I can answer this pretty simple.
Over the years i have used almost every brand of synthol. I use it in my side delts and triceps only. I tend to flatten out when i am really lean so i use synthol to keep the full look. I can tell you this, no matter what kind you use the harder the diet the faster it disappears. Its injectable triglyceride so like any fat it goes when you diet.
Now that being said... i first tried it in 1999. Paul Masters sent me 20 bottles and man that fucking shit hurt like hell. Back then it had nothing to dull the pain. Since then i have experimented with all different kinds... Chris Clarks, that Esik Clean garbage .... all the way down to Big As Syntherol.
Im not kissing ass here... and i have no financial gain what so ever but Syntherol kicks all the other brands asses hands down. There is practically no pain, and i found it lasted alot longer then the other brands. I used 200cc of Esik Clean and could hardly tell i had taken a shot afterward. Syntherol was very noticeable after a week and a half.
So, it may cost a little more then the off brand cheap ass internet sold versions but as with most things in life you get what you pay for.
My advice... Syntherol only. Its the best of the best. Also you can rest assured its not made in a basement by some lard ass smoking cigarettes and eating hoggies.
My arms where naturally (well juice enhanced but no synthol) 20 inches before Syntherol but after i had them up to 22 pumped. I even posted some pics a while back. Im talking vascular and ripped 22.
The only set back i ever found from any synthol was the massive uncontrollable pumps. I was ripped at 265lbs and couldn’t carry the grocery basket for over 5 minutes without having to set it down and let the pump go away.
So... now ya know.
Go Syntherol or don’t go at all.
(On a side note ... i found that mixing it with a little Test prop helped the gains)
JJ Insane1