Contest depends on other factors such as water depletion,etc.. although this guy probably competes and had shots taken a few weeks after a show. Thats what many of them do. I'd say he's around 6-7% but without leg shots I cant be %100 sure. Plus many guys go on stage with much more muscle than him and compete at even a higher bodyfat and look better. This guy looks much bigger due to his leaness. Get rid of the special lighting,makeup,airbrushing and throw him in a regular XL or even L t-shirt and he's not even gonna get a 2nd look on the streets(at a bodybuilding aspect). He's a good size for fitness modleing though.
Also like Queefer said, comp b/f is around 3-5(even though most guys at average shows compete much higher than that). You may be thinking that he's only 3-4% away from competition b/f but you have to remember going from 15% to 11% makes a huge diff in how you look and the lower you get the more insane it gets, so going from 6-3 is a major major difference.