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workout schedule for mass


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 5, 2006
Trying to switch gears from a precontest workout schedule of 5 to 6 days per week to a DC split but can't seem to stay outta the gym, do you think one can gain the same amount of muscle going 5 to 6 days per week as opposed to 3 days per week? Whats ya'lls take?
FWIW, You grow when you're resting. Those off days are a must..
Trying to switch gears from a precontest workout schedule of 5 to 6 days per week to a DC split but can't seem to stay outta the gym, do you think one can gain the same amount of muscle going 5 to 6 days per week as opposed to 3 days per week? Whats ya'lls take?

Get over the psychological addiction to the gym. lift MWF, cardio TTS, you're in the gym 6 days but only lifting 3.

You want to build mass, you will have to maximize the amount of recovery time. period.
most gains i ever made was the summer I only lifted 3days a week....rest=growth my friend
most gains i ever made was the summer I only lifted 3days a week....rest=growth my friend

Im actually doing a Westside Powerlifting routine, which is a total of 4 days in the gym, and I AM LOVING IT. Everything is getting stronger and thicker.

I have alot of fun with this routine, and I get 3 days off every week, so it fairly easy to split.

Currently I do:

Mon - off
Tue - Dynamic Effort Bench
Wed - off
Thur - Max Effort Squat or Deadlft
Fri - Max Effort Upper
Sat - Off
Sun - Dynamic squat/deadlift
Monday, Wednesday & Friday is your best bet. Dexter Jackson said that's the way he trains in the off season to grow. Now, this is coming from a former Mr. O.
I do one bodypart a day except (arms together)...that seems to work well for me...so something like this...

mon - Quads, calves
Tues - Chest
Wens - arms
thurs - hams, calves
Fridady - back
Sat - delts

I just like to train, and have fun...so I do moderate volume, around 12-15 sets per bodypart (lots of warm ups) probably actully do a total of 6-8 working sets....
Trying to switch gears from a precontest workout schedule of 5 to 6 days per week to a DC split but can't seem to stay outta the gym, do you think one can gain the same amount of muscle going 5 to 6 days per week as opposed to 3 days per week? Whats ya'lls take?
less days in the gym is one of the hardest thing that i try and get across to the few people i have trained. everyone feels like "im not doing enough"...LOL i tell them well you are 1. breaking down muscle tissue, 2. eating well to repair muscle tissue and fuel workouts, and 3. you are resting, recovering and GROWING! #3 is vital to the process, but yet people want to keep wearing their body's out cause they "think" that is what it takes to get huge...LOL stimulate don't Annihilate! another important factor is recovery of not only your muscles but your central nervous system, in the offseason people tend to up the training intensity and poundages in the gym {more calories being taken in} and this not only takes a toll on your muscles but also your central nervous system, so on your usuall 3day on 1 day off split your muscle's may have recovered from the brutal workout you gave them two days ago, or your back might be sore from yesterday but today you are hitting chest, well just because your muscles feel recovered or your working a different muscle group today doesn't mean that your central nervous system is back up to speed and this will in itself hold you back from great strength gains because you are not able to put your all into those reps and sets you are doing in the gym.

When i rest the most i tend to grow the most as well. I dont know why i know this yet i keep dragging myself into the gym and pushing my body through workouts when i'm tired and should rather be home in bed.

I take the weekends off and literally the biggest change in strength comes on monday when i go to do that first set...
less days in the gym is one of the hardest thing that i try and get across to the few people i have trained. everyone feels like "im not doing enough"...LOL i tell them well you are 1. breaking down muscle tissue, 2. eating well to repair muscle tissue and fuel workouts, and 3. you are resting, recovering and GROWING! #3 is vital to the process, but yet people want to keep wearing their body's out cause they "think" that is what it takes to get huge...LOL stimulate don't Annihilate! another important factor is recovery of not only your muscles but your central nervous system, in the offseason people tend to up the training intensity and poundages in the gym {more calories being taken in} and this not only takes a toll on your muscles but also your central nervous system, so on your usuall 3day on 1 day off split your muscle's may have recovered from the brutal workout you gave them two days ago, or your back might be sore from yesterday but today you are hitting chest, well just because your muscles feel recovered or your working a different muscle group today doesn't mean that your central nervous system is back up to speed and this will in itself hold you back from great strength gains because you are not able to put your all into those reps and sets you are doing in the gym.


Sometimes the toughest thing to do I know I have been there, but it has to be done to grow. Break to build, then get home and rest!
So if you were to switch from lifting 5 days a week to lifting MWF, cardio TTS. How would you break the lifting down to get the best results?
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So if you were to switch from lifting 5 days a week to lifting MWF, cardio TTS. How would you break the lifting down to get the best results?

I personally do the DC 2 way which is upper, lower + bi's, upper, lower


You could also use a Push, Pull, Legs if u wanted.
I love the mwf split, especially the dc style.

Currently I'm doing a dc style 4 day split. The only difference is I do chest/shoulders one day and back/ tris one day.

Doing chest/ back same day one muscle seems to suffer for me
So if you were to switch from lifting 5 days a week to lifting MWF, cardio TTS. How would you break the lifting down to get the best results?

Do the Westside routine. Fantastic cycle if you have never tried it.
I too came off of a contest prep recently in which I was training 6-7 days per week. I've cut my training back to a 2 on, 1 off schedule and I've made great gains in the past 8 weeks. Once I got past the feeling of needing to be in the gym every single day I found the extra rest time feels great and my joints feel better than ever. Give it a shot.
I thought I would chime in on this subject. Over the past 4 weeks, I have been training only two days per week. Utilizing a lower body for one workout and upper body for the other workout. Lower body routine revolves around 3 HEAVY sets of barbell squats. Upper body routine utilizies super sets for chest and back. Am I growing ? BW up 3-5 lbs since I started. Strength....squats went from 3 sets 10 reps @ 455lb to 3 sets 10 reps 500 lb.
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