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Jun 30, 2002
Ok This is a little off topic but I am going to post it anyway WOMEN SHOULD STAY OUT OF MENS Competition. I said it, it sounds like male chest beating but it's true and the latest instance with Annika Sorenstam on the PGA golf tour just once again proves "they" meaning women should play with their own kind.

I travel a lot between Arizona and Texas and just so happen to get some tickets from my boss to go watch her play and all it basically was which it always is when a woman thinks she grew a set of testicals overnight was a freak show.

I am a hack golfer I play because I have to for business and I hate it but it is a sport that takes quite a bit of hand/eye coordination and damn it at least some physicality is involved. I am the last person to believe though that Tiger is an athlete that could truly compete in any other sport. I have seen the guy at the Phoenix Open and believe me he ain't benching no 315 like some have said on this board. The point is she can beat anyone I play with or a lot of the pro's at the country clubs across but when it comes to the Elite she doesn't stand a chance in hell.

I was hoping she would not make it just to rub it into all the Billie Jean King's and Rosie O’Donnell’s of the world. I am glad to see it happen and it's not all just out of fear that a woman could possibly beat a man in a man's game, it is for a woman’s protection that they not play with us and hear me out.

I hate reading the paper and seeing a 135lb girl wants to play football at a local high school and then when she gets her freaking neck broken the next headline is "how dare they she is just a girl" forget that the rules don't change for you just because you don't wear a cup. I know it sounds bad to think this way but that's why they have girl teams so you can play with each other because we are superior in every way except we can't at least not yet spit a baby out of our anus.

just answer me this
could Laila Ali kick my ass? maybe could she kick Mike Tyson's ASS HELL NO! Pick your best female in any sporting event and put her against the TOP MALE not a semi or amateur and she will loose anytime and this of course includes BB.

I just don't think it does anybody any good except the media, the person playing gets hefty endorsements and the sponsors get publicity which makes them more money.

I am sorry it just irks me especially when I walk in see on my hotel TV "WORLDS STRONGEST WOMEN" which they should rename to "WORLD STRONEST HAIRY ARMPITTED HOSE BEAST".

Please if I offended any women here your all great I just had to get that off my chest I couldn’t live without you I just don’t want to play football with you.
its simple. just let them play, see how it turns out and then they cant say we keep them down. pure and simple. thats the beauty of sports. the comptetition decides who is who.
OMG next thing you know they are going to want to drive a car and get the vote.

This MUST be stopped NOW.:eek:
Your an egghead

See Crowler just when I started to forgive you on a RIP 3 months ago you rip me again. Thats ok though this post was a rant not about equal rights for women but why they should not play with us and yes what's next:eek:
Hey bro, I do notfollow golf that close, kinda like tennis,boring to watch. When I firstheard Anika was going to play I thought she was going to hit from the ladies tee box. Turned it on during the second round, tro find her teeing off with the men. Driving dead streight, 25 hards down thw middle. Women are fun to be around!!! If she can be ther without holding the game up and playing better than I can, more power to her. Hey if she can cook and likes to watch football on Suday I would make her my wife>
Re: Your an egghead

Fathead said:
See Crowler just when I started to forgive you on a RIP 3 months ago you rip me again. Thats ok though this post was a rant not about equal rights for women but why they should not play with us and yes what's next:eek:

I like this board just the way it is, so my apologies for having offended you.

As for the other post I have a short memory and don't recall myself ripping ANYONE on this board except a troll back a week or so ago.

So in the intrest of all of us getting along I will apologize for the 'other' ripping you say I gave you. I know you have had some problems with other members here and in the future I will keep in mind your thinking on this, when replying to your threads.

Peace and I hope we are past this.

It was a joke lighten up.
remember there are women on the board here.... worlds strongest women is a great competition. bet a lot of them would kick your ass. lol

It doesnt matter wheather there are women here or not-HBG is a prominent women here as is Ms Strunk. I agree let them compete-and the truth will prevail. She played here best game maybe ever and got her head handed to her, not even close to making the cut. In and event and course that was tailor made to fit her
strengths and minimize her weaknesses. In other words on their best day the best woman in a sport cant hold a candle to a man-its not a prejudice its a fact.
They are better off sticking to their own leagues. Are we able to compete in their divisions? So the worst male pro in that sport (say golf) can take home the winners purse in the womans show? I dont think so, so lets keep them seperate-my opinion.
well here is what I think about this....

I believe that women are equal to men in most ways except the obvious which is physical. If a woman wants to play a man's sport then by all mean's let here play, but don't give her any special circumstances or favors becuase she is a woman. She needs to do everything the men do from the physical aspect of the sport to stuff like showering and dressing in the same locker room. Now if they don't like that idea, then the answer is simple, don't play a mans game.

Many young girls all over the country try to play high school football. For what? For no other reason than to get attention to themselves and try to prove a point that women are equal to men, byt all that happens is they get the snot kicked out of them, they complain, quit, or become kickers.

Also another probelm that irks me a bit are women reporters going inot the mens locker rooms after the game. Now most men really don't care and to be honest neither do I, but if a woman can come intoa mans locker room then why can't a man sports reporter go into a womens locker room to get an interview? Is it becuase they are women and men need to respect thier privacy? Well if that is the case then that is fine, but men have privacy too and tradition, and it needs to be respected.

In my humble opinon, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you want to be equal then be equal but don't complain becuase the street goes both ways.

My feelings

I respect all athletes -- regardless of gender. Now as an athlete myself I KNOW for a fact that I could jump into Women's softball and terrorize the league. I was waiting to use the field one day and there was a HS women's SB game going on. A guy there said "Oh wow, look how fast the ball is going....I bet she would smoke us all" I just chuckled to myself because that was one of the funniest and most ridiculous things I ever heard. Maybe YOU buddy, NOT me... It sickens me when people see some big husky chick (never mind I am much bigger in strength, ability, aggression etc etc) ---when I say big and husky I mean like 5'10 180; they say "whoa she would kick our ass *chuckle chuckle*" It is stupid I would end her in seconds you know? A lot of times many men start getting the idea that woman are superior to them. Sorry but call me sexist, MEN RULE THE EARTH. "Nuff said.

I mean I need pussy just as much as the other guy. We have our ways. I absolutely cannot stand Bull-dykes/MAN-HATERS....they are a fucking mistake.

When I said I respect all athletes or competators, I want to say that I really respect when an individual has acheived major success and dominated their sport. In Anikka's case, perhaps she wanted to see how she would stack up on the next level of play, she found out all right.

when people say that the only difference in a man and a woman, is the physical side of things, well they also think much differently than us...I know I do not have to explain that.

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