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Who here still trains using good ole volume?


Jun 5, 2002
I have made fantastic gains in the last 8 months powerlifting but would like to get back to some bodybuilding.... Dont really want to go back to the H.I.T thing.. Gonna start off
small using like
12 sets perbody part and see what happens. Been putting the final touches on my diet.I have noticed that every bb who I admire uses volume so it got me wondering about it....... Anyone here wanna throw in there 0.02?
I've been doing HST. While you end up decreasing volume as time passes (I don't go below 5 reps), you begin at 15 reps, which I consider high volume. It's been working well so far!

try 3 week of gvt training with 10x10 then go to 3 weeks of 10x6 this worked great for size and strength
I presently do.

I have been using high volume over the last year or so and it is really bringing up my lagging body parts.
I'm talking 12-15 sets 10-15 reps for small body parts, 15-24 sets 8-15 reps for larger body parts. Rest is 45-60 seconds between sets.
I know alot may say this is overtraining or unecessary, but I always used to go very heavy with no more than 10 reps and my body quit responding. I had to try something else and this is working for now, so I'm sticking with it for a bit.
Like John DeFendis always said: There is no such thing as overtraining, just under eating and/or under resting. LOL.
But over the long haul, I mostly do periodized training.
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gonna try training like Markus Ruhl and see what happens
honestly I quit volume 25-30 sets a muscle, and went to about 12ish and every since i stopped gorwing and only maintained but thiers not much I can do about it with as busy as I am now, so in other words I think its supperior to the way im Training now, since all my gains stopped if not decended...
actually, 12-15 sets is volume, 25-30 sets is mega volume i believe. shit even 12 sets per bodypart is enough, it works me out, i do like 16 sets for chest, i feel wiped out after that, then i need to do another 12-16 for triceps.

Dave_19 said:
honestly I quit volume 25-30 sets a muscle, and went to about 12ish and every since i stopped gorwing and only maintained but thiers not much I can do about it with as busy as I am now, so in other words I think its supperior to the way im Training now, since all my gains stopped if not decended...
i honestly love volume, and feel it superior to HIT, i think HIT is good for teaching one how to reach deep dpwn, but volume doesnt tax the cns like HIT does, and my results have been better since i switched to a voume type routine its a version of HST but more related to sports each bodypart three times a week but a workout will be like ten sets of three, 5 sets of 5 or explosive work
i have also done HIT type routines in the past the good ole ones set to failure type stuff but i was still hitting each bodypart two to three times a week or more, so it wasn that low volume
Volume Training

I enjoy volume training myself. For me, volume training is 12-15 sets per bodypart. Anymore than that and I begin to overtrain. I especially like to use volume training when I'm chemically enhanced;) I've used the HIT style (low volume)method of training for many years with great success also. I've found HIT to come in handy when I'm pressed for time or when I'm just trying to maintain my gains.
Re: I presently do.

mike man said:
I have been using high volume over the last year or so and it is really bringing up my lagging body parts.
I'm talking 12-15 sets 10-15 reps for small body parts, 15-24 sets 8-15 reps for larger body parts. Rest is 45-60 seconds between sets.
I know alot may say this is overtraining or unecessary,

That is overtraining and unnecessary.

I wouldn't even say that... it is hindering. That program would work if you only worked each muscle group once every two weeks. If you are going to failure on every set (which you should be) it would take your muscle forever and a day to recover. If you add to that problem that you are doing that much work for almost every body part - it is insanity. For good hypertrophy and larger muscle gains try doing about half the amount of sets and reps and adding some weight. Rest more. Eat more. High reps and sets can be useful for adding cuts without adding muscle. And that's a stretch.

Re: Re: I presently do.

einie1 said:

That is overtraining and unnecessary.

I wouldn't even say that... it is hindering. That program would work if you only worked each muscle group once every two weeks. If you are going to failure on every set (which you should be) it would take your muscle forever and a day to recover. If you add to that problem that you are doing that much work for almost every body part - it is insanity. For good hypertrophy and larger muscle gains try doing about half the amount of sets and reps and adding some weight. Rest more. Eat more. High reps and sets can be useful for adding cuts without adding muscle. And that's a stretch.


how are they good for adding cuts? explain, why should one go to failure on every set? to tax their cns extensively?
Re: Re: I presently do.

einie1 said:

That is overtraining and unnecessary.


how is he overtraining if he's making gains?
Isn't HIT the same as Super High Intensity Training??

I mean, what is the difference??


hit has so many interpretations, a lot of HIT people say that whatever works is HIT, some say it is one set to failure, some say others, it boil down to more intensity per set over volume
Re: Re: I presently do.

einie1 said:

That is overtraining and unnecessary.

I wouldn't even say that... it is hindering. That program would work if you only worked each muscle group once every two weeks. If you are going to failure on every set (which you should be) it would take your muscle forever and a day to recover. If you add to that problem that you are doing that much work for almost every body part - it is insanity. For good hypertrophy and larger muscle gains try doing about half the amount of sets and reps and adding some weight. Rest more. Eat more. High reps and sets can be useful for adding cuts without adding muscle. And that's a stretch.
Like I said, some may think about it differently than I do. All I can say is that in the last 13 years of almost continuous training that I have under my belt, the one thing I learned more than anything is ....
For ME, this has become probably one of the most important elements for me to continue training WITH the INTENSITY needed to make gains.
Sure, sure, any of the training methods in the world can produce results for most people, but with out the intensity that "I" get from a variety of different methods, I just can't keep improving my physique.
The learning curve of trial and error to find what works for "YOUR" body is gruelling and long for most people. If you become lucky enough to find someone that can help direct you to shorten your learning curve time frame, then lucky you are indeed.
I've learned to keep a very open mind about the different theories out there whether it be training, drugs, nutrition... you name it.
I've tried most all of the well known or mainstream training that has been mentioned over the last ten years, and believe me, all of them have taught me something that I can use to better my physique. And some of them have even given me some memories (can you say permanant injury? unfortunately. lol) that I'll never forget. (2 years bbing, 5 yrs powerlifting, then back to bbing)
I just say read, read, read and try them all.
Only then shall you come to know oneself.
Hehehe, just thought I'd throw that in there.
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