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Who is a firm believer in weighing their food?

I weigh food every day. How can you expect to be the best on stage when your half ass in the kitchen.
I got in the habit of weighing and logging everything when I was trying to lose a ton of fat, Now it's a habit. When I go on my bulk cycle I'll Probably be a little less strict with things
I recently started weighing everything and was quite surprised that my previous estimations were way off. I usually wasn't eating as many cals as I thought.

Do most of you weigh your proteins before or after cooking?

Example: An 8oz chicken breast weighs about 5oz after grilling it. What did it lose? Water weight?

Does it still contain the macros of 8oz?
Disclosure: I didn't take the time to read the thread, but here's my thinking.

I buy meat in bulk and cut it up in just over 1lb portions to make up for lost weight after cooked, and freeze it. So, when I cook dinner I cook the lb and it is pretty easy to tell if you're eating 8oz, slightly less, or slightly more.

For bulk tupperware food it really depends on my goals and the food I'm eating. So if my goal is to get down as much food as possible I never weigh my chicken salad because I eat an insane amount of it, but for cutting when I'm still trying to keep my protein high and I have a giant tupperware full of cold chicken breasts I have to weigh it because plain dry cold chicken breasts are one of the hardest things for me to get down.

On the other hand if I'm running ghrp6 before every meal then I don't worry so much about it because I know I'll put food down like a craved lunatic.

Basically, for me, it's all about the particular food and my current goals, but as far as extra lean meat is concerned I don't usually take the time if I know I'm going to eat more than my portion because I don't really care so long as I eat at least my 8oz. But for red meat I do usually watch my intake a little more closely.

EDIT: This isn't going to be for everyone, but it's my system and it works for me.
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I used to be religious when it came to weighing food but not so much anymore.

I feel like I kinda eat the same thing every week and I know what portions fill me up....or at least what is close to around 45-60g of protein. Carbs I will weigh (potatoes) but not meat anymore.
U cant say your diet is right on without weighing things, now after youve done it for a while its like second nature. Diet is number 1 and you cant have a good diet without weight and calories...
I weigh, measure, and record everything. It was a bit of a pain in the ass at first but once you do it for a few weeks, it just becomes second nature. With a decent electronic scale and a couple of measuring spoons/cups in the kitchen, it really only takes like a few seconds longer than just throwing your food on a plate anyway. And it's a lot easier to make adjustments when you know exactly what you're taking in every day.
Iv started weighing my food as working with shelby to get really lean. In actually finding it takes me about 30 minutes to prepare my 6 meals for the next day and cant belive the time saving overall. Im after 6 weeks I can say it's a lifestyle I really enjoy and will continue to do so even when I start lean gaining. Allows small traceable changes. All that time I Fucked about with intermittent Fasting to avoid having to do this as I thought if was more convenient. I could fixing kick myself sometimes. If was Ok though and have me good results but not s good as working with shelby and weighing stuff up.

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I do.

Because I fucking hate doing guess working. Like seriously, I hate having to guess or having to pull numbers out of my ass on how much I have ate or what was my macros.
Just some FYI for those who dont know about it . I use a free smartphone app to track my food once its weighed and measured . Its called myfitnesspal , Kinda a pain to get used to but once you do its very easy
I weigh, measure, and record everything. It was a bit of a pain in the ass at first but once you do it for a few weeks, it just becomes second nature. With a decent electronic scale and a couple of measuring spoons/cups in the kitchen, it really only takes like a few seconds longer than just throwing your food on a plate anyway. And it's a lot easier to make adjustments when you know exactly what you're taking in every day.

Totally agree with this! It's easy with a digi and some measuring cups. I'm super anal about it....past girlfriends have given me shit for it but hey i just tell them if i can't be anal about my food then I'll have to be anal about something else :p

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