Just curious as to who has done them and what they thought. When i was on gear i did them due to the fact i was doing Ed injects but i really hated them. I can only imagine how painful it is to do a full cycle of syntherol.
Did them w/ Prop and tren and ultimately stopped the prop in the bis as it was pretty painful although the tren seemed to be ok. I really had to massage the hell out of the site to ensure the amount of pain wouldnt be as significant. As with you bro, I couldnt imagine doing a full cycle of synth as it just "seems" like it would hurt. But maybe you get used to it? I didnt inject enough into the bis to feel like I was getting "used" to it.
I am currently injecting enanth in my bi's and it doesnt seem to bother me, so far. I do shots in the short head right now just to help work on my peak hopefully. But other than a bruise it isnt that bad.
I used a lot sustanon in my biceps and it hurts and i got inlamation like celulitis, i prefer to never use it again.
Now i am using 3 cc Laurabolin ech biceps every other day and is exelent, doesnt hurts, and good form.
I used Miro Cyp in my bicep with no problems. Gave me great pumps.
Syntherol shouldn't hurt unless you are using a large gauge pin or it not sharp. I think I remember Big A saying you can use a 25g. Mine were 22g for the Miros.