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Whole food vs. Engineered food

Does whole food yield better bodybuilding results?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • No. It's all food. It's the same.

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2009
I am eager to see the results of this poll.

If you have a preconceived notion on this...And by that I mean you are simply biased towards saying whole food = better results just because it's whole food and that's the way it is supposed to be...Skip over the thread please.

I only want people who have done the experimenting, who have been in the game for a while...Will 30 grams of protein from turkey give me better results than, say, 30 grams of protein from whey, casein, or whatever engineered, concentrated protein powder I use? Or LBAs? Whole food sticks to your ribs a bit better, certainly keeps you full longer. But just focus on the results thing for a bit here.

And if you feel protein from "supplements" (see I hate even using the word supplements...Whey is food, it's not a supplement) will provide equally good results, as science would seem to indicate, at what point do you feel the whole food to engineered food ratio is messed up in a diet? 25% of the calories? 50%?
Not to nit pick but.....

I think you might mean whole food vs. processed food. For example there is wild corn, farmed corn, and genetically engineered corn, and probably more. Then there is everthing made from corn. Now wild corn and genetically engineered corn are both whole foods. See what I mean?
I think you might mean whole food vs. processed food. For example there is wild corn, farmed corn, and genetically engineered corn, and probably more. Then there is everthing made from corn. Now wild corn and genetically engineered corn are both whole foods. See what I mean?

I think I made myself pretty clear in my original post. You know what I'm talking about, so the meaning was conveyed just fine.

For you people voting...A subsequent explanation post would be nice. Not really contributing to the thread at all.
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This is important, guys.

You experienced bros, please chime in with your opinions on this. Very important topic for bodybuilders.

Alarming results.
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after digestion the protein is absorbed as amino acids by the body. at this stage how does the body differentiate where the protein came from? it does not know or care if it came from beef, chicken, fish, eggs or whey. i find it difficult to accept that whole food or supplemental protein would be used differently at the point of nutrient uptake by the body.
Nothing beats whole food!
after digestion the protein is absorbed as amino acids by the body. at this stage how does the body differentiate where the protein came from? it does not know or care if it came from beef, chicken, fish, eggs or whey. i find it difficult to accept that whole food or supplemental protein would be used differently at the point of nutrient uptake by the body.

I agree with this completely. It doesn't account for effects that may be caused by other compounds added in the the "engineering" of foods, but personally I don't see a lot of difference during times that I'm using a lot of whey protein vs chicken, eggs, etc. I actually find myself staying a little leaner when using a lot of supplemental whey for some reason.
Tom is right, the body does not know at the lvl of amino acids/peptides. It's easier for the body to digest whey, casein etc etc, than lets say beef. Only because of it's structure (it can be argued that it's better for the body to work, bc it takes energy/calories) Personally, I haven't seen a difference when i'm using nothing but protein powders for protein intake (sometimes i'm sick of meat, or sick of cooking it), or using a shit ton of egg whites, mean etc etc. Still growing or at other times I'm not digesting what I worked for.
i hv an eating disorder --my body will reject almost all food i,m down to few fruit beef/only meat i can eat and white bread it sux but it all tht i can eat.and whey/milk/egg wont last 5 minut with me. but i still manage to gain wieght and hold it,workout hard eat hard lol.no i believe whole food is th way to go. and whey well check into how they make it.it not really good for th body,hey tht just my belief plz check into ur own resouse first thn decide
after digestion the protein is absorbed as amino acids by the body. at this stage how does the body differentiate where the protein came from? it does not know or care if it came from beef, chicken, fish, eggs or whey. i find it difficult to accept that whole food or supplemental protein would be used differently at the point of nutrient uptake by the body.

This has always been the exact way I thought about it.
My money goes on the processed food as you call it. Yes you need the real food or at least I do for taste and enjoyment and medically. But you can only eat so much food a day. Its like this how much beef you have to eat to get a 5gram dose of creatine vs supplimenting with a synthetic. Also alot of the vitamins are and do the exact same thing so you can only eat so much fruit before you get the runs.

For example I think you have to eat something like 5-7lbs of red meat to just get 5g's of creatine its been a while . When all you have to do is take a teaspoon of creatine and it works the same for you. Plus you can use shakes and pills and capsuls on the go so to speak. But I enjoy my food taste as well unless its a diet for something and it gets old then you eat for fuel. Just my preference.

Although we are not like most humans that migh be sedentary either. So as a bodybuilder you will also need to supplement your daily food intake just to ensure that your body is able to heal and recovery. Ulitmately your body grows when you are resting. Just a few thoughts. MM
Eating real food seems to have positive effects for me.

And science seems to always be finding previously unknown benifits to those foods that we know were good for us to start with.

I think to get all those little extra benifits real food provides would take piles of pills and extra supplements.

There is more to nutrition than simply proteins, carbs and fats.

That being said - for my lifestyle dieting properly without stuff like LBA would be so much tougher! so they do have their place.
I had a similar discussion with a nutritional science professor when i was in college. He believed that amino acids are amino acids no matter where they come from. However, he seemed to believe that carbs and fats had different total effects on the body depending on the actual source of the food.

This seems to be my experience as well. Chicken, fish, whey, steak...they're all effective for muscle mass as long as you get enough.

Some carbs seem to ruin my insulin sensitivity: ALL breads, pastas, flours, rice, and excessive fruit.

Some carbs seem to improve my insulin sensitivity such that the food energy is better absorbed and I am able to gain weight without a substantial increase in total calories: ALL vegetables, oats, and quinoa.
I have switched to a diet of zero shakes, etc. before to see if I noticed a difference. I did this while pre-contest mainly for hunger reasons. I figured if I could eat more REAL food, and less shakes I would be less hungry.

I didn't notice any difference in muscle retention, leanness, etc while i was dieting down switching from 4 meals/3shakes to 7 meals. I do believe there are some vitamins and extra things that we don't know about that are in whole food that aren't in vitamins/powders etc. So it is best to have whole food in there, obviously, but I doubt there would be any difference from doing 2 whole food meals and having 5 shakes throughout the day vs 7 whole food meals (if macros were the same).
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after digestion the protein is absorbed as amino acids by the body. at this stage how does the body differentiate where the protein came from? it does not know or care if it came from beef, chicken, fish, eggs or whey. i find it difficult to accept that whole food or supplemental protein would be used differently at the point of nutrient uptake by the body.

this is quite true, however i think the quality of the manufactured food must be taken into consideration

many companies can make products that arent regulated for quality at all. who knows what really in them?
if you are focusing only on the results, my guess is that it would have more to do with the bio-availability of the protein, not whether it is engineered or not.

Eg: the bio-availability of a good whey protein is much higher than chicken

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