I brought a 20mg bottle of stanazol last year and it is so thick,i had to use an 18gauge to draw it out.Then i transfer the 23gauge back on and insert it......the winny won"t go through!I thought winny suppose to be thin like milk and easy to go in!I have a huge knot on my shoulder from last injection,should this be!
This is not uncommon for most winny or test suspension. They're MUCH better when converted into oil or peg. Knotting is common - have you ever used this before? Keep an eye on it and monitor your body temp. If you're temp goes "high" not just a bit above normal, get your ass to an emergenct room ASAP.
Personally, I don't like Winny but I have used it in the past. Mine were always amps, not a mulit-use bottle, but sometimes I would even use a 28g slin pin to pop 1cc of Winny into a Bicep or Tricep b/c I don't like to use water-based gear in my "good" injection sites.
Make certain you mix it up well before drawing. I would probably ditch the stuff if it is lumpy. As XCEL said, I have had some lumpy crap when using Suspension, but I never experienced what you're describing with Winny.
Allmost all multi dose vials of Stanazolol are intended for veterinary use, so in many cases it is not micronized and therfore will not go thru a small pin. Winny is suspension ie particles suspended in solution (water) so yes it will cause lumps afterall its simply a solid your pumping into your muscles.
If you cant take the large pin or knots then you could drink it.
I have had issues with a couple of different companies with winny and the amount of pain involved with it. I dont touch it any more unless its oral, and I try to stay away from orals as much as possible.