't hit the gym hard yet could hit 450+ foot bombs. Didn't discourage me at all, made me work harder. I think that's what Dusty is doing and then there's guys like you bashing him for it. He should focus on what makes him money and marketing himself and his business? Are you serious? That is exactly what he's doing. How many people would he lose from his following if he decided to stop competing? How much money would he lose from those sales? Yes, he's spending money to achieve his personal goal, but I'm sure he is reaping the rewards financially much better than many pros.
I believe Dusty sees the light at the end of the tunnel and is trying to be the best bodybuilder he can be, in HIS EYES, not in the eyes of TR. He has his head in the right spot in the business world, his competing doesn't seem to consume him like most bodybuilders. He has set himself up for success off the stage, which most can not say they have done.
Rich Gaspari
Gerard Dente
Dante Trudel
Ronnie Coleman
Jay Cuter

What is common in these great guys?
They created their multimionaire supplement companies and started making seriouss money after they quit seriouss bodybuilding.

Making the most money and being the best guy onstage...thats being the best of the best in two different fields...I really hope Dusty will be the first one who will make it.
Dante said Dusty is the highest payed amateur and now he "just" needs to win USAs or Nationals....lets wait and see if it will happen
Tr what about your bro romain? Should he just give up cause he doesn't have mr.olympia genetics?
Rich Gaspari
Gerard Dente
Dante Trudel
Ronnie Coleman
Jay Cuter

What is common in these great guys?
They created their multimionaire supplement companies and started making seriouss money after they quit seriouss bodybuilding.

Making the most money and being the best guy onstage...thats being the best of the best in two different fields...I really hope Dusty will be the first one who will make it.
Dante said Dusty is the highest payed amateur and now he "just" needs to win USAs or Nationals....lets wait and see if it will happen

The three guys I bolded, wouldn't have had successful business ventures at all if it hadn't been for the following they derived from competitive bodybuilding. Dusty, wouldn't be as successful if he didn't have his following from his competitive bodybuilding. Let's be real here, Dusty is a nice guy and goes out of his way to talk to nobody's like me, but he is using his competing as a marketing tool and it's paying off!
Tr what about your bro romain? Should he just give up cause he doesn't have mr.olympia genetics?
Roman Fritz?
Who said he does not have good genetics? Actually he has one of the best genetics.
Roman has the shape he just need to fill it out (it is fixable with drugs and diet)
Dusty has all the muscle but he does not have the shape (it is not fixable with any drug or any diet)
Do you know where Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler placed in their first Olympias? Do you remember where they ended at their best? They fixed their 15th or so places to 1st places with drugs and diet. But when Jay waist got huge, could he get back to where he was when he had small waist and beautifull lines? No. Because it is not fixable
The three guys I bolded, wouldn't have had successful business ventures at all if it hadn't been for the following they derived from competitive bodybuilding. Dusty, wouldn't be as successful if he didn't have his following from his competitive bodybuilding. Let's be real here, Dusty is a nice guy and goes out of his way to talk to nobody's like me, but he is using his competing as a marketing tool and it's paying off!
So you are saying that to create succesfull supplement company you need to be succsesfull competitive bodybuilder in the past? Gerard Dente and Dante were not succsefull bodybuilders so why their companies makes millions? Or what about muscletech, optimum nutrition, universal, bsn are the owners of these companies retired succsefull bodybuilders? All I am saying - you can be the best of the best if you have a talent and put all your energy into something, but what about if someone does not have talent and divides his energy into two different activities-hobbies etc could he be the best in both of them? But Brad is right anyone should do that makes him happy, Dusty too.
So you are saying that to create succesfull supplement company you need to be succsesfull competitive bodybuilder in the past? Gerard Dente and Dante were not succsefull bodybuilders so why their companies makes millions? Or what about muscletech, optimum nutrition, universal, bsn are the owners of these companies retired succsefull bodybuilders? All I am saying - you can be the best of the best if you have a talent and put all your energy into something, but what about if someone does not have talent and divides his energy into two different activities-hobbies etc could he be the best in both of them? But Brad is right anyone should do that makes him happy, Dusty too.

You are hilarious!!! These companies utilize bodybuilders to market and profit.
I'm not sure that you quite understand exactly how business works my man. Funny that you say that in your last sentence, because you've been bashing Dusty this whole time for doing what makes him happy, only to side with Brad when he says it. Dusty is doing what he loves and making a lot of money from it, probably more than most pros. Dante got a following from bodybuilding, what's your point. Dante trained a lot of people, pros, so he developed a following not only there but through forums. Wanna give it a try again? There's something that you just can't seem to grasp, when someone develops a following, they can be successful in that arena if they are smart. All of the men listed did just that. The bodybuilders who started their own lines were ONLY able to do so because of their competitive history, period. Dante capitalized on many things to build up TN. You don't need to be a successful bodybuilder to build a successful sup company, but you WILL utilize successful bodybuilders if you want it to be successful, that's the simple truth. If you can't understand that, there is no reason to further this dialogue
I remember in the 90's we'd laugh when a pro bodybuilder would come up with their own supplement line and now people buy them like candy well at least the kids on bb.com. Personally I don't touch any of those products especially one very well known guy/brand that I won't mention who sells garbage in a fancy bottle.

But as far as Dante I don't recall him a famous BB I just recall his newsletters from the mid 90s. He had a business sense then and had nothing to do with bodybuilding or recognition from it. I may be wrong though?

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