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What is it about more advanced guys....


New member
Feb 22, 2009
That makes them so much more humble when theyve got so much more to show off? This may be a strange question but its totally befuddeling to me when im at the gym and the guys that are show vets are always cool and never seem arrogant, whereas the super douche kids that are there 3 or 4 days a week who dont have a clue are insanely cocky and think seeing their top 4 abs in good lighting is 'sweet'?

I guess BB is a humbling sport, which is ironic considering how many people think BB are self absorbed meatheads, and the farther you go in it the more humble you seem to become. At least thats what ive noticed.
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Well, for one, it could be that for the vets, it's a lifestyle where as, the punks in the gym are just going through some phase.

Could be that the vets have years and years into their bodies and they know what it takes to get there. They know it's from learning and working. Not from horsing around and telling people the way it is.

Also factor in, that with it being a lifestyle, most vets are doing it for themselves, not to put on some show for the people around them.
IOW's, it's not a vanity trip for the vet.

Most of the time when I see the newer kids act the way they do is because of an inferiority complex. Constantly trying to prove they know far more than they do.
Kind of reminds me of a saying I've a few times: "True power is knowing that you can...........but you don't". I think the vets you are referring to know mentally that they are built better physically, they know what it takes to get into that kind of shape, and take a lot of pride in their physique. They also realize the kind of stigma that is attached to BB'ing and won't promote that with acts of pysical arrogance. They are just more mature all around I think. Just my 0.02$

I personally flex a little bit in the mirror while at the gym.......maybe check out my 7.5 pack. But I DO NOT do it in a way that will draw attention to me, thats not my intention. Seeing myself pumped up in the mirror gets me jacked up mentally!:D

'Member that quote from the Govenator 'bout being large and in charge. He said the bigger he got,the less he showed off...he related it to being a ferrari...the hawt abz group are the hyundai,constantly revving and burning out...the ferrari cruises around at 55mph,b/c if the ferrai has to,all it's gotta due is jam the pedal down...sumthin' like that
Well, for one, it could be that for the vets, it's a lifestyle where as, the punks in the gym are just going through some phase.

Could be that the vets have years and years into their bodies and they know what it takes to get there. They know it's from learning and working. Not from horsing around and telling people the way it is.

Also factor in, that with it being a lifestyle, most vets are doing it for themselves, not to put on some show for the people around them.
IOW's, it's not a vanity trip for the vet.

Most of the time when I see the newer kids act the way they do is because of an inferiority complex. Constantly trying to prove they know far more than they do.

Bingo. Couldn't have said it any better.
'Member that quote from the Govenator 'bout being large and in charge. He said the bigger he got,the less he showed off...he related it to being a ferrari...the hawt abz group are the hyundai,constantly revving and burning out...the ferrari cruises around at 55mph,b/c if the ferrai has to,all it's gotta due is jam the pedal down...sumthin' like that

English please, this isn't the ghetto. ;)
hahahaha! yea i couldnt agree more with you guys. I hear some guys talking in the locker room about shit that makes NO sense and swearing 'thats what you gotta do ta get abs bro!'

I was working on my mandatorys in my gym locker room about 2 weeks back and 2 kids came up and started doing them with me, and told me they where thinking about competing in a couple weeks to but didnt have the time. Granted, im nothing sweet, a local show caliber guy which is what im doing, but these faggots looked like they did situps and THATS IT! How can someones perception of themselves be so far off?! Its insane!
some are humble
some are cocky
and some don't show off because they have body dysmorphia

I wouldn't say it's a correlation about if you are advanced and made it or not... i would say it just depends on the person himself... if a cocky bastard works hard and makes it, he'll be even more cocky... if a humble or shy dude makes it, he probably won't change. People with body dysmorphia will either think they're too fat at 12% fat and try to cover up and keep quiet, or think they are as thin and flat as hell when they're 240 lbs at 5% fat.
ANYONE who does this sport for long enough and seriously is alittle nuts. and you just dont go around letting other people know that or else the men in the white coats will come take you away:p
Kind of reminds me of a saying I've a few times: "True power is knowing that you can...........but you don't".

Nice quote, bro. That was from the movie "Schindler's List," by the way. Oscar Schindler (Liam Neeson) is telling Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes) why he shouldn't kill people. Still, it's applicable to many things, I think.
some are humble
some are cocky
and some don't show off because they have body dysmorphia

I wouldn't say it's a correlation about if you are advanced and made it or not... i would say it just depends on the person himself... if a cocky bastard works hard and makes it, he'll be even more cocky... if a humble or shy dude makes it, he probably won't change. People with body dysmorphia will either think they're too fat at 12% fat and try to cover up and keep quiet, or think they are as thin and flat as hell when they're 240 lbs at 5% fat.

I totally agree with your statement, buselmo. :)

With the countless clever posts you make on a daily basis on here, it's no wonder that I voted for you in the April Featured Member poll. ;)
I totally agree with your statement, buselmo. :)

With the countless clever posts you make on a daily basis on here, it's no wonder that I voted for you in the April Featured Member poll. ;)

awwwwwwww.... you're making me blush, dude :eek::eek::eek:

either that or my BP is going up.. LOL!! :D

speaking of BP... 27 more hours til i get my Brownies and Pizza!!!! Wooohoooo!!!!
Yeah try going to a military gym. Its worse than a social gym. I know you have to start somewhere but we have groups of 3-4 supposedly there to workout have rap sessions and making up songs in the middle of a little ass gym. They stand around watching your every exercise and come grab the weight you were using and act like yeah look at me. Or they have no gym etiquet and walk right next to you when you are using 120lb dumbells almost hitting your arms.
I just wear a sweatshirt and windpants and beanie and headphones. Ocasionally someone will ask me for help after my workout or before so I will help them but for the most part it sucks. I prefer the old gyms with no a/c or heat and chalk all over the place and no fancy machines. Just old fashioned free weights and basic machines.

The same ones who say why are you gona waste the money on supplements are in their just jabbering their jaws and never come back when in U.S. Or go outside to smoke between sets. Arrrrrgggg. MM

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