You killed me with this fly thing!
I can't find the post either here or on another board... maybe it was sent to me but a picture was allegedly taken.
pGH was allegedly sent to people as MGF so when they allegedly injected they allegedly got huge GABA flushes. The owner allegedly would send out emails that were incoherent and sometimes angry with overraught the sky is falling personal problems.
This alleged behavior dates from maybe June of last year until later that year.
Bob allegedly referred business to him and when they got screwed Bob allegedly took a thousand dollars out of his pocket to reimburse thee people.
Bob was allegedly sent a drunken verbally abusive tirade from Dave allegedly meant for another.
Late last year he allegedly supposedly sobered up. C allegedly propped him up enough so he could allegedly unload the stock of peptides (allegedly newly released from customs allegedly) he allegedly had left over from before he decided to allegedly abandon the business.
If you need an example of something I am willing to drop the "allegedly" from you can take a look at this thread:
CW in that thread had ...ooops I'm going to have to use the word, allegedly a problem with his GHRP-6.
Privately I intervened w/ Dave and thank's to BB who allegedly leaned on him as well he allegedly replaced CW's peptides.
A couple of months ago I received 2 GHRP-6's for testing. They looked very clean & well lypholized. I have not tested them for efficacy (may never get to it) but I have no reason to suspect that that batch is not GHRP-6.
I heretofore lay my hand as a testament to that bespoketh this 24th day of April in the year of our lord two thousand and nine.